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made my day
I had a feeling this would happen, nothing looked great about this movie
nice photoshop
There's no way Disney can make a bad movie let alone a movie with a lower percentage than Kong
>There's no way Disney can make a bad movie
Kong is a better movie from this BS.
>using this same bait over and over
>live action fairy tales
they asked for it
>let alone a movie with a lower percentage than Kong
They did though. It's sitting at 60% right now vs. Kong's 80.
What's this hating on Kong meme that Sup Forums keeps pushing
emma really can't catch a break.
HAHAHA yourself for falling for obvious microsoft painted bait.
Maybe Sup Forums just can't into kaiju.
>remake The Jungle Book
That's fine. The Jungle Book was genuinely not a good movie. It had some very good late-era Milt Kahl animation but that's about it. By all means improve on this.
>remake a film that almost won best picture back when animation was competing against real movies
Holy shit nigger what are you doing?
>average rating: 6/10
this is really what matters
do retards on Sup Forums even know what the tomatometer measures?
certified fresh 98% here we come!
Whats with this being happy that beauty and the beast looks like it will bomb meme coming from?
Probably Disneyshills shitposting anything that could threaten their marvel/starwars bucks.
Kong wins there too by 0.1 at the time of this post
Even without seeing a single review I already which of the two I was going to see.
What matters is the percentage, stupid. That's why it's the BIG number.
>Average rating: 6/10
Jesus fucking christ
>caring about this movie at all
Go watch Cocteau you plebs
Oh wow
A live-action remake of a Disney classic sucks
Who could have possibly guessed
>74% now
I got your Cocteau right here fagit
Yeah is it unironic company wars? So retarded. These movies aren't even related.
You should look up how Alice 2 did
>Director of Twilight
What did anyone expect?
what did they say about Shin?
I can't imagine being this pathetic
OP's picture is laughably outdated
I hope whoever greenlit that was fired
The first only did well because it was coming off the heels of Avatar
Ew. You are a disgusting corporate dick sucker.
That the director tried their best to make a shitstain on paper into a movie series; and, now glutted with experience, now tries to make a movie based off an established story?
>6.2 out of 10
No one expected that movie to be good.
>Reddit Tomatoes
It's definitely going to be positive when all's said and done, but it's obviously going to be a bad movie as we can see by the trailers, etc.
None of them watched
Sup Forums is just a bunch of normie tier loosers that don't even have a hobbie or real interest about what they talk wanting to pretend that thay can do "Sup Forums subculture" too, like that faggots that make vlogs about the last movie they saw and don't make a real critic. Is three generals about some TV series that everyone watches per day and the rest is shitposting
Is basically /s4s/, but they don't adimit that don't have nothing to do with their time
>implying RT doesnt matter
Everybody loses their shot when an RT rating doesnt go their way
Did anybody expect this to be good or something?
>critics are homophobic
Wow, who'd have thunk it?
Turd as old as time.
Fart as old as rhyme.
Film was a poopy feast.
>critics are homophobic
>the only gay character has no real significance to the plots and is a joke.
>Beauty and the Beast marries visual spectacle and sumptuous design work with a better story than its original, casting a spell on old fans and newcomers alike.
Suck on that haters
Is Rooster Teeth/Achievement whatever still a thing?
sadly yes.
I prefer 10000 timse watch Kong smashing some monster's ass, from a boring royal marriage crap
I want to hope that this will spell the end of these awful, uninspired live-action adaptations of Disney animated classics, but I'm well aware that this thing will make a pukeload of money off of white women who will then proceed to post an infinite number of gifs about it on Tumblr.
How is it even fair to compare a good action movie to this garbage? You're supposed to compare boring romance stuff to other boring romance stuff. Of course an action movie will be better.
Yes. Geoff tried to kill himself because of Burnie overworking him and his wife cucking him.
Oh, it's not good. Well that's a shame, though honestly Emma Watson deserves to get shit on. Maybe somehow this will send a message to SJW shitbags everywhere that we don't want them.
Why are you mad at his post?
>The Jungle Book was genuinely not a good movie
What? Yeah, it wasn't the best Disney film, but it was a good movie in its own right. The remake was terrible because it completely missed the point of it, and looking at the current reviews of BaTB it seems like this made the exact same mistakes.
>Maleficient sucked
>Cinderela sucked
>Is a insult to cinema to call Into the Woods a musical
>All that shitload of Snow White teen movies that no one remenbers
>Another movie with bad cgi, tons of grey and dry brow colors, forgotten british actors, that pick a ten pages tale for kids and insetad of making something interesting with visuals shoves a lot of "adult" drama so teens can feels smart for watching fanfiction
>Sup Forums is shocked
At least the jungle book worked because is based on a full book
>Its classicism feels unforced and fresh. Its romance neither winks nor panders. It looks good, moves gracefully and leaves a clean and invigorating aftertaste. I almost didn't recognize the flavor: I think the name for it is joy.
>Ready to proclaim Disney's live-action "Beauty and the Beast" this year's best new old musical? Be our guest.
Emma Watson shouldn't have been cast as Belle in the first place. Emma has a heavy English accent that doesn't sound french in the least. And the only reason she was given that role was because of her celebrity status. There are probably dozens of woman who should've had that role instead. But no, they gave it to the crazy feminist.
Did she actually cuck him?
....It wasn't with Gavin was it?
>so mad
>his post
Geoff taking a sabbatical to spend time with his wife and kid
For Chist's sake, it's not even something original. Just the same animated movie all over again.
I'd kill for a live action musical remake of the Hunchback of Notre Dame with the original book ending where Esmerelda and Quasimodo both die at the end. I'd fucking kill for it.
You have the musical, fella.
I mean, it both goes with the novel from Victor Hugo and the movie, and Esmeralda DOES die, but in a different way.
I saw the music already. It was amazing, but I'd love for a movie like that though.
The first trailer is joking aside one of the most poorly edited things I've seen in my entire life. Based on the clips released, it's not just a problem with the trailer. The direction is the worst I've seen for a movie of this budget since, god, I don't even know when. It's so unbelievably amateur and artificial and lifeless and stiff and unnatural and fake and awkward. I can't fathom how Disney let this happen.
Sup Forums, like Sup Forums, only cares about things doing poorly. They want everything to be an EPIC TORTANIC FAIL XD
>The remake was terrible because it completely missed the point of it
It didn't miss the point, it was very blatantly aware of the point, and made a conscious decision to subvert it. It had some pretty glaring issues but 'missing the point' wasn't one of them.
So...this...the power of Disney.
Trying to get that Best Picture Oscar, obviously.
I did not expect this. Holy shit.
Out of all the live action Disney movies so far, Cinderella is still my favorite and I'm glad BatB didn't top that.
I heard Mulan is next. At least let them make that cause I want to see, bad or not.
this gojira shot looks beautiful whats the film called
Gojira himself looks like a puppet.
i like it
a mix of classical effects from old films and c00l cgi
Shin Godzilla
>a monster in a Japanese kaiju film looks like a puppet
No shit.
>critics aren't going to fall for the "remake every animated film as live action tactic"
Shin Gojira. It's really cool. Directed by the guy who did Neon Genesis Evangelion.
burn it to the ground
also they have a openly gay character and love scene in the film
Guess they should have put a trigger warning for you in the movie.
Are you from Alabama, by any chance?
that would be nice
slippery slope argument comes to mind
What slippery slope?
United Kingdom
He might be gay because it's Gaston's faggot underling. His name means the fool.
I saw Jungle Book on Netflix last week, really enjoyed it. The CG was pretty realistic, though depending on how furry the animal was. Some of the less furry animals you can see the CG.
Maleficient was okay until the climax of the film where it does a 180 on everything. I thought they were making her into a tragic character, no, they all lived happily ever after.
>this trend gets nipped in the bud
please god let it be so
Now finish the last film and don't make it shit this time. The only thing great about the last one was Shiro Sagisu's music.
Do Lefou and Gaston kiss
Slow but steady
Lots of posts calling it a casual filter
The reaction was actually pretty similar to Arrival
The whole movie is just them having graphic hardcore gay sex. Still a musical, though.
To be honest I would unironically love this movie if Lefou cucked Belle with the Beast. Especially if it was so that Gaston could get Belle. "He's with me now!" or something to that effect.
I'd be cool with either of these. Least it'd be fucking different.
Better outcome.