Is this the worst animated series of all time? Why does it have such a huge fandom?
Is this the worst animated series of all time? Why does it have such a huge fandom?
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No, there's been far worse, especially from the same country.
>Is this the worst animated series of all time?
No but it's pretty bad
>Why does it have such a huge fandom?
Large amounts of shipping
Reminder that it's almost 10 years old.
No way! I remember binge watching it as a kid, and my friend still obsesses over it today.
>why does it have such a huge fandom?
It attracts two separate demographics:
-The moony-eyed shipper/gossipy chick crowd who loves the token romances
-The "I love cartoon violence and seeing annoying characters suffer" crowd
It's literally one of Canada's finest which doesn't mean anything compared to the US, Japan, and even France but it's still impressive for them.
I though it was pretty good, there's a scene with the fat guy falling asleep and becoming one with the salmons then jumps a waterfall, that to this day has me dying.
it was "fellow kids" in a nutshell
>fellow kids
>Is this the worst animated series of all time?
No, but it's still bad.
>Why does it have such a huge fandom?
Waifus and husbandos.
The worst? Hardly.
In an industry that has produced the Nutshack and Johnny Test, it's rather mediocre in the grand scheme of things.
30 Rock joke where Steve Buscemi fails at going undercover as a teenager with the punchline "How do you do, fellow kids?"
That line became shorthand for any clumsy attempt by old people to relate to younger generations.
>Steve Buscemi
>undercover as a teenager
I need a clip of this, now.
>The "I love cartoon violence and seeing annoying characters suffer" crowd
You mean children?
That's 6teen
Well... Lets see
>Total Drama Island
A kind of generic, but interesting little show, if not predictable. It was fun to watch as a kiddo, so it has that nostalgic novelty of "I feel like I am not supposed to be watching this :^)", and it also has the whole "I wonder which character will get voted out next."
From a writing standpoint, it suffers from:
>Generic stereotypes
We have entire characters built off them, but some of them are given some character nicks that makes them a little interesting. For instance, Tyler.
>Fits the stereotype of a jock to a T.
>Complete with red aerosuit and wristbands and shit
>Kind of dumb
>He is extremely accident prone
That, combined with his show offy nature, makes for fun little scenes and shenanigans. Fun times all around. Honestly, if you just take it for what it is, and you just go in with low expectations, you'll enjoy it. It was a fun show. That's it. It doesn't claim to be some big ass epic deep shit.
>Total Drama Action
An instant quality drop.
Suddenly, we remove about 65% of the original cast, and we are left with characters who were in most of season 1, so we already know about them, and there's not much more that can surprise us. So that means, that when something shitty happens, it feels like it comes out of nowhere.
Trent throwing challenges for Gwen came out of nowhere because that is a complete contradiction to the way he was in Island, and his fucking threes shit was completely autistic, as was the way Gwen was received and treated on Aftermath.
Geoff becoming a Chris-tier asshole though was kind of interesting, but seriously, I just hate how they fucking ruin characters in this and just ignore the other characters. Like I don't fucking care about god damn Owen anymore. I want to learn more about say, Eva or whatever.
HEhe, thanks for this friendo.
>Total Drama World Tour
Another quality drop, but it's masked by the fun challenges and songs and backgrounds.
The two new characters, Alejandro and Sierra, are fucking garbage. Alejandro is such a perfect flawless gary stu faggot that it is so fucking boring to see him manipulate everyone out of the show in stupid fucking ways, and Sierra literally only exists to fucking rape Cody. Boring as shit. Sierra was funny the first two episodes, and then it started to get annoying to see her on screen. It was even more annoying when she fucked with Cody and he tried to vote her off, and Cody's team got mad at HIM for that, and Cody had to apologize to HER. Fucking yawn.
Then there's the love triangle. For some reason, Duncan suddenly wants to fuck Gwen, and instead of just breaking up with Courtney he just goes out of his way to do it all in the worst possible way imaginable, and then the show tries to make it out like Courtney is in the wrong by having her suffer. But then again, Gwen and Courtney were only friends for like, a single episode, and then they did the kiss thing.
I dunno, after Gwen and Courtney left, the season increased in my books by atleast a +2. The Alejandro shit was still fucking annoying, but it was atleast a 7/10 at that point as opposed to the 5/10 it was before.
That's all I got.
I haven't watched the show in about 3 years, and I didn't watch any of the new cast episodes.
I heard the one where they have villains vs heroes is aids, and I heard All Stars is pretty much Island-tier in terms of entertainment, so Idk.
villains vs heroes and all stars are the same season
This is your opinion. Alejandro was a great villain.
beacuse is full of waifus.
Garbage artstyle, garbage animation, garbage characterization, garbage dialogue, but excellent proportions on this waists and hips. 6/10
>Is this the worst animated series of all time?
Are you new at cartoons?