Since X-23 originally showed up in Evolution, does that mean Fox was more accurate when it came to her race?
Since X-23 originally showed up in Evolution, does that mean Fox was more accurate when it came to her race?
She's a clone of Wolverine. If he's not Brown she shouldn't be either.
Wasn't Evolution's X23 supposed to be genderless?
Making her an underaged prostitute in the comics was stupid
her mother was.
Shouldn't she be like 4'6 in the comics then?
Well then she also shouldn't be asian like she is in the comics.
She's hardly a perfect clone
I mean, for one thing she's a girl
Why would you think that?
That depends.
If he was half-brown and they took the brown half, then she'd be darker than he would be
She's only a true clone in Evolution and WatX.
>Wasn't Evolution's X23 supposed to be genderless?
where's my lowqualitybait.jpg when I need it....
I want to SNIKT that BUB
X-23 is Asian in the comics?
She was the same height as Wolverine until Secret Wars (2015). Now she's two inches shorter.
Damn Reed's inaccurate memories
I was never sure why she was ambigously brown
No. Except in Age of Apocalypse canon.
Solid Snake is (half)
Snake is American.
from the Algonquin nation
>Since X-23 originally showed up in Evolution
Huh, I didn't know she originally came from Evolutions...
yea she did then the comics went full edge
What was she in Evolution? Hispanic, asian?
Part Native due to Logan's Canadian bush heritage?
If she was a perfect clone, she would be a boy.
Her mother is literally a mexican teenager in Logan