Signs that you're a numale

> You enjoy comic book movies

No one says that anymore grandpa, we use soyboy now.


You know, I used to be pissed that No Man's Sky turned out to be a fucking joke. But then, we got all the parody reviews and memes galore out of it that made me cherish the fact that they fucked it up.

Epic Sup Forumseddit meme picture bro

>you enjoy Blade Runner 2049

You post on reddit or Sup Forums

>You browse Sup Forums

look at all these dudes hanging out, having fun, while OP is sitting at home complaining about them. must be sad

Is that numale from the No Man's Sky pic? cos I've seen a pic of Will Wheton that looks exactly like it as well.

t. buttblasted DC/Marveldrone

>You get check em

you cant keep your mouth shut when a camera is pointed at you
you cant open your mouth when a women is around you

If you didn't realize there was nothing to in No Man's Sky from the getgo then I'm sorry but you are of the lower castes

inability to distinguish yourself from peers

>having fun
working on the largest scam in videogame history is anything but fun

>you play videogames
>you listen to daft punk

You consume exorbitant amounts of dairy products and bacon.

You think the DICE MAN isn't funny

>youre a spiritual atheist

I’ve been experimenting with low doses of estrogen for the past few years and I’m finally happy with where my body is now.

The soy knows.