Is there a character that encapsulates the 7 capital sins better than Garfield?

Is there a character that encapsulates the 7 capital sins better than Garfield?

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Not really

Also yes, Homer Simpson.

>Not really
You clearly haven't witnessed Garfield in a cat rage room before.

At least Heathcliffags come up with their memes themselves and don't just repeat shit they've watched on youtube.

yes there is

You mean one guy comes up and everyone else repeats it, like with everything ever in the history of mankind?

See: Nazz
Literally lays around while Ed and Edd do all the work
Few things don't piss him off
He's openly an attention whore
teachers describe him as a megalomaniac


This works too well. But I guess you can do it with any self-obsessed asshole character.

Garfield's old design face looks like testicles

His obsessive love for lasagna
Hogs food and acts like it's all his
Hates Mondays and Nermal
Prides himself in eating, sleeping, annoying Jon and Odie, etc.

That's why they aren't funny.

Marginally Sup Forums but still

Hey, Sup Forums, where could my pipe be?


What's lasagnacat's excuse?

>Not really

Poor poor odie

They don't need one, they're funny because they have production, thus adding value.

He's not even mad at Odie, just being a dick for the sake of it.

>they're funny

He's weak of wrath, and kinda weak on pride depending on how you interpret it. He's vain and shallow, which could be interpreted as pride, but he still has a low opinion of himself and doesn't consider pretty much anything beneath him.

Your orange cat took it.

Fine, they're both funny because humor is relative.
Stop being jelly, Heathcliffag. Not being a meme is good.

What's with all the Garfield spam lately?

He's mad at Odie from time to time for the shit he pulls

How would I know?
*laugh track*

Bravo Jim Davis.

Lasagna Cat came back.