Why is she the best villain of any major series this decade?
>sympathetic backstory
>massive, cosmic goddess like presence
>beautiful as fuck
Why is she the best villain of any major series this decade?
Other urls found in this thread:
>any SU character
>implying you wouldnt
I'm not into midgets.
You just wanna fuck her. That's ok. So do I.
>Not wanting to have a women dangling up against the wall.
What are you, gay?
That's a fucking rock.
Her hair is wrong
Delete this
I'd rather her Pearl.
Fuck off, Waifu fag.
That's the best someone like you could do
Fucking numbnut, I'm not talking about the rock, I'm talking about fucking a short chick.
>>sympathetic backstory
I feel like these are done too often nowadays, sometimes an asshole is just an asshole.
Her face looks like it's melting
She's had like 5 minutes of screentime, just because you waifu doesn't make her close to the best anything
>sympathetic backstory
>good fap material
>good fap material
SU fans once again proving how high their standards are for good story telling.
I'm not into Yoda-Dorito-Lolis, no.
Is that including your mother?
The chick is the rock.
Rocks are hot
That's called lava.
Then i guess ill stick my dick in lava then
Go on! Do it! It feels great!
Technically not possible because a human being would be incinerated before getting close enough to put their dick in.
I don't even watch this show but I know a quality waifu when I see one
Because you have terrible taste when it comes to villains.
Name one better villain made in the 2010s
Lord Hater.
>fucking rock
Still better
top fucking kek
Any villain from Wander Over Yonder
Buff Frog
Disney shill fuck off
I couldn't think of any CN or Nickelodeon villains
Legs for years
>SJWniverse character
>Best at anything
Lol, that's cute!
V.V. Argost from criminally underrated CN show The Secret Saturdays may well be the greatest old-school cartoon villain of all time. Season 2 was 2010's.
Did Tumblr ever complain that they lightened her skin tone and made her look like Opal instead of a Hindu woman?
the BD we see in "the answer" is stylized and either garnet's imagination or steven's.
Doesnt count, made in 2000s
Kill yourself
Apparently she's pretty enough to make tumblr mad
I now know what I must dedicate my life's work to.
Thank you user.
No, really?
White washed
Why don't YOU kill YOURself?
i will bust this myth!
Already on my way faggot.
she is not even a villain, she is more like
>i want to stop but people are dragging me into this shit.
If this is true then Tumblr are the ones saying making her prettier is making her "white"
wait, isnt that new sweater meme but she is using it backwards?
Yeah, thats why its so hot
The virgin killer? Yeah.
How? Isn't blue diamond indian
If this type of woman is all you look for in fap material, literally just start watching any magical girl series. If you don't give a shit about story, every character in those types of animes are fapping material.
Shit I can get behind that just for the giggles
Nice fetus head she's sporting there.
>fetus head
>is elongated and not circular
Not my fault you're in love with a huge forhead, fish lipped fetus, user.
Beautiful man jaw on her/it/whatever.
I'm not the guy you've been responding too this entire time nigger.
Why did they decide to make her so pretty in this one frame? Clearly, Rebecca did that frame, but for what purpose?
Oh man, I could I not differentiate between two people on an anonymous image board? I feel so bad now.
They're still ugly.
I was questioning your use of the word fetus head you window licking faggot.
She's pretty in all the (few) shots Rebecca boarded.
She's supposed to be an anime space babe, the other artists on the show are just retards who can't draw.
There are different kinds of fetus heads, dipshit. But please, continue to split hairs and be a gigantic faggot. It amuses me.
What other shots of her did Rebecca board? It's just odd to have her look beautiful in one scene and then the usual cartoony in the others.
As an ass man I find it significantly less hot
Notice how the same happens with Yellow Diamond. The moment Sugar draws here she suddenly gains features such as facial symmetry and aesthetically pleasing proportions.
god I am so happy she boarded the ending of YD's song. Could you imagine how little emotion would have come across if she left it to her lackeys?
Why did she hire anyone else? The adult children scribbling this show out most of the time are a joke
>blue skin
literally nothing else unique there in terms of character design. if anything Jasper and Garnet are the best designs in the show. that might just be my bias though because I love big hips and thicc.
She can't do it all by herself.
>a joke
>implying the bad art isn't intentional
Stop being such a bigoted shitlord
>Why is she the best villain of any major series this decade?
Because it's been a shit decade.
But since Jack is coming back, you know the best villain will take his rightful spot back.
>Why is she the best villain of any major series this decade?
>not specifying animated
Well then.
He was fantastic. I need to force myself to watch season 2. I hate the dumb ninja shit.
waifufags need to be purged
What do you say Sup Forums?
>Because it's been a shit decade.
We got the GOAT villain right at the start of this decade though
Waifufags are a part of the cancer that's always been killing Sup Forums so yes.
She's surly, antiisocial and possibly a sociopath.
How about the Punisher? Do you hate him, too?
That's hot
for fucks sake marie they are minerals!
The motherfucking lich
Really? The "You might have thought I was sympathetic but actually I'm just an asshole!" shit is way overplayed these days by people with your attitude.
People wouldn't stop jerking off over Bill Cypher and Lord Dominator and that's basically all they were.
Lord Hater is more of an antihero than a villain d e s u
Lich is more of a great voice than a great character
Like yeah he sounds intimidating but he's actually just an autistic destructor robot who turned into a giant baby halfway through the series
>The "You might have thought I was sympathetic but actually I'm just an asshole!" shit is way overplayed these days
>Names Bill Cypher, who was straight evil the entire time, no one ever pretended he wasn't
Okay, pal.
Christ I knew someone was going to be a stickler about that.
I even wrote "might" in there because you know there's a million people in the fandom who wrote a bunch of backstory for him to have some kind of motive or sympathy or really just a motive.
But in reality he didn't even have a motive he was just the evil guy.
I don't see how that's relevant to how in the show itself he was always presented as evil.