What would make starcofags finally accept that their ship is dead ?
Star vs the Forces of Evil
the show ending
God damn it, we don't need a THIRD Star thread.
Sure we do!
Would you?
If you want to support the show, buy the book, because holy shit there is some lore.
I doubt I'd fit.
>ponyhead kingdom and Mean I are literally next to each other
No doubt PH is Star closest friend next to Marco
Also scans when? For us nonUS people
Do not mate with bugs.
It's in another thread. Look up "Is this even meant to be in my hands now?" in the catalog.
>The Johansens have their own kingdom
Is River the king of that kingdom too?
Marco confirmed used goods for a long time
He probably has an older brother or something, kingdoms tended to not want the same person in charge of multiple.
>Kingdom of the Johansens to the east
>Kingdom of the Pigeons to the west
I can't wait for that episode in S4 where, for the sake of Mewni's peace Star must marry a Pigeon only to be stopped by Star's best friend (and nothing more), Marco.
Thanks user
>Not killing his older brother to guarantee a double inheritance for his heir
River is a shit ruler
wew lad
On a serious note, the fact that Nefcy already had all this stuff so detailed when it has been almost completely irrelevant to the show so far, plus the timing of this book, makes me feel like it's a lot more likely Season 3 and beyond is going to revolve a lot more around dimension hopping than staying on Earth.
>Moon's assassin was called Dirt
>Marco Ubaldo Diaz's initials make MUD
But what does it mean?
Also apparently Jackie's hair is natural.
So clearly she is a magical creature
>For us nonUS people
The person that's posting the book is from Australia. No excuses in not buying it even if you're a poorfag because it's only $6.93 hardcover and 9.99 on kindle app.
You can not insult the Manlet King like this.
Star is so fucking cute holy shit
>My bed! Woo-hoo!
>The pillows absorb tears!
>9.99 on kindle app
Amazon hates Australian Kindle, it seems
They don't sell Disney merchandise that it's not toys her
Not to mention that it would probably be translated and fuck that
If I ever see it I'll buy user don't worry
Oh, come on. How can you be a good king if you're not willing to murder your relatives for another crown?
So is Toffee some sort of...royalty? A high-ranking member anyway?
>Avarius-Septarsis Treaty
Ludo isn't familiar with Toffee beforehand, so I assume he's not that familiar with his family history.
>He was incapable of regenerating after the conflict prior to the Mewman/Monster Accord
So perhaps the way to truly kill him is remove his regenerating ability, somehow.
I can see an episode at least showing either Toffee's origin story or someone going back through his history.
Reminder that Janna is the most powerful character in the show.
Moon's spell must be about removing life itself, for a regenerator that might translate to no more cell regeneration thus ending life
Maybe Toffee's cells even fight against the spell all the time just keeping him alive
"He is Septarian and thus [capable] of regenerating"
Septarian is the name for Toffee's species of lizardmen.
The book also refers to Rasticore as "Rasticore of Septarsis"
Septarsis is presumably their home dimension, or more likely another Kingdom sharing Mewni's dimension.
Surely just because the name originates from Filipine doesn't mean she's a Filipino.
Someone explain the jazz meme to me please
The more threads that are made the sooner they can be tossed into /trash/
>Toffee headed to the castle originally to talk to Ludo's parents, and get their help instead
Maybe getting Ludo alone was a lucky accident in Toffee's grand scheme
It's in the sleepover episode where Marco plays the keyboard
Oh, ok
I thought I missed something deeper
>yfw other lizard is Rasticore
Look at this fucking weaboo right here
I honestly feel like I should be on Toffee's side in all this.
>aliens arrive in your dimension
>use magic to slaughter your people
>drive you out of all the fertile lands
>destroy your temples and culture
>marginalize whatever nobility you have left
>force an accord that makes you outcasts in your own home, banished to the shitty parts of of the world where nothing grows and everything is dangerous as fuck
>you are now considered a criminal for fighting them
Mewmen are scum.
Does SvtFoE have Japanese fans?
It actually does fit his profile
Also, the book says Mina Loveberry fought with Moon.
Er, alongside Moon, I should say.
>the pillows absorb tears!
A good investment.
Yes, definitely. Here's a gif from a Japanese fan. Or a Japanese-speaking fan, anyway.
Karatefags knowing at least some moonspeak is super unsurprising. It would be more interesting if he couldn't moon
Have we ever seen Tom's dad?
>Implying Moon will ever be a grandma
Of course she knows that she will have a daughter at some time, if she doesn't then her parents are gonna arrenge a matrimony for her.
Are you just going to repost pages posted on the other thread?
also, I thought you can't post duplicate images
Just makin' sure no one misses out on the lorebomb from the other thread.
>The pillows are good for something else too! ;)
Skywynne a cute
That's only on the same thread, isn't it?
There was some kind of book similar to the journal from gravity falls released with some details about characters and some lore hints, that's Star's page, that monster is a portrait of Star drawn by Marco himself.
You don't know, maybe the bull that's fucking Moon will bless the Butterfly with a second princess who's not utterly useless.
....wait.... Guys, what of the dude in the picture with Eclipsa IS her Mewman King husband, and the monster she ran off with is someone else?
Eesh, how hard did the Mewmans inbreed? No wonder she swapped to monster cock.
Then here's a bit of lore about the Echo Creek students' names
Star Butterfly
Marco "Harem Boss" Diaz
Jackie-Lynn Thomas
Janna Ordonia
Ferguson O'durguson
Alfonzo Dolittle
Francis Smithington
Lars Vanderbild
Justin Amberg
Brittney Wong
Sabrina Backintosh
Hope Halley
Moobs Squitson
Raya Romney
Blake Lemons
Megan Gandlym
Ingrid Bloomgren
Chelsea McNelsey
just like native americans and pilgrims, right?
then here's a japanese fanart of karate
The best part is the High Commission isn't even some impartial assembly of the biggest dudes in all the dimensions, 4/6th of them have a chain of command to the Butterfly Kingdom.
A Star thread without a single instance of the word "cuck"?
I must be dreaming.
>Glossaryck is god
>For some reason he trains a bunch of sluts who he could whipe out of existence or just throw them into the void
>They wouldn't even be able to return by themselves
>But for some reason he's been training them for centuries
What's his endgame? seriously?
marco is cut and erect!
Why must he have an endgame
Be honest user. If you were God, wouldn't you want to spend your days with cute princesses?
That is the obvious parallel.
Where were you when Manna was made endgame?
Come on now user, the Diaz's might be a bit simple, but not so simple as to mutilate their only son's genitals
All Marco had to do is find a person that wouldn't lead to a divorce.
Like, say, a girl who's accepting and understanding of his many flaws and is cool with a lot of his insecurities. And one who heard literally all of his embarrassing secrets.
At home watching the pilot
Like Sabrina!
Why can't he just make his own pudding?
Does anyone have the scan of the page this drawing comes from? I can already hear Star making excuses for Marco.
Here you go
dipping chips into my finely-crafted guac-bowl
She says "He's getting better, don't make fun of him." or something along those lines.
How many pages is it? I love it when shows publish lil encyclopedias about themselves. It's a neat collectable
I honestly just thinkle he's just a genie, but an abstract one. Who ever owns the book has control and do whatever they want, but he goes about it in such obtuse way.
>I need to go to other dimensions
>okay I don't want to do all that work so I will just make somebody to do it for me.
>I need to become stronger!
>okay, but we need to train, but I guarantee you will become stronger
Etc etc
so, Star is Ivanka Trump and her dad is Trump? MAKE A WALL TO STOP THE MONSTERS!
Star's going to have to give him lessons on capturing the beauty of the female form.
Like 200 pages.
Americans had been oppressing the natives for quite some time before the first Trump arrives on America, son.
it's Legend of Korra all over again and it had 4 seasons too!
>Native Americans = Mexicans
What now?
All these cute human girls and somehow people think Marco is going to choose a retarded bug
user, Manna does not equal any lesbian couple
so you wouldn't pick the cute rich magical princess with the ability to fly?
He completely forgot about Star when his dad asked that tho