Why do cartoons fail so hard compared to anime?
Why do cartoons fail so hard compared to anime?
Weeaboos were a mistake, the fact that anime cons allows them to meet up and breed is also a mistake.
>Fullmetal Alchemist
>Not Brotherhood
but if anime is so great, Why does japan still allow foreign cartoons to air there, especially if they aren't marketed towards them?
It's especially cringy because a lot of us were there at some point of our adolescence.
I used to think the same thing but eventually I got bored of watching anime. The art style and character designs are always similar. One thing that's great about cartoons is that they make an effort to look different from each other and try to give off their own vibe. In anime it's pretty much the same faces but with different hair styles and eye color. They always try to make everything look realistic which is cool but gets boring after a while. They also are sometime too formulaic and predicable, especially the romance ones where things unrealistically turn into a harem.
>masterfully preformed opening and ending theme
I stopped right there because I realized this was either incredibly obvious bait, or the rantings of a delusional weeb. Either way, it's not worth my time.
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Go back to Sup Forums
>Action Show
>Amazing Storytelling
90% of the Time the MC only wins because of the power of Friendship
>actually implying Sup Forums has time to start bait threads here
I think I should point out I'm not the one who made that picture and I actually hate anime because of the stupid fanservice. I was just wondering why people think anime is better than cartoons.
No idea which animu that is, but they did pick a shit cartoon, so maybe in this case it IS better. No idea.
>this obvious troll must be someone who actually prefers anime to cartoons.
No one over the age of 14 thinks that. Everyone understands that there are both good and bad cartoons made in Korea, regardless if they are funded by America or Japan.
Yeah I saw the watermark, I was talking about the photo. Not a fan of anime so I cant say why weebs obsess over it. Had a girl in my high school who spoke in broken Japanese everyday and wore those anime hats. Japan should have been nuked a 3rd time
>OS Ben 10
Get fucked, nigger.
Never been to a con, have you?
Daily reminer that pic related has been the most popular anime series this entire season, and will likely be completely forgotten given two months time.
They dont fail.
There are both good and lazy anime as well as there are cartoons.
It all lies hidden behind how much the industry is producing.
If every tenth show is good and the rest is crap you will get more good shows if they produce more. Anime industry is in fact just producing entertainment and aiming adults too. Big market.
In the west cartoons are more for young and many advertise toys or appearell.
So its just naturall that anime seems to be better but in fact is nearly on par and different in its approach in their market.
>20fps good graphics vs bad graphics 60fps
You ever been there? Half the time it's bait threads.
Some hardcore weebs literally think WestAm has too high framerates (aka too good animation). Anime does usually have better lighting and shading effects, I'll give them that.
That's not Kemono Friends!
>Ben 10
>bad theme song
Delet this
>In the west cartoons are more for young
It didn't have to be that way. Even Walt Disney thought that until Fantasia bombed.
-more companies supporting them
-there is an already established market for their products
it's like japanese live action movies vs Hollywood movies. It's not a fair comparison.
and here i was thinking comparing samurai jack to steven universe was the craziest bait i would see today
>I was just wondering why people think anime is better than cartoons.
Because the best anime has to offer IS better than pretty much any western cartoon. Any western cartoon on TV, anyway.
There are a lot of shit anime, but the average viewer doesn't see those, as they're in a position to be selective. They see stuff like Cowboy Bebop, or FMA: Brotherhood, or Mushishi, or Samurai Champloo, or GitS.
And, well, when you compare stuff like that to the best shit made in America, the TV animation in America falls short. The only cartoons that come close are all comedies - Bojack, original run Futurama, etc.
>what is Avatar
Not even close.
I actually rewatched it pretty recently and it wasn't as good as I remembered. It's fun, but it certainly doesn't come close to Mushishi or GitS tier.
I wish Holohoax actually happened.
I will add to this, expanding on that last part, that America wins hands down when it comes to animated comedies.
I think MAYBE four comedy animes have actually made me laugh. Maybe.
Why are niggers so much less intelligent than whites?
I can agree with you, but I think it was the first (and possibly only for a very long time) chance that "anime-style" cartoons truly had in the West. Sadly, it just wasn't popular enough.
If a trend towards that had actually started at that point I think we'd be getting cartoons to rival top-tier anime now.
Kemono Friends, Konosuba, and Youjo Senki are all more popular
Dragon maid just gets shitposted a lot on here
Why are Sup Forumsutists so insecure?
They're not, they want Sup Forums to join them instead of watching kids' shows.
Not that there's anything wrong with watching said shows...
Who or what is "Natsu"?
I feel so blessed to be in the same universe as Konosuba.
Without a doubt the funniest anime I've ever seen.
they are worst than Jehovah's Witnesses
95% of anime is shit
But the 5% beats 100% of western cartoons
Prove me wrong
I won't, because japan produces 80% of the worlds animation.
Japan made some amazing animations but nothing to the level of Fantasia, The King and the Mockingbird, The Man Who Planted Trees, Hedgehog in the Fog...
Confirmation bias
>specifically talking about TV animation
>user posts movies as counterpoint
>specifically talking about western animation
>user posts a Russian movie as a counterpoint
Maybe you should pay attention next time.
>>specifically talking about TV animation
>>user posts movies as counterpoint
You're right, I misread.
>95% of X is shit
In what medium is this not the case?
Faberge eggs.
Are you new to Sturgeon's Law?
Did someone just admit to being wrong on Sup Forums?
What's next? Other boards?
>implying brotherhood isnt just shonen shit
>implying the orginal fma isnt infinetly better
At lest it gets 2 months. Hows that PPG reboot and TTG doing for ya?
I have a few weeb friends who are into the dragon maids. It's super fucking obvious why they like it to; they don't even try to deny it. I had to sit through a conversation about the nuances of ecchi storytelling compared to other similar genres.
I'm not talking to them right now.
Man, the funny thing is, it's not ecchi.
I've seen, I think, three episodes, and there ain't been any lewd in em.
i don't know. why are weeaboos so insecure of their interest in what is ultimately japanese cartoons?
Constant fanservice (by that I mean panty shots, boobs shots, bath scenes, etc) is pretty much the anime equivalent to the toilet humor from western cartoons (and by that I mean, fart jokes, piss jokes, poop jokes, etc).
>having such shit taste
>liking thew fan fiction tier plot of the original
>liking le rocket to nazi germany land what a twiist
Yeah, the original FMA had a garbage story, the fight scenes were better in brotherhood too
One of my friends knew a guy who knocked up a woman who was running an 18+ panel. Not at the panel itself, they snuck off to a nearby bathroom after the panel.
To be honest the pic mentions one thing that most animators/cartoon writters on the west wish that they had: freedom.
Say whatever you want about anime, but there on Japan you are allowed to do stuff that would hardly see the light of the day here, going from themes, to music, to shows made for different viewerships.
These are things that I wish were more prevalent on the west. We can only hope that Netflix make people slowly accept it.
This is so true. When it comes to western cartoons, sexuality doesn't even exist and they're lucky if they can get away with having the characters point a gun at each other.
If we had a Spongebob episode where Spongebob and Patrick tried to peep at the girls' shower rooms or anything like that, I can already see the complaints about how this is inappropriate. Meanwhile, Japan has episodes like that all the time.
That's more to do with the US' insane puritan approach to Sup Forums media that has strangled potential creativity out of the medium since its inception. What little French animation there is shows significantly more freedom, and they're still part of Western animation.
The thing I think anime has over cartoons is just the different genres. As a cartoon you can either be a comedy or action show for kids, or an adult comedy. There's not really much else. Meanwhile anime can be whatever kind of genre you want.
She has nudes
In Batman Brave and Bold, there was a scene with the Birds of Prey singing a song about the super heroes' sex habits and it got so much controversy!
In anime, the characters talking about sex is perfectly normal.
Yeah death is pretty normal in Anime too
Though we Americans have more freedom than British. They always have to be tame in their cartoons.
Different between Sup Forums and Sup Forums is that Sup Forums thinks that they know anything about animation and for Sup Forums anime is just entertainment.
Dont blame a japan for stupid people who dont hide their powerlevel
Dude this is Sup Forums.
the thing with british animation is its weirdly bipolar
its either the most tame, safe child friendly thing imaginable or it goes full on things like the animated viz strips and angry kid to deep stuff like where the wind blows. that clearly arnt for kids
Because american cartoons are almost universally made for children under the age of 10.
Anime has a much broader audience age range.
Anime is better automatically because it has the real robot genre and western cartoons don't