Red Hood & The Outlaws #8 Preview
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Jason totally wants to tap that ass
he is 19 . He can not drink- that is my bad boy- drink.he is so cute :)
what? you can drink from 16 year up. and if the drink has less then 7% alcohol then there is no age limit
you have to go back
I thought Americans only drink with 21.
Oh shit, Rocafort's back!
Just for the one, then it's back to Soy.
God bless Rocafort.
I wish Rocafort was still on Ultimates
Look at our girl. Breakin Balls and attracting delicious brown girls.
>Artemis will never grind your sword.
Why even live?
He is a member of a paramilitary vigilante group, he's packing heat, but he's totally going to abide by the drinking age limit.
Holy shit, Akila. And she's still Shim'tar
Is Lobdell no longer making unnecessary changes just for the sake of change?
Why this book so freaking good? I really love this team up.
Nice find dude. I didn't even notice that she is an old character.
This definitely give me so much hope for Artemis arc.
What the heck is Guillem March doing right now anyway?
Doing comics on Europe and the upcoming Trinity annual
Well you know apparently she's dead, so that kinda sucks
I see Lobdell's exposition is just as subtle as ever.
>inner monologue talks directly to reader
I really don't like this writing style.
>he is 19
Then don't read the book and spare us your bitching.
Nice that someone remembered her and decided to use her.
>tons of dialgue
god damn, looks like old lobdell is back
Hey, these are the same news reporters that were in detective comics 2 weeks ago, continuity!
>I see Lobdell's exposition is just as subtle as ever.
I think I get it now. Lobdell can't have a dialogue with good pacing because of Rocafort's paneling; lots of wasted space with no background, just shapes and shit. I wonder how well he'd do with an grid layout.
So, why some of you are complaining about "exposition" and "long dialogs" in RHaTO when literally most of DC writers do the same?
Are you new here? Some people here are pretty hypocrite when it comes to RH.
Is that her girlfriend?
Is Jason still wearing Dicks old suit?
>Lobdell is on words duty and not script
>That not Slade in the background
Rocafort a best.
And having a better body then Wonder Woman
Seriously look at that perfect body
Why Artemis is so based? She's already more likable than Diana.
I don't like her head gear
She doesn't like nonsense.
I like Diana too, tho.
Even Rocaforts pool balls are sexy jesus
I am so excited for this arc.
What makes Bana-Mighdall amazons different from Diana's people?
Here's a summary from wiki about them:
>The Amazons of Bana-Mighdall are a splinter group which broke from the Amazons of Themyscira over three thousand years ago. After the destruction of the Themysciran city-state by the armies of Herakles, a group of Amazons led by Hippolyta's sister Antiope renounced the Gods of Olympus to seek vengeance on the men who had tricked and vanquished their people. After the death of Antiope, this "lost tribe" of Amazons settled in the deserts of Egypt, founding the city of Bana-Mighdall. There they remained for thousands of years, becoming an increasingly violent and bitter society of mercenaries, manufacturing weapons and trading them with the men of the outside world
Thanks, user. They seem quite the interesting group.
Is it true that they aren't immortal?
They shouldn't be, no.
They gave up their immortality when they chose to leave Themyscira
I hate the way Rocafort draws Jason's helmet. The nose and lips look so dumb.
I don't mind it when Rocafort draw it because it doesn't really look bad.
The problem is when other artists draw it which hopefully DC won't let them.
Yes. Even though we've never seen Dick wear it, it was supposedly his.
He changed his costume, dude. There's a zipper on his jacket now.
Uh Jason dropped it a long time ago and has a new one.
The chemistry between Jason and Artemis is outstanding and I have enjoyed every interaction they had.
>crushing peanuts
And yet Rocafort still keeps putting the fucking helmet with a mouth
They look the same.
Awww. In a sleazy dive bar discussing parenting over shots of whiskey.
>Batman never kill Superman
>Batman never fucks Wonder Woman
>Jason will do both
>implying the first one
user, please.
And I doubt the second one is either going to happen.
He's going to fuck Artemis.
>Then don't read the book and spare us your bitching.
>wanting a safe space
Thank you so much!
That face helmet, fuck off rocafort, FUCK OFF
Take a chill pill user. Rocafort is the only one who does it correctly, and he's only on this one issue. If it bothers you that much just wait until next month.
It's more exposed compared to everything else.
Not that guy, but even as a fan that's not something that good.
I'm not denying most of DC writers do the same though.
Bizarro will sacrifice himself for something
Artemis relationship will only goes as far as sibling would
You heard this here first.
>red hood is portrayed as the worst robin, he just has good instincts and luck, and muh trauma.
Well he kinda does.
So when will this out?
next week
Instincts let him beat Batman earlier
>muh safe space
Listen loser, since you are not spending one penny on this book and read for free here, then you really don't have much right to complain about it.
>red hood
>the worst robin
You deserves to be banned for this.
> Helmet with a mouth.