I've just seen all the animated shorts so far. Color me surprised. It's actually good. Anyone read the comics?
I've just seen all the animated shorts so far. Color me surprised. It's actually good. Anyone read the comics?
yeah they are pretty good, sadly there hasn't really been much of a narrative, just bits and pieces of lore. Hopefully they will settle and start a tv series or something
I hope that they dish out singleplayer missions for the characters soon. I'd like to have them develop more as characters.
Yeah, I decided to watch some intro videos just to see what's up, and I ended watching up all the shorts so far. The bits and pieces of lore are definitely interesting, but what really got me excited were the action sequences in the shorts. Damn they are good.
I haven't tried the game yet and I am seriously disappointed that there is little to no story involved in the game. I thought there were single player missions and campaigns and shit.
TF2's comic and short game is way better, but OW is catching up.
Nope, you could even say that the game is not even part of the canon, if that makes any fucking sense.
It kills me cause the Overwatch style and lore is great...but the game is just multiplayer.
Yeah, it feels more and more like a spinoff of an animated show/movie or of a main game. It seriously put me off from buying the game, for now.
I really want to know more of McCree
>game that has been out for about a decade has better lore than one that has been out for less than a year
No shit, really?
>It kills me cause the Overwatch style and lore is great...but the game is just multiplayer.
I feel this. Voice acting is too damn good in these shorts, too.
I just want something like we got from the sombra movie, where you're teamed up with certain heroes, and you gotta use their strengths to win the mission.
Tracer and Winston teaming up looked good, too.
I'll probably hold off buying it until they have some single player features and campaigns available.
Blizzard sticks to cliches, but at least it makes them entertaining.
He has a comic user did you read it?
Oh fuck, not yet. I literally just finished the animated shorts and some OW videos. I'm gonna hunt scans of the comic book.
You can find all the comics on the Overwatch website and it's free!
The comics are on the overwatch website I think.
McCree comic is good for a bit of action, but if you want to know more about him you'll be disappointed. You make the amazing discoveries that that he is an outlaw who shoots a gun and is real cordial-like to women folk.
Isn't there supposed to be a Mei one come out?
There was a leak that seemed to imply she'd get an animated short, but that seems unlikely. The leak has been correct otherwise, but I'd expect just a comic. Mei isn't exactly popular, and the synopsis from the leak didn't seem animation worthy
The shorts are all form no substance ads for the game.
Also comics are just terrible. Shorts at least have sleek animation to salvage them, comics are just plain awful, badly writtern and drawn.
Found it when I tried googling, but thank you friends.
>Clock reads 12:01
Fucking triggered
This tells me nothing other than that you don't like it, user
>Mei isn't exactly popular,
What? She's the second most popular Defense character behind Hanzo
I mean character wise. She's useful to play on Defense (especially compared to Toblerone, old-Bastion, and whatever hero I'm forgetting from the defense section), but her personality and design aren't as well liked as Tracer, or Widow, or Soldier.
shame the canceled the comic about the omnic war.
I'll be honest, I'm only around looking for new high res wallpapers of Tracer showing off her ass.
>She's useful to play on Defense
Sure, but she's also a monster on the offensive which is why she got nerfed.
>Mei isn't exactly popular,
As an outsider and new to this whole thing, she seems very popular from what I observed. She's cute, she gets a lot of fanart, using her in the game annoys people, etc. I keep seeing her being mentioned.
My work here is done
Just read the Tracer comic. Did not know she was a lesbian.
Do you know about the spider robot they just added?
Yeah saw some people I know talking about it online. I checked the video link, and that's how I ended up watching the other short animation.
I think the design is interesting. I want to see how it moves.
It's alright. It reads like an average superhero comic, so if you're into that sort of thing you might like it.
Personally, I'm not a fan. The lore is pretty stupid since it tries to have drama while having a sort of "tongue in cheek" tone about it but it really fails. Same with the animations. Alive is probably the most unintentionally hilarious trailer for any game I've seen. Credit where credit is due, the Bastion animation was 10/10 though.
So anyone else think McCree is the stupidest character of the whole game design wise?
She's just going through a phase
I-I like cyborg cowboy
I'm not that fond of Alive, but Bastion, Winston and Shimada shorts were good and made me interested.
Yeah, Alive made me realize Tracer's voice is a little insufferable. They need to coach her VA more so she doesn't sound upbeat when she's supposed to be sad
Yeah. A lot of people hate her desighn but I honestly like it.
Overwatch has problem of the characters being a random mess of whatever they can think off with no consistency. McCree is a good example of what I mean when I posted . The entire game is meant to be a slick sci-fi/ Apple age setting. Having a cowboy in such a setting is already a large juxtaposition, and making him into a robot cowboy with a "BAMF" belt buckle makes an already silly and unfitting character downright dumb looking. It's not just McCree either. Tobjorn, Reinhardt and even Mei who is practically my waifu are just plain dumb in the context of the setting and "lore".
Character's like Bastion and Orisa are my favorite design wise because they're the ones that seem to have the most consistency to anything. Zenyatta and Genji are also good.
Don't worry, he's soon losing that position to robot centaur woman.
I never really gave too much thought how some of them stick out in terms of setting. I thought it was pretty cool that each of them are zany enough to kind of stand out or have a distinct look and personality.
But yeah I like Genji's look, too. Genji > Hanzo
I don't mind the futuristic robotic theme for characters, but Orisa looks like a mess. Not nearly as streamlined and polished as Bastion or Zenyatta.
I agree that McCree is still dumb though.
Bastion's short was the best. I loved how they told everything exclusively through sound and image. The story was pretty eh, but it's really well made.
I really like it when futuristic and mechanical things fuse with nature elements. I know there is a term for this but I forgot.
Orisa's video is stupid.
>behold numbani africa. the richest and most advanced city int he world.
>protected by robots
>new doomfist attacks and destroys the robots
>african loli prodigy rebuilds a robot to be better than before.
>look at it destroy a car so an old african woman can cross the street.
It's not just quantity. Pretty much any piece of tf2 media is better than the Overwatch equivalent.
Overwatch should be better. Since it is the remnants of the Titan project. So they should have had a lot of story outlined. As it was going to be a sci fi future mmorpg shooter.
I like it but it doesn't work in Overwatch. It's over the top and stupid but the other heroes aren't so it feels out of place.
I think the question we all need answered is ROADRAT SHORT WHEN?
homosexual Mad Max. as Road Hog and Junkrat travel the Australian outback as mercenaries.
All the Overwatch comics I've read have been pretty good.
But most of them have been by sillygirl.
>homosexual Mad Max
I like the two, but no pls
you know anything with those 2 is going to be full on Ho Yay.
I really am sick of the heavyhanded "genius (frequently minority) child" nonsense.
>Sorry. Busy baking cake for hubby
Mei's married?
>mfw he took a hiatus from overwatch porn
Idk about canon bit in pornverse she's with Hanzo
Heavy into taking turns dominating and being dominated
They have Dva join in.
Sadpanda just got some of TyLee and Toph from the artist, so it ain't all bad.
Crack pairing? Why Hanzo though
how does a small child just up and walk away with government property and have the resources to rebuild it into a war machine?
worse than Tony Stark building and advance atomic power source in a cave with a box of scraps.
That short made bastion /k/'s favorite character because muh robot ptsd feels.
She used most of her grant money to acquire it
homosexual and mad max are practically synonymous user
I don't know how people like this. Cringe story and art.
>Mei's married?
That dress she was wearing in the new years update apparently is only worn by married women traditionally.
Well that's porn so...
In case you're not aware, it's not the official comic. It's r34. No way something like that becomes official. Blizzard got a ton of shit with Tracer's butt already, plus the "downsizing" of Mei's body, and the magazines in an outhouse in-game that was eventually removed.
If he's still alive he's gotta be in an old folks home or as old as Rein. Mei took the ice nap for like 20 years or something.
>the magazines in an outhouse in-game that was eventually removed
I guess people threw a fit enough that this was eventually removed. I think shit like that is funny, like little easter eggs for grown ups to understand.
The first two Mad Max movies were essentially built out of Leather Daddy homo culture.
Give it some time. They haven't even given her any voice lines yet.
...because she was made by a kid in a garage? She's supposed to look mildly piecemeal because she's an old design re-worked and made unique by a random wunderkind.
I've seen robots that look like a collage of random parts yet still have a pleasing aesthetic. Honestly, she'd look cooler if she looked like she was really made of scrap.
That'd be pretty cool and would explain her different mish-mash of other hero abilities.
>The Rein shield was taken from a scrapped knight armor and repurposed onto the Junk bot as a throwable
>The grav attack is taken from a trashed, Russian tank and it's only purpose is to shoot a weaker gravity ball more often
>The gun is taken from one of the model robots D.Va's mech is based on
>Ult is tech adapted from Mercy's staff, but doesn't work as effectively because it's a rough copy based on studying because she couldn't get her hands on the staff being one of its kind
It'd be more interesting than what we got now.
Shit. That really is way better.
>The entire game is meant to be a slick sci-fi/ Apple age setting.
But that's not really true. The setting seems to be just as diverse as the characters. For example Hanamura, Numbani, Kings Row, and Volskaya all have pretty drastically different technological environments. And we haven't even seen the hellhole that is Overwatch's Australia yet.
> the hellhole that is Overwatch's Australia yet.
dear god
What did Junkrat fucking find in the Outback. WHAT WAS IT.
I want a Roadhog and Junkrat animated short so bad.
Same. Alternatively I'd settle for one of the battle focused shorts in which Junkrat and Roadhog are trying to pull some sort of heist during a huge concert event and end up going up against D.Va and Lucio
If not something like this, we get the short that tells us what happened in Australia.
I heard they're going to have a cartoon or something
You also find out he was in Blackwatch and not officially in Overwatch, which is a pretty important bit of backstory
>it's actually good
Aside from the Bastion one it's pretty cliche and hackneyed writing. The animation is good though.
>They have a bunch of high res in game models
>People make porn using said models all the time
Why not just use the models to make a TV show?
Plus his backstory of being trained by Reyes will probably be important too.
The real porn is better, anyway
Of course you've been triggered upon, McCree pulled the thing a whole minute ago.
They're trying to be like TF2's story.
Except they don't have 30 comics like TF2 does. And they don't have thousands and thousands of user generated video content to help shape the personality of characters.
Just think Mad Max with robots
That's what Blackwatch was Reyes shadow organisation inside Overwatch that handled all the dirty work.
Overwatch just has the Christmas comic so far, the one that confirmed which OW gal was lezzing out.
There is multiple comics out, what are you talking about bud?
Genji x Mercy is cute. CUTE
Who is Pharah having dinner with? Her dad?