Keanu Reeves episode would be the ultimate kino
Hot Ones - Who should be a guest?
Sean Evans is not human
doug walker
This guy interviews like a robot.
>Dave Chappelle reporting for duty
why don't they have more girls on?
Is hot sauce a macho thing?
I want to see her eat hot tiny wings haha as her nose gets runny and she gets teary haha spice mucus lol
I love watching actresses get all hot and bothered
Because overrunning nose, tears etc ruins their makeup and their attractiveness to their male fans. I can guarantee you they have breaks inbetween just to adjust their makeup
This show got old fast. They need a new shtick.
They need to move on to higher caliber guests, not some random soundcloud rapper. Imagine Brad Pitt, Denzel, Leo or someone of similar status on the show. Now THAT would be incredible
Fuck this show always makes me want wings and nowhere is open right now
>tfw live in a country with no hot wings restaurants
>not even a KFC in my country
Norway is a hellhole
>not some random soundcloud rapper
who? i wish they had some dumbass rappers on. all they get are c-list actors, washed up artists and youtube people
Just come to Sweden bro, we got KFC now
Why are americans obsessed with chicken wings? Theres barely any meat on them. Sounds like they got socially engineered into paying a premium for crap cuts of meat
>Kevin Hart
>Key & Peele
>Terry Crews
>James Franco
>Bryan Cranston
>Charlie Day
>Kevin Durant
>Seth Rogen
Their guests are gradually getting better
The wing has a lot of skin. When deep fried it gets chewy and delicious.
>cumskins in charge of eating chicken wings
You order fifty of them and a pitcher. What is this "choice cuts" nonsense?
of course you would Sweden. Your Wife's sons' fathers have to eat something
6ix9ine episode when???
Alex Jones would be a hoot.
Also anyone tried their sauce? It's fucking delicious. I love pineapple and heat. I have to buy a bottle any time I make crawfish po'boys. Only complaint is the tiny ass bottle, barely lasts a few days in good hands.
Wings are the brush.
The sauce is paint.
>50 scrap offcuts and a jug of cheap pisswater
american cuisine everyone
Anybody else try some of the sauces from the show? The eponymous sauce was kind of a disappointment but I'm not really a chipotle guy. Both QM sauces were brilliant but the red habanero + black coffee is better. Put half a bottle down in like 3 days. Secret Aardvark is good. Seems like it would go good on a burger. Haven't tried any others.
Crystal was just pepper flavored vinegar. Tacobell hot sauce is spicier.
Crystal sucks. I don't know why it's on the show. I only bought it once on accident because I got it mixed up with "Louisiana" which is far, far better.
Damn,thumb looked like Adam Sessler
>t. shitbong that boils shoes until they're flavorless to have with his "tea" which is just a sprung mouse trap he dips into his cup by the tail
no joke, i live in austria and half the people who work or eat at kfc are african
Don't worry bong I'm sure you can find a fucking kebab store somewhere Jesus Christ.
sometimes niggers have good taste
I just think they aren't as enticed by the idea of eating stupidly hot wings as some men are.
That said, the Padma Lakshmi interview is one of my favorites,
Christ no wonder you are all obese and incontinent
This makes me mad, I don't even leave the marrow in the bones
>Keanu Reeves
Why would you want to watch an emotionless android pantomime the eating process?
At some point he might activate a carefully programmed (but wholly unbelievable) sequence of words, gestures, and motions intended to convey the sentiment of "woah these are hot", but it would be clear to the audience that it's merely for our benefit.
>live in literally the best country in the world
The way the host talks drives me fucking nuts. He acts like every question is some mindblowing thing and emphasizes every other word
Most kino hot ones episodes?
>charlie day
>eric andre
>rza and paul banks
>It's okay when Joe Rogan does it!
congratulations, you figured out what the joke was!
>>not even a KFC in my country
We have Maxim Chicken in Oslo which is a norwegian variation of the same kind of chain. Not particularly hot chicken wings, but nearly the same as KFC
David Lynch
Lena Dunham
Marina Abramović
Donald Trump
Sasha Grey
Tim Heidecker