Remember 2000-2006, Sup Forums?
Remember 2000-2006, Sup Forums?
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I remember the bush years, if that's what you're asking.
Yeah, what about it?
It was better than today
Stop crossboarding, faggot
I hated that art style so much as a kid, why the fuck kids would enjoy teen talking chins drama?
Except it was terrible
My brother loved this shit growing up, we were probably 6-7, it was the bane of my existence, having to put up watching this on Saturday nights when I could've been watching something better on Cartoon Network.
Was your brother a homosexual, by chance?
Best Klasky Csupo cartoon
He was just a weird kid, hated the majority of cartoons that were on the air when we were kids, basically the late 90, early 00s stuff. I was forced to sit through hours of shit like Full House instead of watching cartoons throughout my childhood.
>And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
Move along
Move along
I think it's hot
Damn I fucked up the post
My favorite threads
Isn't the Digimon movie soundtrack the best
Wake me up! (Wake me up inside!) Can't wake up! (Wake me up inside!) Save me! (Call my name, and save me from the dark!)
>The vast majority of Ed Edd n Eddy
>Samurai Jack
>All but the first few episodes of Courage
>Billy and Mandy
>Vast majority of golden age Spongebob
>When Fairly Oddparents was good.
>Invader Zim
>Kim Possible
>MLAATR before the very end got dumped on Nicktoons years later.
>Finding Nemo and The Incredibles from Pixar
>El Dorado, Wallace and Gromit, and Shrek 1/2 from Dreamworks.
>And more
Hating these years on Sup Forums is some kind of meme right? Unless you're talking about outside of cartoons, that's different, but in terms of animation I'm baffled that people complain.
only watched klaskyshit because it was all that was ever on. what happened to them, anyway? last i saw they were working on some awful zombie skateboarding kid thing that never went anywhere.
Remember when Nick didn't air episodes of this show, ones that explained certain plot points, until a fucking year ago?
What episodes?
not Sup Forums but fuck it
"Detention", "Kiss Today Goodbye", "A Lesson in Tightropes", and "Dodie's Big Break". They didn't air in the US until last October.
"Battle of the Bands" and the series finale movie still haven't aired.
If he didn't let you watch early Spongebob he must be sadistic.
To be honest Spongebob was one of the only cartoons I truly enjoyed from those years. I didn't have cable so in my country I grew up watching syndicated reruns of Cow and Chicken, PPG, Rugrats with Tom & Jerry and Looney Toons on the weekends. (Also Dragon Ball but that's Sup Forums.)
I remember that one summer a TV Channel aired R&S and while I loved it my mom wouldn't let me watch it. I'm pretty sure that I had the best cartoons for my childhood overall, now the only thing my country shows is TV gossip trash and awful news.