Thunderbolts featuring Luke Cage Storytime (Part 4)

Welcome back Anons! Last time, we got some backstory on Ghost. Today, the Thunderbolts get involved with magic!

The only thing that ever happens in Marvel Florida is Man-Thing related stuff, as I understand.

Bumping for Gentleman-Thing and his waifu.

... I guess they weren't happy about what happened to Frog.

So are they aliens?

This is basically "the Man-Thing issue".

They're probably from alternate realities, since it's Man-Thing, but your guess is as good as mine.

Shit, if he got Man-Thing and lived to talk about it, he's got better luck than most.

Honestly, they should have brought Moonstone with them, would have made this way easier.

So does Man-Thing's touch recognize the difference between being startled and fear? Like, if I freak because a giant moss-man rose out from the depths in front of me, would he try to burn me?

If you haven't read Man-Thing either, this woman is Jenifer Kale. We saw her get killed in the end of Bendis's New Avengers, because there's nothing Bendis enjoys more than killing characters he doesn't know.

Kale's most frequent role was in the Man-Thing books, so she probably has strong opinions on him being the Thunderbolt's bus.

And Bendus tends to do it in super meanspirited ways, too.

I'd love to see that being explained.

"Wait, so are we taking Moonstone as a guard?"
"No, Man-Thing's got a thing for her, so she pacifies him."

Man-Thing/Art Adams is a match made in heaven.

So, is "in the bag" adequate storage for shotgun shells, /k/?

Maybe it's because I'm a bad person, but given the glee with which Bendis kills off "unpopular" characters, I want someone to kill Kitty Pryde. I mean actually kill her, not just shoot her in a bullet to nowhere.

I agree with this comment

Holy crap, one of the civilans actually managed to kill a monster.

I approve of this idea. Add Jessica to the list.

>"Galik is dead? Then I am yours!"
>"Until you die."

Well, at least they know what they're getting into.

Holy SHIT, Man-Thing!

Damn, King Kong'd.

Is there a name for that head thing Kale's wearing here? She, Wanda, and Polaris all wear a similiar one.

That I'm a bad person, or that someone should kill off Bendis's favorite characters and see how he likes it?


God damn, Man-Thing.

Shut the fuck up, bitches. None of you will ever become big enough comic book writers to even TOUCH my faves.

>"Now I'm seeing why he was so sweet on Moonstone."

Looks like Man-Thing has a type, Anons.

That would be fucking awesome, none of this back in a year shit either. Least 3 fucking years of no kitty, fuck Bendis.

I can't even make a "put your guns down" joke, because those fishermen took out an alien with a shotgun.

Something about Melissa being relieved about the girl is adorable. And true to character.

Luke Cage's thing has been called a tiara, and it didn't look anything like what they wear.

You thought the teamwork theme would be done after last night? Nope, even Man-Thing likes being with the Thunderbolts.

>"I just wonder how long before the Nexus grows a new defender."

I can already see "All-New All-Different Man-Thing" on shelves. It still doesn't sell.


Speaking of headwear; what is that thing called that is usually on the heads of Hercules (marvel), Artemis (DC), and every fucking 1990s Liefield character?

Killing one of his pets would be worth it

Face frame?

Remember when Strange lost his position of Sorcerer Supreme for the... let's say, 4th time, and decided to cosplay as Constantine this time?

Now we're going full magic weirdness.

Tiara's still a general term. I dunno if there is one more specific for "headpiece that frames the face and covers nothing else"

>Speaking of headwear; what is that thing called that is usually on the heads of Hercules (marvel), Artemis (DC), and every fucking 1990s Liefield character?
A Head Guard.

So has Hellstrom still not had any major appearances since his guest appearances in New Avengers?

One thing I really like about the art is Parkerbolts is the paneling. So simple, yet so effective.

He was briefly in Leth's Hellcat and last year's PMIF's christmas special.

>"I want to try MY ride."

The Thunderbolts have the BEST ride.

I don't QUITE know why Fixer's got a bug up his butt about Melissa being the leader. She lead the team once before, after all.

>that Juggernaught smile

>"Luke, his role of walking the borders between worlds, he stands at the intersection of magic and science, he is the..."
>"Yeah, he's my dawg."

Luke Cage likes to keep things simple.

To be fair though Fixer wasn't on the team when it was her and MACH as leaders. And the other time his boyfriend was co-leading the team.

Christ, how did I forget the best Christmas issue Marvel released that year?

And of course, the women's wing continues to house the filthiest mouths this side of /d/.

>almost exactly what happend to swamp thing.....

Luke, you used to go on about how you were three hundred pounds, this may actually work.

I noticed that too. Wasn't Man-Thing made first?

>"At this point, a team of sherpas and yaks would tie to the ring to pull the door open..."
>just make Luke Cage do it himself

True, but at this point she's been on the team longer than everyone else.

And yet, they were released only two months apart.

By a couple of months, yes.

As greetings go, a fireball is SHOWY, but not exactly friendly.

>"You know what I like? When we just walk down through the cells and point at someone to join."

You got too used to leading the Avengers, Luke. Sometimes, people don't WANT to join.

Oh boy, we have a DoomPatrol/X-men situation stewing :D

Wait, didn't that kid hack down a tree in one axe swing? She could shank somebody with that crayon. Who let her have it?

Despite being an interesting concept, I don't believe any other book plays with this premise, before or since.

Least of all the Doctor Strange books I've been reading.

This was basically what Genis-Vell did during New Thunderbolts, except there wasn't anybody punching to interrupt his mojo.

Good job with a limited dialogue page, makes it seem very dynamic

Bendis, are you still here? What the hell was with your fascination with The Hood?

I know we're probably supposed to find them hot, but I can't stop looking at that one woman with the claws.

Interesting timing. I think I had the first manthing back in the late 70's i think, I tore the shit out of it though, bought it in a 7-11.

My nigga Swamp Thing.

Except neither of the has the vastly superior popularity that situation has. Man-Thing and Swamp Thing are both relatively obscure characters that had amazing, character defining runs decades ago.

>"Stephen? You just made my life harder, didn't you?"

Oh, more than you can possibly guess, Luke.

Unlike the others in the wing, they don't see her as much of a threat to others, unless someone targets her. It comes up frequently that the only reason she's THERE is because they don't know where else she can go.

Close, but wrong company, user.


I think Swamp Thing has more good runs and had more merchandise back in the 80's, but yeah, I doubt fans of either character care.

Spoilers: Only one of the characters listed here actually appears in this issue.

"Go along with this"
>takes off pants

Of course you're expendable, Ghost. You're all superpowered criminals.

>Mandrill actually tries to use his powers on Songbird

>"Blizzard? He really thinks he's going to make the cut?"

I actually had to double check to make sure, but that is indeed the same Blizzard who ran with the New Thunderbolts. Granted, neither of the three would know that.

I love how Luke just takes it for granted that Ghost is bugging his phone.

I'm more well read on Swamp Thing than Man-Thing, but there's a lot of Swamp Thing runs I like. Hell, my favorite post-Moore run was the Collins run, and I NEVER see anyone mention that.

>You waaant me on this teammmm...

Thats fucking adorable.

So Anons, did you know there's a version of this page without text boxes?

Luckily for you, I have it.

Luke clearly has no tolerance for PDA.

Nancy A. Collins? Yeah, that's a good one. Shame even BKV's horrible run gets talked about more often than hers.

Depends on where the bag is and what you plan to do, If you're cruising the bayou I assume it's like the rivers and streams down here in aus where you're better off keeping a loaded firearm handy.

They have exactly the same body type


If you're a fan of Superior Foes, you're going to want to pay extra special attention from now on, because Spencer references stuff from now on.

It's less adorable when you remember what he usually does when he gets people under his control.

Not now boner, NOT NOW!

Superior Foes of Spider-Man was full of continuity porn from both Thunderbolts and the two Deadly Foes of Spider-Man minis from the early 90s.

That series was my first introduction to BKV. Since I admit to holding grudges against characters/writers, I've never "quite" been able to enjoy anything else he's written after that.
Just when I thought the Millar run wasn't good Swamp Thing, someone took that as a challenge.

>they can casually cut into Juggernaught

Weakened or not, that's bad news for everyone.

I don't know why, but all of a sudden I want to start reading Hellboy again.

Yes, I know these uniforms are pre-Nazi, not the point.

I like to think that Abe still doesn't like Spider-Man.

Everybody who reads comics thinks they would be Charles Fucking Xavier if they had mind control, when in reality they would all be fucking fucking perverts screwing their way through society.

If you've seen Agents of SHIELD, you may remember this guy. If not... you'll remember pretty quickly.

Pride of Baghdad is the one thing from him I liked all the way through. Y and Ex Machina both had a lot of potential, but the latter parts... especially Ex Machina's ending, hooooooly shit was I mad.