Archie Goodwin's Manhunter

Hi folks.

First, an introduction from a collection released in 1984, very illuminating.


Luckily for me I happen to have the newer hardcover of this, Tales of the Batman by Archie Goodwing (which really should just be called Tales of the Manhunter, but you know, Batman sells) so I'll be reading along in that form.





Not to mention the incredible Walt Simonson! One of Goodwin's strengths was writing to an artist's strength and this wouldn't be the same without Simonson.

The Batman stories he wrote in this time had awesome art too: Aparo, Amendola, TOTH!



Right in Simonson's prime, too. His Thor is one of the things that really got me into comics.

Also this is one of the few Tales of the Batman collections that's named for the writer and not the artist.









I didn't realize the Manhunter story was just the backups, maybe I'll just do those?



And the always interesting letters page.

From 'Tec #438










The only digital rip I have, oddly.

>something BIG is coming from DC in '74!
Yup, an implosion :^)

































And in the "final" story, Manhunter was moved to the front as the headlining feature.

Of course, it was focused on Batman, but still.






















And that would be the end.

The series gained a small cult following over the years and was eventually revamped as the 1988 Manhunter series.

In the late 90's, Goodwin and Simonson were asked to return for one more issue, but Goodwin died before it was completed.

Simonson drew the issue anyway, but left it a "silent" story with no dialogue.

Sadly I don't have the issue.

Thanks for reading!