Does anyone even care?
Secret Empire
Will this bring wolverine, warmachine, and shehulks charectrization back?
Then no.
The only thing I'm hoping for is Rogers kicking the shit out of people like Danvers, but I know better than to get my hopes up.
Besides that, it's just another event.
>Kirby's Centenary
>Have his most famous character set up concentration camps
No. At best it'll be another cheap "Shocks for Sales" event.
Sure. Captain Hydra has been a fun ride so far.
I've enjoyed Spencer's Cap run so I would like to see how it all pays off in this event.
Been a rough few years for Kirby's properties.
I didn't think it could get much worse than 90% of the things DC have done with the New Gods, but oh how wrong I was.
Keep crying, bitch nigger. We all know it's some kind of keikaku and he'll have some big heroic return.
As long as Tasky survives, I don't give a shit.
The New Gods problems came from creators wanting to use his characters,while misguided theres a love for his work there.
Marvel meanwhile has shelved the FF over movie rights, made the Inhumans into poor man's Mutants and had Cap actively help the Nazi war effort.
At least The Kamandi Challenge is great.
Let's not forget Trank's Fant4stic which was a big steaming dump on the IP, created by someone who made his disdain for the FF readily apparent from the getgo.
And the massive Inhumans push has led to a lot of active hatred for a property that was otherwise unknown, or that people were generally indifferent to.
Also that fucking cover with Sam punching Steve, Hitler-style
I'm still reading it. I'm in this deep already
I care. I've been enjoying CA: Steve Rogers and am interested with the premise.
I've really enjoyed Hydracap and his keikakkus, so I'm at least curious about it.
The keikaku seems to be
>Have the Chitauri invade
>Have Zemo and his Masters of Evil wreck shit
>Have Baron Mordo bring hell on Earth
>Use all this to make a power grab so that Hydra can save the day and take over the world under his leadership
People actually cared about Rhodey?
plus control a cutie Quasar and a cosmic loli
>ho made his disdain for the FF readily apparent
Do you live on planet earth?
Not even a little bit.
>shitting on Captain America during Kirby's 100th Anniversary
Rot in Hell, Spencer
there must be an mutch easy way to get 0.50 cents added to your acount user
>Have Baron Mordo bring hell on Earth
I have a feeling that Mordo going full Inferno II wasn't part of Steve's keikaku and is just unfortunate timing.
did they mention mordo in steve's book or is it on a tie-in?