X-Men have gathered an awful lot of Anti-Mutant opponents over the years.
Are there any anti-mutant goons who AREN'T frothing, racist psychopaths? And I don't mean reasonable authority figures like Senator Kelly, who end up being fully pro-Mutant anyway. Nor do I mean fanatics and fetishists like the underwhelming and honestly pathetic U-Men.
Whatever happened to that church in the middle pic, by the way?
Austin Williams
The Purifiers? They kinda just . . . stopped showing up. Hm.
Zachary Myers
The original creator of the Sentinels Bolivar Trask only wanted them to protect humans, they just went rogue. He sacrificed his life to help the X-Men destroy Master Mold and save the lives of humans and mutants
In Second Coming when Bastion resurrects the various human X villains and Trask finds out what his legacy is, all the mutants killed by his creation, he kills himself
Ian Perez
the only good mutie is a dead one
Isaac Gonzalez
To think mutants survived a lot of things except shithumans It's no fucking fair.
Jeremiah Hall
>U-men Weren't the U-men normal people who wanted to be mutants?
Hunter Phillips
Yes. Which they do by kidnapping Mutants and removing their organs to transplant into themselves, to get their powers. X-ray vision eyes, electric blood transfusions, etc. To quote their leader, "[Mutants] are like livestock to us."
Zachary Murphy
Huh. Well, good on Bolly.
James Martin
who tf are those smiley robots
Adam Gray
Not robots, dude in power suits. I forget their name but they're from the original X-Factor and work for Cameron Hodge
Nolan Ross
but why do they look like that?
Landon Baker
Why are all mutants enemies fucking assholes?
Charles Carter
...it's creepy?
Isaiah Smith
That's what I'm trying to figure out!
Ryan Hall
Gays are the mutants of this century.
Carson Price
Oh, please.
Gays can't manipulate metal or fire laser beams from their minds or psionically rape your mind by sheer accident Mutants honestly suck as a metaphor for downtrodden minorities
Colton Taylor
Really poweful gays can do the last thing tho.
Adam Adams
Yeah I think it would work better if the X-Men and villains like The Brotherhood were the exception, mutants with dangerous powers, and the average joe mutants were more mundane.
My names Cyclops and I fire a beam of kinetic energy from my mutated eyes that I can't turn off My name's Greg and I can breath underwater
Landon Bailey
The problem is you only ever rarely saw dudes like that in the comics, which I think is a severe misstep. Sometimes you get a Mutant that literally just looks weird and has no special powers. And then you have idiots like Proteus.
Carson Gray
doubt it if there was an anti mutant group that wasn't a bunch of crazies they wouldn't be fighting the xmens at all
Asher Baker
Are those gays FILTHY MUTIES?
Jack Garcia
Trask hated what happened to his sentinels and a chunk of average joes who generally distrust mutants because exploding knees
The Right, power armored paramilitary under Hodge
they depleted themselves by helping bastion's experiments then getting x-force'd
they are still active but haven't been developed on again.
yeah, mutants suck as a metaphor. A shame raising this point at marvel or at any fans gets you slaughtered
Owen Gray
>The Right, power armored paramilitary under Hodge
Why do those robot suits got smiley faces?
Jackson Edwards
>Proteus Who?
Isaac Thomas
He's some nigga who can warp reality
Aiden King
Hodge had... issues.
80s aesthetics had plenty of rule of cool, see the reavers. The eye slots are above the painted eyes actually. Honestly I think their design is right on top together with the marauders[/poiler]
Jaxon Taylor
I mean, they do look cool and all. Is it basically a scare tactic?
Levi Morales
yep. terror tactics with a hint of dickery
Isaac Martinez
Does Cameron Hodge have legitimate reasons to be a crazy asshole or is he just a crazy asshole- Er- Just 'cause?
Jonathan Richardson
Afraid I don't read much into hodge's original arcs - didn't pay much attention to X-Factor, let me give you the general rundown of anti mutant antagonists
1. misguided politicians and corporates 2. literal terrorists on a power trip 3. not-evangelicals religious extremists
Hodge is of the second group, but by the messiah saga all groups in OP's pic were put under the purifiers' wing who was purely religious
Landon Morgan
What I can say is that during the messiah saga, hodge was one of the dudes that basically did it for the lulz.
Joseph King
Hodge was Warren's friend was jealous as fuck of him
Henry Turner
>did it for the lulz.
Sheeeeeeee- guess there's no excuse for just being insane and evil.
pardonez mois
Oh, hey- Are humans ever portrayed as having a point about distrusting Mutants, or are they all either just misguided, dumb, or pro-Mutants?
>tfw Magneto may never get chewed out by a human about how he's done more to hurt the Mutant cause than help
Daniel Adams
That's an issue with a lot of scifi. But that's sort of the point being actiony and interesting takes a backseat to being an accurate allegory for whatever. I mean Immigrants aren't tireless machines built by companies that natives can't hope to compare to but that doesn't stop I, Robot.
Though Mutants existing in a world with other weird shit helps that allegory a bit.
Julian Myers
Cyclops ordered Laura to murder them all
It's about the sanest thing anybody has done in an X-Men story in decades.
Why are mutants fucking assholes?
As soon as the Xavier school went public about their involvement with the X-Men - in a world that hates and fears fucking Spider-Man, of all people - they became the Brotherhood. The original Brotherhood weren't evil, they just didn't believe they'd ever be accepted. They had normal lives - to a point - and the irony of their situation was them using their powers to try and force a settlement for mutants and humans; unless you buy that whole Homo superior shit Magneto started spouting, and even then... doesn't mean they were all on-board with mass-extermination of humans (which would be moronic, since they're where the most mutants come from anyway).
They were smart, and they wanted a place in the world, they just found themselves opposed by Xavier who explicitly wanted everybody to be equal under the law. Except change is hard and them fighting all the time with no clear way of showing who was on the public's side didn't help, and then they kept going to space and dropping asteroids on shit and it just got stupid.
I get it, I do. They reached a point creatively where the X-Men had to go public as Xavier's students - maybe it could have been handled better, in-universe or as a plot device. Who cares.
The problem is that after you've taken that step... it's like Spider-Man revealing himself to the world. They became targets, they looked like what they were - a paramilitary organisation that takes and indoctrinates children - and at that point they haven't got a friend in the world and everybody knows where they are. It's a shitshow, but there's no going back after this long.
This is another problem. Mutants are regularly shown to have game-breaking powers, when most of them shouldn't have those. There should be a lot more Toads out there.
Joseph Bailey
Zachary Perry
It's not that- It's just hard to sympathize with a bunch of capricious superbeings who don't always have control over their powers. Mutants is scary.
Hudson Lee
>opposed by Xavier who explicitly wanted everybody to be equal under the law. Well, that's fair. I don't want anyone getting a free pass for committing, like, murder, whether they're a Mutant or a human.
Gabriel Sullivan
the brotherhood was anything else than a criminal organisation?
but yeah from that POV, having other terrorists oppose you and treat you like another military group makes a lot of sense
>There should be a lot more Toads out there.
I think some writers would disagree. Only time that issue got raised was with Morrison's run and it was derided to the point Quesadilla ordered a general cull of the mutant cast and fluff (age of M happened). Beyond morrison the issue of mutants being basically the 1% is rarely raised. I can only recall one arc in I think was astonishing or concurrent uncanny where a nuclear bomb survivor shit talked them for being super gods and then wolverine stabbed him in the face. I think it was sort of parodied during wolverine and the x-men in a groo issue where he basically acts as the mutant mafia.
Well in his defense being revived by becoming a Phalanx clone then forced to follow orders from a robot from the future can do shit to your head
>Are humans ever portrayed as having a point about distrusting Mutants
Now that's a big question
depends on the writer and their mood really.
Claremont had kitty compare mutant hate to racism and event religion as she was a jew.
other situations had mutants more like persecuted minorities like gays were in the 80s (ie: a bunch of dudes may suddenly decided to beat you to death because you are "one of them") were even raising the topic of being a mutants got everyone ass to clench collectively. Lots of 80s anti mutant attitude was ripped straight from anti gay lingo of the day.
The point of mutants being able to destroy a city block got raised a couple times, but never elaborated on. All I ever read about it is writers presenting it as "yet another case of mutantphobia"
>tfw Magneto may never get chewed out by a human about how he's done more to hurt the Mutant cause
the red skull of all people did that.
>"muh opressed peoples" you are literally me but subhuman
Julian Morales
>The point of mutants being able to destroy a city block got raised a couple times, but never elaborated on. All I ever read about it is writers presenting it as "yet another case of mutantphobia"
See, that's what I was afraid of. If I had my druthers . . . Marvel, can you please Rebirth yourself? Please?
>the red skull of all people did that . . . Fuckin- Ffff- X-Men is the least satisfying thing ever.
Jose Baker
At least Red Skull got his - he got locked in a dark cellar with a couple gallons of water by Magneto a while later, after (what I think was) a double cross. Less water than what a regular person would need to last long enough to get out. Magneto threw out a rejoinder to Red Skull's criticism before he stranded him, but it was basically "fuck you, you're a goddamned Nazi. Enjoy the starvation, fuckface." I wish I had the page, it used to get reposted all the time.
Jaxon Gutierrez
you are new to mutants?
I'm jumping straight to references because I though we were all read here. I'd say you ignore the thread, if you want a primer go read The New Mutants and claremont era Uncanny. You will get the x-men basics pretty fast.
What sold the series in my opinions was always the interaction between the heroes and the occasional villain. For the majority of claremont x-men the main enemies where other mutants like the hellfire club.
There's plenty of sci fi goodness too, ayy lamos, Brood, Shi'Ar, super science, etc, etc. Hell even magic, demons and fucking dracula make appearances. All in all the "hated and feared" part was minor compared to the two I mentioned
Nathan Scott
>All in all the "hated and feared" part was minor compared to the two I mentioned Oh, whew. Great. I was starting to wonder how the hell X-Men was able to get so much mileage out of pseudo-racism for the past several decades.
>you are new to mutants? I mean, I am fairly new to Mutants, I suppose. I've only had passing familiarity with X-stuff for most of my life and I've only really just started to get interested. I read a bit of First Class and 'God Loves, Man Kills' which was good the writing and dialogue is sort of a product of its time, which doesn't help it, but, alas . . ., but that's about it so far.
You were incredibly helpful and informative, by the way. Much obliged, sir.
Oh, one last question- what is magik's mutant power and why isn't she just a wizard
Connor Brooks
Her mutant power is to create stepping discs like MCU Mordo's boots and enter other dimensions I think. She got stuck in limbo, aged a couple years physically, and learned magic.
Charles Perez
Okay. Makes sense.
Bentley Fisher
>what is magik's mutant power and why isn't she just a wizard
She "is" a wizard. it's just that marvel has completely dropped any semblance of magic having internal logic since the first Dr. Strange comic.
Magik has two things: She has space-time portal manipulation that due to shenanigans are linked to the hell dimension she rules over. She was also trained in dark magic by her kidnapper and sempai Bellasco, the previous ruler of the hell dimension. But the exact nature of her magic beyond being linked to her soul was never explored until >bendis decided to make her an acquaintance of strange. Now she's a """"magician"""" of undetermined power level.
Remember that mutant politics are always centerfold in the comic even if they are not related to the current arc. You will see plenty of "are we better or worse than humans" "you dumb fuck you will doom the species" arguments between different mutant groups, and they are night obligatory every time mags appears until his first redemption arc.
There's a bunch of x-men book recs floating around. I will see if I have some saved.
Connor Sullivan
>all that shit about magik
You know . . .
Sometimes, I really love comics. And sometimes I really wonder how they haven't died out yet.
>There's a bunch of x-men book recs floating around. I will see if I have some saved. Shit, alright. Thanks!
Justin Johnson
/Yeah. Claremont era ideas were somewhat hit or miss, but when they hit they trashed the place in one swoop then dropped the mic.
Sadly, I don't have any x-men rec pics saved. I guess I can drop some myself
Claremont uncanny, New Mutants until Liefeld assumes (unless you really dig 90s lineart and bad storytelling). The Magik mini is mandatory, Fallen Angels is a comfy yet dramatic new mutants spín off deeply rooted in the 80s. Remember to read the annuals too, some of the best arcs are spread around them
That's the X-Men started pack if you ask me. The absolute basics you need to understand what made them good in the first place
Optional comics are X-Men First Class (a really fun spin off about the kirby lee original team) and New X-Men which is a 2000s teen book that I think is the perfect introduction to post-90's franchise. It also introduces and fleshes out a lot of fan favourites then quickly goes dark
Luis Robinson
>New Mutants until Liefeld assumes
New Mutants until the end of Inferno. The post-Inferno, pre-Liefeld period makes you long for Liefeld
Blake Barnes
the Purifiers are really some of the scariest villains in comics imo
Noah Garcia
sorry, meant to quote Honestly after reading inferno for the first time I couldn't get enough of them. I gulped those issues like my life depended on it. Though New Mutants always had a "one bad arc, one good arc" deal.
Colton Hernandez
it's more because the original X-Factor pitch didn't make any fucking sense so him being evil helped smooth it out than actual textual reason
David Price
Nah, it's all good. This has all been very useful.
Ryder King
>the original X-Factor pitch What WAS the original X-Factor pitch?
Kayden Myers
Cyclops, Beast, Iceman, Angel and Dazzler pretend to be mutant hunters and drum up anti-mutant sentiment to save mutants.
Gavin Jackson
... pardon?
Jacob Turner
>hey guys, what if we made a hotline that people could call to report mutants? >yeah, that would be great, there's no way that talking about exterminating mutants would lead to people wanting to exterminate mutants
Zachary Cooper
Because there aren't reasonable reasons for someone to be enemiy of the whole species (mutants are designated as Homo Superior). Thus enemies of the mutants as a whole resorts to the unreasonable and degrades to frothing racism.
Cooper Barnes
Busiek Ruined X-Men
Landon Brown
Oh. That's not as dumb as I thought. I suppose it makes sense to have a task force you could call to report violent Mutants to.
Unless I'm completely misinterpreting that.
And even if I'm not, don't the X-Men sorta take care of that stuff anyhow?
Noah Young
>Because there aren't reasonable reasons for someone to be enemiy of the whole species (mutants are designated as Homo Superior).
Sure there are! I mean, there's no sense in hating harmless dudes whose Mutant power is being covered in fur or having blue spots or something, but the prospect of a Magneto or a Proteus popping up at random is terrifying.
Levi Morgan
No, it's for reporting ANY mutants. This kid makes sculptures out of light but his classmates pretended to call X-Factor to give him a scare. He ends up killing himself rather than letting X-Factor capture him and conduct experiments on him
William Carter
How did marvel predict mike pence
Henry Morgan
Holy shit.
That's honestly pretty fucked.
Colton Miller
Pencewin's Law - there are so many racist white guy politicians, sooner or later there will be one that looks like a racist white guy from a comic book.
Cooper Powell
So there are reasons to be enemy of powerful mutants. Or superpowered people in general. X-gene is only one way to become dangerous to the society in Marvel universe.
...and so we inventing registration act.
Tyler Reed
Why is this board so full of liberal shitheads? Fuck, I hate you. You mean the worst for fucking everyone. Newsflash: there is nothing to rebel against. No need to futher liberalize Western society. Unless you're campaigning for the right's fo dogs to marry bags of rice. Fuck you.
Ayden Myers
Ryan Bennett
nah the X-Factor plot was basically a group of shitheads posing as mutant removers for the sake of cool points
I don't know if that one X-Factor was related to the comic that later appeared.
that was a great arc. It's also the most subtle reference to queers the X-Men ever did
Just replace mutie with fag and you will see. Shit like this could happen back in the day. Wouldn't be surprised in someone was outed as gay and the offed himself for shit like this