>I am told, spinning out of ECCC, that as part of Marvel’s upcoming “Make Mine Marvel” relaunch in the autumn that, rather than relaunching with a load of new issue 1s, instead, we will get a load of new… legacy numbers.
>All the old-school legacy characters will return with issue numbers that will add up all the issues published of that character’s central series so far, including all the relaunches.
>Of late, Marvel has normally done this just for promotional effect. They like to relaunch titles with a #1 fairly regularly to benefit from #1 sales bumps. This move may indicate a change in direction for the way future.
>This includes a Bruce Banner-starring Incredible Hulk and a non-Hydra Captain America.
>The first will be Venom which will keep going after its promotional #150 in May with #151 in June.
>And Thor? Thor is due to be #700 in the autumn. I think.
>If anyone wants to work out what issue number all of these books should be…. well, you’ll do a better job than Marvel usually do when they try.
Leo Anderson
Thor is due to be #700 when "Thor 3" will be released. Is real Thor coming back in November?
Isaac Thompson
Hes already back, hes just not going by Thor and Jane refuses to die of cancer
Brody Martinez
Sebastian Cooper
I mean with his hammer and his name
Jackson Ward
So what is Rich's track record when it comes to these rumors and gossip? Mostly true or mostly false?
Robert Garcia
Oh then when the movie is out like we all have been saying.
Jonathan Jones
Mixed bag. He was right about Rebirth before DC announced it though.
Jonathan Morris
>All those plebs in the comment section over joyed about this
Wow, they are literal idiots. This is literally the flipside to the coin of idiots overjoyed by new #1s. Tell me when they get solid writers on these books.
>The people asking for Claremont to come back They have read modern Claremont right?
Jaxon Cook
Isn't "Marvel Rebirth" just wishful thinking then?
Anthony Campbell
Marvel has been buttblasted by DC. A smart thing will to copy them but not really which is standard Marvel MO.
Ethan Lee
Look at America #1 and think again.
John Morris
You mean the one book from a total newbie?
Be honest, do you honestly believe it will pass from 6 issues max?
Because i don't see how that will last.
Charles Reyes
Sometimes he's completely right
Sometimes he's completely wrong
Sometimes some parts are right and some parts are wrong
He got like 95% of Rebirth right minus a couple books and creative teams
He's not usually completely right though So I imagine a lot of his marvel predictions are right but some teams and books will be wrong
Liam Reyes
>More comments asking for Claremont back Bitch did they read Nightcrawler?
Wyatt Reed
I wonder what kinda ass-pull they're gonna do to bring Bruce back.
They should've saved Hulk getting revived by the Hand and then purified.
Daniel Davis
> Let's do what DC is doing!
Zachary Brown
I'll wait for the sales report. Right now it looks like it's somehow popular. And Marvel always eats up the media buzz.
Christopher White
How buttmad are you chucklefucks gonna be when Bendis relaunches his nigger Spider-Man as Ultimate Spider-Man #250?
Caleb Torres
Unworthy Thor is just about an end, could be great to have him launch a new book then. I would love to keep the same team. >Odinson >Beta Ray Bill >Toothgnasher >Thori
Great space adventures with that team
Hudson Davis
It's like the Poochie episode of the Simpsons. >>Everyone hates the new character >>Go back to old style >>People stop caring I guarantee that sales will stay just as low because nobody cares about Tony, Steve, Thor, etc. I'm not saying the legacies are good either. The problem is that Marvel stopped feeling cohesive long ago.
Ian Peterson
They should just give him an OGN like they did with Liefeld and Deadpool.
Hudson Parker
>implying Marvel will give us the Beta Ray Thrills on a consistent monthly basis after this mini ends. No, user. We'll just have to make it last until he shows up again, whenever that will be.
Blake Wilson
Honestly, it's better that way. If you have too much Bill, then it just makes his appearances less hype. As is, you know shit is going down when Bill shows up but too much BRB would just dilute it.
Hudson Lewis
Is Spencer going to commit seppuku? How will he recover?
Josiah Mitchell
But everyone loves BRB. Seriously, every fan of thor realizes that BRB is either just as awesome or better. Why shouldn't he have a solo cosmic book like he did in godhunter? That was a mini but he is great.
Then again maybe it is better than he sticks to minis, cause no one can ruin him.
Jordan Mitchell
Spencer should replace Slott on ASM, desu senpai.
Landon Sullivan
Does it help if I tell you he's likely getting a new Heroclix piece in the new Thor set that's coming out in the fall?
Ryan Watson
Fuck off fag, Spiderman is rightfully Yost book and it has been for years.
Christopher Johnson
>Heroclix Meh. To scale statue or bust.
Levi Ortiz
Wouldn't be surprised if they relaunched Thunderbolts with #200 and him as the writer.
Isaiah Green
>Spiderman Who?
Wyatt Campbell
So ASM can become an outlet for his shitty political beliefs?
Jordan Sanders
yost is too busy working on bad movies to come back to comics
Jordan Price
>Avengers World didn't have any of his shitty political beliefs (except his hate for millenials) >Superior Foes didn't have any of his shitty political beliefs (except his hate for millenials) >Ant-man didn't have any of his shitty political beliefs (except his hate for millenials) >The Fix doesn't have any of his shitty political beliefs (except his hate for millenials) >guys, everything Spencer writes is just a copy paste of his twitter feed!!!! Stop falling for the memes for once in your life.
David Young
Damn...Yost and Kyle made great shit.
Leo Powell
This. The legacy characters are a symptom of Marvel's editorial and writing problems.
Bentley Jackson
Ant Man was about the absurdity of mobile app development culture in Silicon Valley, though that's an acceptable target.
Alexander Foster
When people talk about "Spencer's shitty political beliefs," they're talking about the fact that he's a democrat. Hating on Silicon Valley types, like hating on Millenials, is something conservatives do too so it's OK.
Nathan Wright
>half-assed ripoff of DC
yep sounds like Marvel
Justin Harris
Not all legacy characters are created equally. SamCap was done pretty well, SamNova has gotten better since his title started, Kamala's done well even if she's a legacy character in name only.
Carter Cook
No, they didn't. Their NXM was rancid and their X-Force was overrated.
Nolan Murphy
>Miles getting ready to venomblast Venom
Owen Young
X-Force was fucking great. Haven't read new X-Men. They also managed to adapt the great stories to EMH, so they can write R rated and kids dtuff very well.
Adrian Rivera
They also wrote Thor and Thor 2, the worst MCU movies by far.
Jack Davis
Right. The legacy characters aren't the problem. It's Marvel's editorial and writing that need to be fixed. Undoing some legacy characters and reworking the issue numbers isn't going to solve the problem.
Samuel Clark
A couple of them reaching milestones when we add up older series:
Black Panther will hit #150 in July. (Unless Marvel decides to start counting from #513 when he took over Daredevil's numbering)
GOTG will hit #150 next year
Deadpool #200 was Feb this year.
Doctor Strange will hit #300 next year (using original numbering after it changed from Strange Tales)
Daredevil will hit #600 next year.
Avengers will hit #600 next year.
Amazing Spider-Man will hit #750 this year. It's closer to #800 if they count the .1 - .6 issues
Camden Nelson
Their script was hacked to pieces cause it wasn't funny enough. Whedon fucked up Thor 2
Jeremiah Nelson
>Avengers will hit #600 next year. I assume you're not counting Bendis' initial New Avengers run.
>Amazing Spider-Man will hit #750 this year. It's closer to #800 if they count the .1 - .6 issues Are you counting Superior Spider-Man?
Mason Young
Thunderbolts is close to 200 or 250 depending if you count the Rulk run.
Cooper Reyes
The Rulk run counts, it has Thunderbolts in the title, they wouldn't ignore that.
Easton Allen
>I assume you're not counting Bendis' initial New Avengers run.
No i only counted those just named 'Avengers'. I didn't count any with extra titles (New, Uncanny, Secret, ect)
>Are you counting Superior Spider-Man? No, I've just counted the 4 series labelled 'Amazing Spider-Man'.
I didn't count Superior since they haven't counted things like Spectacular Spider-Man when they've previously renumbered as far I'm aware.
Luke Turner
>No i only counted those just named 'Avengers'. I didn't count any with extra titles (New, Uncanny, Secret, ect) Here's the thing, there was no book just called "Avengers" during the time Bendis' New Avengers was out. It was the Avengers flagship book, just like ANAD Avengers was the Avengers flagship book before being relaunched as just Avengers
>I didn't count Superior since they haven't counted things like Spectacular Spider-Man when they've previously renumbered as far I'm aware. Same applies here. While Superior was going on, there was no ASM book. Superior was the flagship Spider-Man book.
Austin Brown
>Here's the thing, there was no book just called "Avengers" during the time Bendis' New Avengers was out. It was the Avengers flagship book, just like ANAD Avengers was the Avengers flagship book before being relaunched as just Avengers
In that case, avengers would be closer to #700. They'll be about 30 issues away from it by my count. Closer to 20 if they count the recent .1 issues.
>Same applies here. While Superior was going on, there was no ASM book. Superior was the flagship Spider-Man book.
And with this, counting Superior it puts it about 20 issues away from #800. It's only about 5 issues away if they count the recent .1 issues.
Jose Bailey
I'd be completely ok with that.
Cooper Phillips
I wonder what they could possibly come up with for #800.
Samuel Rivera
They should count the daredevil shit for BP. Daredevil relaunched with a #1 while ghat book was coming out
Samuel Phillips
AMS will suck anyway,
Jace Jenkins
Marvel partially reverts OMD and restores Peter and MJs marriage. In exchange, Peter has to give up Parker Industries.
John King
The burglar comes back and shoots mary jane.
Michael Lopez
They really stole Warcrafts Orcish blademaster look for The Hulk in Old Man Logan?
Colton Phillips
That beard in OP reminds me of Doomsday
Jaxson Moore
I'm gonna assume you're just pretending to be retarded
Nathaniel Reyes
I'm going to be really amazed if they bring Bruce and Tony back six months after killing them off.
Also slightly disappointed. Jen's got a good thing going on right now. It deserves some love.
Christopher Gutierrez
Marvel needs a Shooter A Shooter like Jim
Asher Howard
They counted Fightbolts when they relaunched New Thunderbolts, so yeah.