Oh, great! Of course! Here it comes! You can’t keep doing this! You can’t keep doing shitty things, and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay! You need to be better! … No! No, Sup Forums, just stop.
You are all the things that are wrong with you. It’s not the sjws, or Sup Forums, or any of the shitty things that happened to marvel, or DC. It’s you. alright? It’s you.
Jackson Brown
Fuck it, man. What else is there to say?
Luis Moore
Perhaps. But have you stopped to think maybe we enjoy the rage? Maybe you're the one with the problem, Todd.
Bentley Sullivan
So which character is going to tell bojack how much he sucks next season and what ham fisted tragedy will happen on episode 11
Evan Hernandez
Oh boy, it's this thread again.
Carson Bennett
maybe there is plenty of wrong with me, i never claimed to be perfect but nobody is perfect and i put up with everyones shit so what makes you fucking entitled to demand better of me? Fuck you, you are not better than me just because you have people telling you so, thats vanity. You know deep down how much you are truly worth, everyone knows maybe im perepetually on sale but you and your people are 3 for 1 get out of my sight
Gavin Rogers
>lol i put up w this worlds bs and everyones bs so i can act like a little piece of shit whiny bitch if i want to xD Fuck off.
Henry Anderson
>what ham fisted tragedy will happen on episode 11
This image now contains even more foreshadowing than when it aired!
Kayden Bailey
So Mr. PB dying and Bojack hitting on Diane at the funeral is basically confirmed then Screenshot this
Austin Sanchez
you know what? sarah lynn killed herself diane and princess carolyne have exactly the life they want peanut butter is a lucky fuck but not lucky enough to realize he is a moron and i fucked your girlfriend todd i fucked your girlfriend because you didnt want to
Jeremiah Price
But are you okay with that?
That's the problem with Bojack. You can't be a self centered ass AND be sensitive about how everyone perceives you. Pick one and only one.
Nicholas Clark
i shouldnt be so sensitive and i shouldnt appologize all the time you people feed on the insecurities my mom carved deep in my head and thats my problem, since everyone always expects me to fail i fail. I didnt want to earn an oscar and i tried hard to make the movie of my dreams before some asshole executives said no and my book was a best seller how many people can say that you dont get to the top by being a good person and damn it imade it pretty high
William Watson
>You can’t keep doing shitty things, and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay! What's funny is the show demonstrated he pretty much can.
Aiden Adams
Rich people can do anything
Cooper Green
>you can't be a self centered ass AND be sensitive about how everyone perceives you Hold my beer
Dominic Perez
Todd is a massive dick. Bojack literally took care of him for six years, and all he gets for it at the end is a big 'fuck you, im so superior.'
Except Todd isn't superior. He's a mooch who can't accept that the only reason he succeeded in life is because he had contacts through leeching off Bojack. How fucking shallow do you have to be? Bojack at the very least WORKED for what he got, even if he end results is just as much a sad, pathetic cunt. But Todd has no right at all to call Bojack out on ANYTHING.
td;lr: Todd needs to stop being such a bitch just because Bojack destroyed his fucking Opera. What a goddamn douche.
Connor Gutierrez
This is the problem with narcissists. They crave approval too much, get yanked every which way and then feel bad. They can never stop giving a shit. Bojack seems like a decent portrayal of that if nothing else.
Samuel Baker
>He thinks pointing out your douche friend's problems automatically gives you this 'holier than thou' persona
kys my man
Cooper Williams
Those who live in glass houses they didn't pay for shouldn't throw stones.
Jaxson Price
That metaphor holds no water when you were given false hospitality by a rich shithead who wanted to feel good about himself by doing a good deed
Adrian Hall
He's right though. Turning it into a dick measuring contest doesn't somehow invalidate the fact that BoJack is an asshole. He is. He knows he is. You don't have to be perfect and above it all to state facts. Otherwise only Mr. PB could tell him that he's an asshole, and MPB has better shit to do most of the time.
And, in fairness, Todd said that AND LEFT. He didn't say it and continue to impose himself upon BoJack's hospitality (which had strings attached, don't kid yourself) he said his peace and got the fuck out.
Zachary Bell
is narcissism a problem when you also have a deep sense od morality? think scrooge mcduck
Eli Edwards
>show says he's asexual
>Had a girlfriend in early season one
Make up your mind Raphael
Wyatt Garcia
Scrooge seems like he can handle his baggage, so I guess not? Been a long time since I watched Ducktales, but I don't remember Scrooge being an emotional wreck most of the time.
If somebody can make peace with being a narcissistic ass, good for them, but BoJack sure as hell can't. He'd be better off as an emotionally stunted sociopath. All the charm, none of the fucks.
Joshua Lewis
thats because scrooge is actually good at what he does unlike bojack