What does Sup Forums think of Scott Pilgrim?

I love it. But Scott should've gone with Knives

Should have gotten a mini series instead of a movie

I liked the movie more than the comic, the last third felt a little bloated and could use some trimming
also fuck that, Knives deserves better than Scott, that's the point

Knives deserves best girl instead of scott desu

wait, why would Knives get with Lisa?

I said best girl. Aka kim.

I still think it deserves one. The AS short was alright.

The point is that Scott and Ramona deserve each other because they're both shitbags who are trying to be better

Never saw it like that. But it makes sense

Why would you fight for a girl that's had seven different boyfriends? That fact alone should tell you she's shit relationship material

Ah, back in 2010 we would have countless threads every day calling the comic 'hipster garbage'.
I still roll my eyes at the claim of something being 'hipster', since at the time it was a buzzword everyone used to describe something they didn't enjoy.
That being said, I do not enjoy Scott Pilgrim, and if you think that the amount of people copying Steven Universe's style is too many, just try to put yourself in a world where EVERYONE, talented or not, was copying the Scott Pilgrim art style.

Scott doesn't deserve Knives

Scott deserves to end up alone forever.

i hate knives
scott should be with knives


Probably one of my favorite comics. It's not ground breaking, or amazing. The art doesn't even really blow me away. But something about it is just super comfy and endearing to me. It always puts me in a good mood and I like a lot of the characters, even the assholes.


> But Scott should've gone with Knives

Well it's nice that you can enjoy something while completely missing the point of it I guess.

Scott was a dick. Knives didn't deserve that. Ramona was the same shallow level as him.

Yeah the whole period Scott goes without Ramona where he gets a job is the biggest thing cut from the movie I miss.

That said the movie's cast was perfect, except Cera.

Nobody except Ramona deserves having to settle for Scott.

I'm a big fan. I probably can't speak for Sup Forums as a whole but I think it's a great comic. The movie is pretty good too. I don't think Cera was a great choice for Scott but he did an excellent job. All the ladies are represented wonderfully, though. Plaza, Kendrick, Winstead, Wong, Pill, Larson, all of them hotties.

>Scott Pilgrim, a Canadian Graphic Novel series gets a movie
>Edgar fucking Wright directs it

>Ghost in The Shell gets a live action movie
>Some no name that made one commercial failure gets to direct it

God doesn't exist.

>Edgar fucking Wright
You say that like it's a bad thing, Edgar Wright is fantastic. Hot Fuzz may be a perfect movie

>Scott should've gone with Knives
That's not how you spell Kim.

Also frankly Knives was too good for him, same for Lisa. Or really best would have been him ending the series single but he and Ramona both realize they're cunts and work towards bettering themselves before trying dating again. Keep it open ended, but with a positive send off.

I think he's lamenting that someone of Wright's talents were on 'just' an SP movie while GitS is landed with a Literally Who


He's saying he's a good director, the shitty comic book gets a director and the kino animu gets a nobody


I liked it.
Volume 1 6/10
Volume 2 6/10
Volume 3 8/10
Voume 4 Best/10
Volume 5 7/10
Volume 6 8/10

Overall Needed more Lisa/10

And how many gfs have you had user? Go shove that expectation up your ass!

It would have been good if the Scott Pilgrim movie didn't tank. Hollywood still doesn't want to touch anything Scott Pilgrim because of that, can't get Box Office Poison out of the system that easily, sometimes if ever

That's literally the opposite of what he's saying.

Contrary to its title, Scott really didn't get it together in 4. It was pretty great though yes

No he got it together in 4.
>Got a job.
>Said the L word.
>Moved in with his thick ass girlfriend.
>Beat the baddy.
>And most importantly steered clear of love triangle BS.
He just fucked it up in 5.

She didn't have seven different boyfriends, she had seven evil exes.

>seven different boyfriends
She had six boyfriends and a lesbian ninja. Get it right

Shitt Failgrim. Anyone who likes it should do the world a favor and neck themselves.

I have never heard anyone use the word neck in a threatening concept. It was either something you did to someone when they said something dumb, or it meant people were getting frisky.

Read it again recently didn't like as much as I used to

I think its fine, nothing special, but nothing to be ashamed of liking either. Fine to have on your self, but if its your favorite then yeah you're a faggot

>That said the movie's cast was perfect, except Cera
You shut your whore mouth.

I dislike the art style enough to avoid reading it.

Cera was way too fucking passive.

>a friend tells me he cried when reading Scott Pilgrim and lends it to me
>okay meh tier and move along, laughed to myself at the thought of him crying while reading it

Sucks to be a senile oldfag, I guess. imo you need to read this during a certain phase of your youth (and not after) to really aprecciate it, just like those harry potter books.

That said; Scott is a piece of shit, Knives and Lisa were the best.


Crap, diregard that! I meant the redhead

>all my girlfriends need to have never even understood what a relationship was until she met me.

Keep looking for that user.