How powerful is Cosmic Armor Superman?
How powerful is Cosmic Armor Superman?
His real name is Cosmic Plot Armor Superman, so you kinda get the idea.
As strong as plot needs to defeat enemy.
AKA defeating every character in fiction.
So, is he as strong as possible?
Some say Cosmic Armor is above omnipotent, others say it is only galaxy level.
I am not sure how strong Cosmic Armor is.
How strong is Cosmic Armor in compared to other entity like Lucifer morning star or Presence?
His is the power of Narrative.
He's as strong as he needs to be to triumph over evil.
Kinda like TTGL, but with the added angle of Good Vs Evil.
Whoever said galaxy level is a fucking idiot, like how is something bigger than a multiverse *galaxy* level?
So, if omnipotent being like Azathoth is evil, does Cosmic Armor triumph over even omnipotent being?
He's the idea of superman. The idea of good triumphing over evil no matter what, the archetype of the superhero. He's beyond omnipotent beings because he trascends the story.
>Galaxy level
He's as large as the multiverse.
Yes. The guy is a Demon Bane that is not affected by the laws of the different multiverses. He just wins because his enemy needs to be defeated.
So, is Cosmic Armor Superman extremely wanked Elder God Demonbane?
Cosmic Armor Superman is DC's Elder God Demonbane. Mofo went down fighting a story eating multiversal vampire God. This is the kind of shit comics are made for and I love it.
Thank you.
So, it is extremely invincible.
It's also extremely contextual, so you can't really use it well for your powerlevel fights.
If you want an OP as fuck Superman, look at Superman Prime instead.
The guys he talks to and interacts when he's in the armor?
They're a race that enters the multiverse through nanotechnology.
That's how big they are.
The Monitors took the Platonic ideal of Superman and stuck it inside armor to fight a monitor vampire eating the multiverse like gushers. It's a living story. It could only "die" after its story was done (when he defeated Mandrakk).
>This is the kind of shit comics are made for and I love it.
It's rare to find people who get it.
I will not use Cosmic Armor for powerlevel wank.
I only want to know why there is so huge power gap between people interpreting Cosmic Armor.
But, vs debate not based on actual context and story is very futile, isn't it?
>Huge power gap between people interpreting Cosmic Armor
Probably Goku fans.
Tenga Toppa Gurren Lagan is smaller than a microbe compared to him. That's how big we're talking.
Much more. Presence exists as the universe, just one universe, and Superman fights beings that enter the multiverse with nanotech. And recent comics showed that when the Presence left the universe to outside where beings like him roam he returned corrupted and mad unable to handle it. Lucifer is even lower than the Presence, had to rule Hell as a triumvirate and after abandoned it regular Superman, not even Cosmic Armor, ruled Hell by himself.
Probably the most powerful entity in all of fiction, or at least as powerful as any other 'literally undefeatable' entity in fiction.
name one other being in fiction so powerful you need 3D glasses to look at it.
checkmate animefags!
Is he beyond One Million?
What about Super TTGL?
Also, how was Mandrakk bigger than a multiverse? I remember seeing the pages where he's defeated by an army of Supes and Lanterns, and he looked rather normal sized.
Yes, I haven't read FC yet, but that's because you guys say that I should read the Bat Epic first, and that's hella long.
>He looked rather normal sized
The same way Nix Uotan and other monitors look small when they go under the Monitor Sphere. They shrink.
In Mandrakk's case he was thrown down into the Multiverse by Superman. Most Monitors shrink down voluntarily.
That nanotechnology I mentioned? Those are the ships they use when they shrink down.
The Superman Thought Robot doesn't really operate in the sense of power levels. Just a personification of the idea that the hero must defeat the villain and only turns on if the ultimate evil is fucking shit up.
This is Morrison's map of the multiverse (he also wrote Final Crisis). The big blue area outside the "general" Multiverse is the Monitor Sphere. That little galaxy looking thing Superman is pointing at in OP's pic is Limbo. Limbo is big enough to surround the entire multiverse and the god sphere that surrounds it.
That should give you an idea how big Super-Superman is.
>Monitors explore the universe in nanotech ships powered by small universes.
>Their nanotech bugs each have a little universe inside them.
Jesus fuck this is some high power levels.
The point is that pure concepts go beyond power levels.
And Warner insists that Manhattan is the most powerful being on DC Multiverse.
Dr. Manhattan isn't even the most powerful reality warper in the DC multiverse, the only reason everyone powerwanks him so much is because Watchmen is so fucking popular.
He's basically the closest western equivalent to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann or Demonbane or Getter Emperor or whatever else: at this point it isn't even a matter of physical power, it's become an idea, a concept: Mandrakk is the embodiment of the "ultimate evil," Superman is the embodiment of the ultimate good and triumphing over evil. He beats the bad guy because good guys always win. It's literally a rule the multiverse operates on.
When have they done that? If you're talking about Rebirth all he did was interfere with the timeline in an uncontrolled way. Even the Time Trapper is more powerful than that since he's been able to interfere without such ripples.
So, VStard can't understand true potentiality of Cosmic Plot Armor Superman?
That is why they put CAS only high-multiversal?
>The Endless dwell in the Sphere of Gods
Does....Does that include Death?
I feel like she'd be an exception to the rule and hang around in the overvoid.
He is as strong as our knowledge that Superman will win, that at the end of the story he will be there having saved the day and ready to save us all again in the next story, that is how strong he is.
Because MUH WATCHMEN. Time Trapper and others could simply prevent this.
Yes. Endless and other Vertigo stuff got a nerf upon being incorporated more into DC.
Vertigo big tough dudes like Presence, Endless, Lucifer are now equivalent to Kirby stuff like Highfather and Darkseid.
Have we seen Time Trapper in New 52-verse?
He is the embodiment of Eucatastrophe, of the hero winning. He is the Demonbane that gives hope. He is the point of the Spiral, the chosen of Getter, one who has moved beyond god or devil.
>Endless are equivalent to Darkseid
All I feel is disgust
That's comics for you if you're a powerlevelfag. Solution: Stop being a powerlevel fag.
So he still dies to gag characters? Or maybe characters with 4th wall powers who write themselves?
Insomuch as the Superman Thought Robot wouldn't work against someone who isn't The Bad Guy.
>others say it is only galaxy level.
These people are complete idiots. The Cosmic Thought Armor is bigger than the multiverse. Like, holy shit, how stupid would you have to be to think it's Galaxy level?
Yes. Azathoth is a fictional character to boot, so the Thought Armor has power over it. Mandrakk is above Azathoth and Mandrakk can eat his story.
>He's as large as the multiverse.
The entire multiverse is the size of a germ to the Armor, actually.
You could say that. It is stronger than Demonbane, but the writers go to extra effort to say "nuh uh, because plot, so Cosmic armor wins."
The Presence and Lucifer are only universal. The Overmonitor/Monitor-Mind all ready said The Presence, The Beast and The Darkness are all mere parts of it's unfathomable greatness. The Presence was also made the bitch of Nekron.
What everyone here needs to realize is that The Cosmic Thought Armor is Wibbly-Wobbly-4th-Dimensinally Plot Breaking Bullshit. The Thought Armor literally breaks the 4th wall, created to defeat a villain so supremely powerful they were a threat to all of fiction that required breaking the 4th wall to beat them by throwing them out of the story.
Cosmic Armor Superman wouldn't fight Goku because Goku isn't evil.
Anything that IS evil. Cosmic Armor Superman is strong enough to beat.
So it this where he falls into the actual universe and gets staked by the Green Lanterns?
As far as I know, he falls into a new story which is then edited by the Super Judge, making Mandrakk mortal, they are finally able to kill him. To add insult to injury, they stake him like a Vampire(which wasn't even necessary)
>only galaxy level
>galaxy level, for those times where merely converting hundreds of millions of times your body weight into pure energy ain't enough
It's not that the endless were brought down, the new gods got a boost. Basically every version of darkseid before seven soldiers and final crisis was but a minimal projection of a living idea, the very concept of tyranny that touches all worlds.
>all these people saying Mandrakk is the ultimate evil
I thought that was Empty Hand.
That's literally it.
As strong as the plot needs him to be
Nix is a Monitor as well, so he's also insanely powerful (the piece of Mandrakk that survived and escaped into the Multiverse was strong enough to kill The Spectre and all of heaven).
When Superman summons him he goes full Scribblenauts and summons the Green Lantern Core, Literally Every Superman Ever, The Angel Army of God, and the Forever People and they gang up and beat him and Ultraman like in that Ultimate Showdown song.
Empty Hand is the same idea in a different form as the Monitors were all murdered by Nix for fucking up the multiverse so Grant can't use them anymore (except for Nix).
Ah okay, I really need to read through Final Crisis all at once again.
>the piece of Mandrakk that survived and escaped into the Multiverse was strong enough to kill The Spectre and all of heaven
It's hilarious how The Spectre is supposed to be a pretty big deal in the DC universe but everytime he has some relevance it's primarily to job hard
>and all of heaven
This is clearly not actual heaven.
Nah. We don't even know what Empty Hand is yet.
I keep seeing Empty Hand fans trying to hijack threds and turn them into Super Villain Power Level Wank-fests. Why is this? Wait until his story ends before trying to assign pointless power levels.
>The Spectre has jobbed to the Joker.
Is there a cosmic force as big of a joke as The Spectre? Even God itself has jobbed.
YHVH was obviously pranking corrigan.
Oh yeah? Well, I'm Super God!
The Empty Hand should be a notch above Mandrakk and the cosmic armour, given Morrison's explanation of the concept
>Always I've thought, and particularly now in the era of event-driven comics where characters are subjected to these absolutely life-ruining events in every story arc, I wanted to sum up what all these stories are. It's where the characters get to the end and they appear to have beaten the bad guy, and then an even bigger bad guy shows up and says, "I'll get you later." The real big bad guy at the end - he looks like the Ultra Comics character, but he's also the reader. The empty hand of the reader when he puts the comic down and everything ends. But like the bad guy, he can also come back in full force and say, "You'll meet me again."
>I like my books to have multiple meanings. There's multiple ways of reading it. The big bad at the end represents all the big bads in every story. We just beat that villain, now here comes the Anti-Monitor. We just beat the Anti-Monitor, now here comes something that's bigger than big. That was my thinking - the ultimate bigger than big, the ultimate universe destroyer. It's the reader, who chooses to either participate or not.
Like I said, we still need to see how this plays out. Empty Hand actually needs to show this stuff, not just say.
I also feel this way
>no time trapper
>no Prime
So the way to beat The Empty Hand is just to be interesting?
With all the LoSH hinting going on I'd be surprised if Time Trapper didn't show up.
Closest thing would have been there being a new girl named Glorith. One of the previous Time Trapper identities was another Glorith.
No that's giving him what he wants. Only way to beat the Empty Hand might be cancellation, which kills everyone and not just him.
But if not giving him what he wants is the destruction of the universe, giving him what he wants might be the best option.
Morrison's Multiversity was about how big Crisis event comics are kind of sad. They never end in the world getting better, its always "well, we managed to just survive Beyonders/Monitors/Whatever the fuck.
This is the "poverty of the imagination" theme that runs through Multiversity. Earth The Just more or less let the Gentry into their world out of boredom. Earth SOS let the Gentry into their world by escalating their story-telling tropes until the world broke (They fought supervillians and then they're forced to kill supervillians, they fought a world war and now are forced to fight a multi-universe war).
Earth Thunderworld managed to repel the Gentry because they live in a world where every day is an adventure.
You don't beat the Empty Hand by fighting him. That's what he wants. You beat him by Paying the rent and going outside to talk to girls / It's why Justice Incarnate decides to attack him by Entering the real world. IE, encouraging real change in your life .
So you tell me Sup Forums, did you beat the Empty Hand or did the Empty Hand beat you?
Which comic is this from?
More like what they perceive to be nanotechnology, probably a lot larger than 100 nanometers
All this talk of the Superman Thought Robot and yet the thing almost got destroyed by a vampire. The fuck is that?
the tardation in this image is what's known as "word salad"
What if I'm undergoing real change in my life while at the same time reading comics.
By the logic we're all continuing, probably some sort of lovecraftian god, in that your attention(reading comics) creates crisis and conflicts in those character's lives and worlds
>Its reaching out to the reader.
>Tenga Toppa Gurren Lagan is smaller than a microbe compared to him. That's how big we're talking.
Shin Mazinger Zero could beat it since it's a representation of another culture's HEROIC SPIRIT!
According to VStard, Overmonitor=Presence, right?
Nope. There is nothing heroic about Japan.
The stereotype that Japan holds itself as some kind of hyper culture is quite funny, actually, and equal parts sad. It's like the bullied little runt who sits in his room daydreaming about being big and strong and beating everyone up.
At one point Monitor-Mind claimed The Presence and other beings like The Darkness and The Beast are parts of it. The Presence is Universal, Overmonitor(Monitor-Mind) transcends the multiverse and is the filter through which the writers create their fiction, with the Overvoid being the blank pages.
Final Crisis.
Literally who?
Wouldn't Presence/Darkness/Beast be god sphere just above universal?
Superman thought robot has only one purpose, save the universe.
If the Presence is anywhere it would probably be the Sphere of the Gods, possibly permeating it's entirety, but The Presence has always been a vague, conflicting thing.
The Thought Robot is powered by the narrative of Superman, it is it's nature to become as powerful as is needed to defeat anything that confronts it, no matter how strong that might be.
Not anything, only the bad guy. The Superman Thought Robot could not be used against someone who wasn't evil.
Not necessarily evil. Presumably, if something tried to attack the armor, it would defeat them because attempting to destroy the armor might be viewed as a villainous act, as the armor is necessary to face certain pan-cosmic threats.
Another thing to consider is how big the armor is. It is vastly bigger than the sum-total of all universes. A would-be opponent would have to be able to enter the armor's weight-class in order to engage it, in the same way an atom cannot pick a fight with the universe entire, an opponent cannot engage the armor if it's not the proper size, which would be bigger than the multiverse. For all intents and purposes the aggressive atom does not exist to the universe in it's entirety.
Wouldn't the most powerful character in fiction be a character that can effect the real world and therefore create and destroy cannon?
Is Johns the most powerful DC characters?