The recent Karnak run and Secret Avengers: Run the Mission, Don't Get Seen, Save the World.
Kayden Garcia
Bendis's run is the most prolific and definitive so start with New Avengers.
Waid's All New All Different is good for giving you the best of old school Avengers and modern storytelling.
And Humphries's Ultimates if you want a more nuance and grounded take on the concept.
Austin Sanchez
Liam Brooks
Daniel Bennett
>tfw never read an Inhumans comic in my life Keep it that way.
Ayden Reyes
I imagine you might consider it "dated" but Busiek's late-90s run on the Avengers was fantastic, and the 12 issue Inhumans limited series by Lee/Jenkins (also from the late-90s) is pretty good.
David Stewart
Surely they can't all be shit?
Thanks for these. I'll check them out.
Christian Williams
Pic related, plus secret invasion, war of kings, realm of kings Inhumans, Ellis Karnak, Uncanny Inhumans 0-4.
Christian Evans
>Surely they can't all be shit? They're not. He's probably just a salty x-fag.
Jordan Gutierrez
Although it's not explicitly about the inhumans, I'd add Earth-X to the list. It's one of those "must read" Marvel books and they play a notable role in the story.
Logan Butler
don't read any marvel comic ever
Aaron Watson
Is there an order to read/timeline, or can I just read stuff like war of kings first and then cherry pick?
Parker Butler
>tfw never read an Avengers or Inhumans comic in my life so?
Noah Wood
>Where do I start?
Don't. Why would you want to?
Justin Sullivan
you can cherry pick just about everything.
Oliver Perry
>Surely they can't all be shit? Yes they are, especially Charles Soule's shithumans, which are horrible.
Fuck off, shill. Don't you have some mouse cock to suck?
Sebastian Cooper
I mean, release order would be the order to read/timeline, but generally yeah you can just read them in whatever order you want. I guess it just depends on how much of an autist you are for not being spoiled to stuff. The order listed in looks to be release order. I read War of Kings before reading most of the stuff on that list and it didn't bother me too much. I will say that you should probably read Secret Invasion: Inhumans before War of Kings though since SI:I sets up WoK.
Earth-X is an alternate future story (a la Kingdom Come), so you can read that whenever.
Eli James
t. salty x-fag
Bentley Myers
if you want to read cape stuff, read DC. Don't even bother touching any marvelmouse shit
Logan Turner
t. Disney shill
See? I can do that too.
Angel Watson
>Is there an order to read/timeline, or can I just read stuff like war of kings first and then cherry pick?
See the DNA Cosmic Saga. If I recall right the Inhumans don't enter the saga until War Of Kings but the entire thing is worth reading.
it's all on Marvel Unlimited too. Which I'd recommend signing up for:
Anthony Evans
Oh boy, a DnAfag...
Chase Kelly
He's right though, if you're going to read War of Kings + Realm of Kings then you might as well start with Annihilation + Annihilation: Conquest since it's all building off of that.
Aiden Adams
>Where do I start?
In general (not just Inhumans and Avengers) I always liked ComicBookHeralds list personally.
You don't need to read everything, but theirs a mix of good and bad there and it's enough to build a foundation on.
Just know that Marvels current stuff is...not good. Theirs a few current readable titles but everything they're trying to do, DC is doing better.
Evan Morris
OK, why the fuck are my posts getting deleted? Is Sup Forums owned by Disney now? No? Then fuck off, I can say what I want. Explain to me right now what was so delete-worthy about what I posted.
Jeremiah Smith
I'll second this. One of the first trades I read was Avengers Forever, and it does a fantastic job of introducing the Marvel universe. Granted, you might get a little confused because of how much it covers, but it does a reasonable job of providing the necessary backstory for most everything.
Nicholas Thompson
>shitposts >gets surprised that his shitposts gets deleted wew