After drinking an entire bottle of Bacardi, you'd pin her to the bed faster than the Iron Sheik.
Let's be honest
I've settled for worse
She's giving me a chub. All she really needs to do is fix her teeth.
>Drinking Bacardi
your bad taste knows no limits.
>she has an adams apple
What did they mean by this?
I don't even need the bottle, just the paper bag it comes in.
She could stand to not have her tongue constantly lolling out of her mouth outside of when its time for ahego face, too. And much as I love the messy hair look, she would maybe benefit from a touch of styling. Then you just need to be viewing her from a better angle that isn't glaring right up her nostril and you're all set to go. Nina here is one of those "ugly" people that only really needs a little bit of cleaning up, My Fair Lady style.
I really want an artist to beautify her.
>finding a character voiced by June Foray attractive
I'd fuck Shenzi but that doesn't mean I'd want to fuck Whoopi Goldberg.
I wouldn't even have to be a drunk. Doggy style was invented for a reason and pussy is pussy
Both sexes have adam's apples user, men just have more prominent ones
I'd rather fuck the bottle.
I don't need booze to fuck her because I find her ugliness attractive.
Are you fucking kidding?
Well that's some unique taste you have there
Don't judge me, user.
we talking 1.75L ?
As would I.
And I still would if she got uglier
Sharp teeth girls are my fetish
Is there more to this or thats it?
Yes, let's be honest. This toon is probably the Jimi Hendrix of blow jobs.
I'd fuck Whoopi Goldberg, but not Shenzi.