ITT: Scenes where men are allowed to cry
ITT: Scenes where men are allowed to cry
Other urls found in this thread:
>"Why'd this happen Forrest?"
>"...ya got shot."
People with child-like minds being exposed to tragedy almost always gets to me. It evokes that same feeling as seeing a dog lying next to their deceased owner.
>"Its not your fault will"
I lost it during the scene with the doctor's wife, the I'm a human being, and the ending scene where he dreams of his mother.
The death of Barry's son in Barry Lyndon, with that music especially, sweet Jesus.
Ending of Marley and Me
I don't know why this made me cry but it did.
The river scene in The Grey.
>tfw unironically teared up during the A World Without Superman montage in JL
Simple but clear message on the tragedy of war.
> bubba was gonna to be a shrimping boat captain, but instead he died right there on that riverbed in vietnam
Boromir's death.
I cry at multiple points everytime I watch forrest gump, that movie gets to me
>I told you, I'm never going back
>tfw my name is will
dude the final scene was so blurry for me because of the tears. That shit was tough.
>you mu-mu-mu-make me happy
>I love you, you know that?
>Dont you want to come home? Remember? Home.
>Remember the trees? Remember the wind in the trees?
Maybe not quite cry but it was just so brutal.
Every scene with Theoden hypes me the fuck up. One of the greatest characters ever. Sometimes I tear up from how radical he is.
What can men do against such reckless hate?
Is that Heat? Aesthetic af.
I fucking miss these two being in good movies instead of being old "funny" guys they seem to have morphed into.
Look me in the eyes. What do you see? Do you see anything? Nothing. There's nothing.
>One shot.
Chalk that up to whole films women will never understand.
Dinner scene fucks me up more and Deniro should have been in more Vietnam or war movies in general because that dead eyed stare scene when he's watching American Bandstand in Taxi Driver hits me.
Im not ashamed to admit i cried over a fucking volleyball.
I don't know, I remember thinking this was near-laughable clichéd BS. Sort of thing that gets parodied.
Do I need to re-watch?
When Forrest is living with Lt. Dan and they bring back those hoes to their apartment, and then one of them calls him retarded and Lt. Dan gets mad. I found that really emotional. There's never a reason to insult someone like that.
>*trumpet swells*
6/10 movie. Disappointing. Also his gf is a roastie.
Too melodramatic. Good movie though.
Haven't seen others. Obligatory
>Dad scene in Click
>Break-up scene in The Girl Who Leaped Through Time
>La Haine ending (almost)
>Buffalo 66 in the club
>Most of The Straight Story
>The ending of Blue Valentine
>Lost in Translation ending
>Inside Llewyn Davis scene with the dad
I mean. I don't think the threshhold is that high. When you have a truly well made movie it works out. Call me a pussy if you want, but all these movies are fucking 8-9/10 imo and fantastic with their use of emotion.
Every fucking time.
2 scenes in this film
>inb4 Sup Forums
fuck off
You haven't seen Heat, Casino or The Deer Hunter? How many levels are you on my man?
>first guy to bring up pol is a muhpol faggot
Take the pain, Martin. It's the only way to keep her with you.
I wish he could have been there til the end in hindsight because I miss Andy...
I didn't feel a hint of feels while watching LotR. Maybe because I had already read it several times. I'm usually pretty easy to get.
Lost in Translation is overrated as fuck and it's an okay movie but I couldn't rewatch it because it just doesn't do anything for me.
Lost my lab a couple weeks before watching this thinking it was just a feel good film about labs.
Fuck I wasn't prepared
Click Dad feels
La Haine
Buffalo 66
Blue Valentine
Need context, but its easily the saddest movie ITT
Llewyn Davis
I've seen most of heat, all of Casino, and some of Deer Hunter. Honestly its just been a really long time so I don't really empathize as much with the scenes.
But yeah I'm pretty pleb.
Depends on your relationships. I relate to it a fair bit so it seems pretty great. It doesn't aspire to any grand philosophy: it just does a fantastic job at being a drama/comedy with romance.
Also prime-scarjo
>Hey, dad....
tfw seeing this in 4k at a one-night-only screening and some jackass two rows back gave his insightful color commentary the entire time
Was his commentary any good or what?
Maybe it was the drugs I was on but this scene really fucked me up. Didn't quite cry, but it all got too real all of a sudden.
I saw it coming from miles away but it still got me. Apparently the actor playing the dad's real father died before he filmed this scene
There's about three. This one, the scene after the fight with that asshole, and the tunnel scene.
no, it consisted mostly of saying 'gotcha, bitch' and chuckling when someone got shot
Damn I had a bad theater experience when I saw TFA in theaters because my friend didn't want to sit next to a stranger and the guy I sat beside fell asleep but in hindsight it's pretty funny because I don't like TFA after that initial viewing.
No, your initial impression was correct.
There’s at least 3 other scenes that get me too:
>Liebgot telling the prisoners they have to go back in their cages
>The German generals speech
>Malarky picks up his laundry
That scene was a little too predictable. Really softened the emotional impact from it.
Possibly the most underrated Clint Eastwood role.
Love these threads
This for personal reasons tbqh
>>TFW my dad was actually in the hospital on his last legs when I saw this.
>For a great man has fallen. A warrior, a chieftain, a father... a friend
>That's my son you got there! My Son!
>I'm going to put my arm around you now boy...
Pic related made me bawl like a fucking baby at the cinema. Also teared up when K died at the end of BR2049.
God that movie fucked me up. Everything in it is just so fucking miserable.
Oh god you got me good user
every time
Is this how it went in the comics? It was depressing as fuck to see all the main characters go through so much in previous films and have it end in such a terrible way. It’s like they accomplished nothing.
Even just hearing the first notes on the harmonica can make me start to tear up, nothing else does this to me.
I miss my dogs so much.
>capeshit made you tear up
jesus fucking christ, these soyboys are getting out of hand
This got me hard
That's the actress legitimately tearing up
see i'd be afraid to post those links because it'll make me look like i put too much effort into a post
so good for you
They cut the whole Logan having a family that get killed by Hulk's inbred kids with She Hulk because licensing shit, Logan actually killed all the X-Men but in movie they imply it was Xavier since they can't use Mysterio or whatever like the comic, the lynchpin of Logan going cross-country was Hawkeye and Logan lives in the end taking one of Hulk's inbred babies. Pretty different when you list everything out but it does what it set out for. I'd love to see She Hulk in anything because that green bitch is sexy.
What's this soy boy meme?
Ah fuck now I'm crying
Because of how bad the movie is
The scene where he gets laughed at by all the hecklers in his room gets me every time.
I genuinely hope you kill yourself.
delacroix's death in Green Mile.