ITT: NOT Villains
ITT: NOT Villains
He's the hero the Empire needs, but not the one it deserves.
Don't forget the head chef as well. He wanted to get rid of that rat for the very reason why the restaurant was closed down at the end.
he was the villain because he wanted to use the restaurant for maximum profit, and was stifling a genuinely brilliant chef to do so.
He wanted to own the restaurant and Gusteau brand, and profit off of both. Linguini showed up and was both a brilliant chef, and Gusteau's heir. At first he just doubted Linguini and didn't like being proven wrong or having someone go behind his back and defy his authority and position as head chef, but with the heir situation, it became more serious. Linguini was a threat to his profits, so he needed to keep him out of the spotlight and quietly get rid of him as soon as he could, which meant stifling this incredible chef.
He suppressed true talent so that he could sell and profit off of cheap frozen foods. He rejects true art and talented artists so that he can make a profit and maintain his power, this is directly in opposition to the themes of the story, and makes him the villain.
Ego is teased as the villain, but ends up being a sort of ultimate arbiter of taste and authority, yes overly cynical and harsh, but ultimately true to his values, which are consistent with the movie's morals, and in the end he doubles down on committing to the movie's main theme and message.
Isn't Griffith like the literal definition of a villain, though? I mean, he's just blatantly a horrible person and that's all there is to it.
Griffith did NOTHING WRONG
He's an antagonist, same as the critic. Not a villain. Yes he was a douche and was greedy but he's not trying to kill people or take over the world. He just wants to run the restaurant his way and keep it going.
No one even said antagonist, user. Chill.
He was merely doing what he existed to do. If anything, the real "villain" of OJ was Frank/The Mayor's stupidity.
But that's wrong fartknocker.
He's saving the world and building a beautiful kingdom, what's bad about that?
I'd choose him over a mentally unstabled ice witch or her dumb as fuck sister any day.
He would have made Arendelle great and go down in history as a figure like Charles XII of Sweden.
Yeah, when I saw Frank eating a boiled egg covered in ape shit I sincerely wanted him to die from that point on.
I do wish he had given his daughter's cunt teacher ebola as well though.
I think that scene absolutely cemented my dislike of eggs. Still don't eat em to this day.
Even in something, like an eggy bread or a flan?
He was just a creative little weirdo
Griffith did everything wrong!
>Big Dick
>Did nothing wrong
>Cool as Fuck
>Rich as Fuck
>Hot as Fuck
>Alpha as fuck
>Exposed Grougaloragran the useless faggot
>Exposed Yugo the useless Midget
>Exposed The Xelor GOD
>Made the Sadida people his bitch
>Fucking rekt that Iop faggot
>Fucking rekt half of the known World
>Wakfu fans still obsessed with him after all these years
>Didn't take shit from anyone
>Married a 10/10
>Was easily the best part of Wakfu
>Was universally over with everyone
>Actually defeated the so called ""Heroes"" in the end.
>Went out in his own terms
>Will go down in history as the greatest Sup Forums ""Villain"" of all time
He's no supervillain, but he was a little asshole. Obviously he couldn't have known toys were alive, but he still destroyed his little sisters toys on a regular basis.
He attempted to Murder a woman (or let her die) to get the throne.
If he had said "Anna, I'm sorry. I've been deceiving you. I don't love you, maybe I can grow to love you, but my kiss will do nothing. I desire the thrown and I was using you to get it."
But instead he did an evil laugh and tried to kill to girls. So no, he did something wrong.
Notice how he acts like a completely different person in the latter half of the movie? That's because he wasn't originally going to be the villain. It was going to be ice tits, but they changed that rather late into the production. Frozen went through a shit ton of revisions to the story. Hell, at one point it was going to heavily feature talking/singing animals too.
I'm pretty sure the frozen foods thing established him as a villain or at the very least a sellout.
But in the final movie he was a villain cuz he tried to kill two girls.
Yes literally everything he does is for his own selfish desires and fucks with anyone that's a negative blip on his radar for greatness or some shit he created a small paradis at the small price of making the rest of the world into a shithole
Mad Scientist
Serial Killer
Psychotic Serial Killer
Tried to start a race war.
Just everything. Every fucking thing.
It genuinely bothers me that people think of Hans as a great plot twist rather than lazy writing to keep the audience from feeling bad for him when Ana figures out that Kristoff was better for her. You could remove the villain twist and the story would barely change. It would just be the duke's goons trying to kill Elsa at the end. And the theme about not jumping into relationships on a whim would have a bit more ground if it was because they simply weren't a good match for each other when it came down to it rather than "lol she didn't know he was actually a complete psychopath"
she was never supposed to be a villain or antagonist though, I don't think you understand the concept behind this thread
>he still destroyed his little sisters toys on a regular basis
Eh, verdict's still out, he had that dog and have you ever lived in a house with both dogs and barbie dolls?
Dogs fucking love ripping those things apart,something about them makes chewing on them feel really good I guess.
It's the rubber they're made off.
You'd be right if he didn't try to feed Lilo to Stitch at the end. Up until then he's just a government agent trying to catch an incredibly dangerous escaped convict.
who is this? fucking awesome design
I figured it was closer to the point to post somebody that seems by design like they would be a villain but on viewing the movie turns out not to be at all, over the overabundance of ironically posting clear actual villains and pretending that the shit like mass murders and actual crimes they commit or the insanity they embody was totally right just for the lulz. But by all means, go on and enjoy another shitty meme thread.
Here, have this real contribution. Snow White obviously had it comin' for being a little hussie and there's no shame in eating human hearts.
He did literally nothing wrong
>getting this ass-blasted and passive aggressive
I bet you're real popular at parties, aren't you?
>but he's not trying to kill people or take over the world.
Those aren't necessary to be a villain. Consume more diverse media.
No, that would be Jack telling the kids to do that. Oogie never set a single foot outside of his lair.
Just kind of sick of seeing the same exact threads posted dozens of times over because stuck up prudes decide to make up rules and memes they need to conform to instead of letting things move in a different direction for once.
He actively admits that he enjoys playing with other people's lives for his own amusement & doesn't leave things to chance, deciding to cheat if he doesn't actually win. There's probably a decent reason he lives in a canyon outside of town.
Unlawful imprisonment and three counts of attempted murder then
Also treason and attempted cannibalism. Maybe also fraud, if each of those bugs should have been paying his own taxes?
Halloween Town apparently doesn't have death, so it shouldn't have taxes.
Well, maybe if you explained your reasoning or thought process we would have known what you were trying to convey. Posting an image of Lottie with no text and assuming we'd infer your message of "in many other movies Lottie would be the villain because she's a little vain, rich, and her character is a stark contrast from the protagonist." seems like a bit of a leap.
Judy started the race war by telling everyone predators can't help but become unbridled savages because it's in their DNA.
>implying Chernabog did anything wrong
Was he even a villain? All he did was have a sweet rave on his volcano, maybe break some noise ordinances.
Nox from wakfu
Nox, villain of Wakfu. Wants to undo one mistake, no matter the cost. So crazy you can tell through the language barrier.
To be fair, Jack would have put Santa back after he got bored of the whole "Christmas" thing.
>Raccoon steals his food
>Tries to rightfully enact revenge
>gets treated as a villain
Vincent did nothing wrong.
Why doesn't he just put together more professional model kits instead of lego?
I thought the exterminator was supposed to be the villain of that movie?
Wasnt he meant to be the embodiment of evil?
He's the devil.
He likes the aesthetic of Lego, and having a little more creative license with his set ups.
Of course he's not a villain. He's a fucking food critic. Why would he be a villain?
Just because a creature is said to be the embodiment of evil does it truly make it evil? Can it act against it's nature? Is it presumptuous of us to judge him based on the moral system that we as a civilization have created?
Zorg did nothing wrong
>he doesnt want to secure the existence of his race and a future for his children
Vincent was also a villain.
Well Falconia is a literal paradise and he even let Rickert go after he slapped him and embarrassed him in front of other people. Well, he let him go, but some of his Apostles had a beef with that so there's that whole plot line going.
It'd be better if it was shown he did buy some legos for the kid to play with.
After all, the whole point of the movie was seeing those awesome lego designs and this little kid goes and wreck the whole thing.
The movie wouldn't exist if it wasn`t for him.
Vincent felt like he was 'a' villain, but not the one relevant to the actual plot. The Bruce Willis Raccoon was worse than he was for using his "friends" just to pay off his debt, he could've at the very least been more transparent about his situation, despite whatever the turtle thought of him.
Just started reading Berserk a couple days ago.
I get that some shit goes down and this guy becomes a demon? Maybe? Or just a dude who really digs the bird motif and black leather, I don't know.
Demons and stuff and then generic-ish knights and mercenaries, but so far he just seems kind of objective-oriented.
Guts just killed a kid for him, so I guess things are ramping up.
>I get that some shit goes down and this guy becomes a demon? Maybe? Or just a dude who really digs the bird motif and black leather, I don't know.
The thing is shit goes down WAY harder than you think.
But it was still only twenty minutes user.
Actually to be fair the only thing I can think of was dropping the demons into the fire, but maybe he was just lending a hand to his mates thrill-seeking.
I mean they're demons so they probably can't die.
But he was to fucking glue Lego together!
What kind of monster does that?
Yes. Especially when the being is simply a personification of an abstract concept.
He gave him the crappy set.
But really the movie wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the kid. He just created the original world but the kid was the one making the narrative and his imagination somehow gave them actual life which is why Emmet could actually move outside their control.
>Actually defeated the so called ""Heroes"" in the end.
To be fair, the Brotherhood of Tofu have never won a major fight. They've just been lucky.
And then secured Stitch's survival during due process by feeding it with a primitive ape native from a underdeveloped planet. Standard Galactic Federation Protocol.
>Mad Scientist
Or better yet
>"Hey girlfriend, what's up, you need true love's kiss to break this curse? Alright, let's go for it."
>"Oh shit it didn't work? Well that can't be right, there's no one I love more truly than you. Do you love someone more than me?"
>Some guy you left in the middle of the woods named Kristoff? Don't worry, you stay right here, I'll go grab him."
>Never come back
>Kill crazy ice queen
>Kingdom secured
He just didn't want to live alone in the garbage anymore.
That hurt me as a former homeless man who's family abandoned him.
Glad things have gotten better for you, hopefully with your family back in the picture.
Viruses are free floating genocide.
It bothers me that people think Frozen is good at all except for Frozen Heart and Olaf.
That plot is too stupid for me to take seriously.
I think you need to understand what a villain is and what an antagonist is.
It's clearly Iron Man