No joke, the trailer has been leaked. ENJOY.

Other urls found in this thread:


then post it, you cunt

>no link whatsoever

>image search brings up nothing
>no links

literally a cocktease. You bag of dicks.

Went to the theater today, will post un spoilered spoiler responded to this.

Fuck you Ryan


Wade uncostumed comes across a mugging in progress. With the original Superman theme playing in the background he runs into a phone booth to change into his costume but takes too long to do it and the mugger kills his victim. Deadpool laments that he took too long and the guy probably just should have called the cops. As he eats the dead guy's Ben and Jerry's pint he questions why there was a phonebooth out there anyway as they're obsolete.

>its real

here's another link, just in case


>No Cable

Also I didn't found it that funny.

Shot of pretty vacant inner city street, alley with old man and robber robbing him, old man with groceries inhand struggles saying he doesn't have anything. Hooded figure walks up to shot to see whats going on, camera pans to show him take off headphones and lowers his hood reveal wades ugly head, he is joyed to take up the call, runs to phone booth across the street blocking shot of men. taking comically long to change into deadpool suit, large part his bare ass pressed onto door. (I found it funny) men struggleing, old guy yelling for help, like "is no one hearing this!". eventually gunshot. wade panics but finishes and exits, slow mo races across street heorically. Wade shocked face, old man dead, he says there is no getting up from that says some somewhat funny stuff about what is a phone booth doing in 2017, blah blah blah. lays down on old mans gut.talking. evetually eats dead mans ice cream. Interesting things, graffiti on street is refernce Rey, (star wars). Nathan summers is ... (I forgot). movie theatre playing logan. ask me anything I guess. I have a great memory.


getting ryan's ass crack all up on that booth glass, at least the gay guys will be happy.

Why was your first thought gay guys?

Women enjoy manass as well

>Also I didn't found it that funny.
Well thanks for letting us know

because there's no women here while they're fags. and really women dislike capeshit by and large. Some like it because of buff dudes but they could give a shit less about it which is why they partially did Deadpool's PR as a love story.

that superman theme


You are welcome user.

I can't enjoy deadpool anymore.

Facebook and Daniel Way has ruined him for me.

dat firefly poster doh

>because there's no women here while they're fags. and really women dislike capeshit by and large
Sup Forums and /cgl/ are the hobby boards most populated by women.


>stretching a five second joke into 2 minutes

Is Seth Mcfarlane a co-writer?

There is no way to correctly poll a place like this so you simply don't know beyond what you believe. And I can at least cam whores go to /soc/ whereas no other evidence to prove that.

Sup Forums officially estimates the demographic to be 30% female. Where else would they be other than husbando posting here?

and I've never trusted that since there wouldn't be any way for them to know, even with those stupid polling threads on Sup Forums

There isn't any reliable way for us to know which is why most people assume it is just a huge den of dudes, which was why I posted the way I did. I never said there wasn't an odd female here or there but anonymous wonderland and general feeling of 'there's no women' on the internet etc.

I wish I had a Sup Forums gf


why are they still portraying him as a classic hero?

They still haven't gotten someone for Cable and they already have a trailer? Couldn't this just be some unrelated marketing thing to keep the hype going?

I thought they got Pierce Brosnan

>there wouldn't be any way for them to know
And you still confidently decide to say there's no girls here or that there's a "odd female" every so often?

I trust the demographics more than some random faggot on Sup Forums. Even if you low ball to 20%, it's still a significant amount.

>Couldn't this just be some unrelated marketing thing to keep the hype going?

It is but at least its a funny short.

They never confirmed it. He would be better for mister sinister anyways.

>Couldn't this just be some unrelated marketing thing to keep the hype going?
thats obvious tho
it was 'leaked' as in, marketing sent it out

if it is pierce it will be interesting to see him jacked
unless they cgi his muscles

It isn't a trailer.
It's just a short they made.

Hey bby

use your brain, how would they collect that data. Honestly, ask yourself how they would go about it. Only usable piece of information they have is an I.P address.


So what you're saying is you have 0 facts to disprove the OWN WEBSITE'S estimate, and that I should believe some random user over it?

What makes your opinion so special?

Is that dead guy supposed to be Uncle Ben?

Uncle Ben didn't get robbed in an alley though

I'm saying they can't take peoples word for it, so they either have to use some kind of analytics to guess or use polling data and they do not have any reliable way beyond guessing but somehow that's my fault for poking holes in very basic logic since the website is supposed to 'anonymize' posting here.

So they either get information from people that control the I.P addresses, which I doubt or they have some magical way of figuring it out that you nor I can think of.

As you said, an 'estimate' they guessed.

That was pretty stupid.

I'm not arguing the fact their estimate wouldn't be reliable, I'm arguing the fact that YOU say their estimate is garbage and then pull your own estimate out of your ass.

Your estimate isn't anymore legitimate than mine or the own damn website's. How can you confidently claim "there are no women" or that there are a few women when you don't know shit either?

>literally no one laughed at anything
Memepool is already dead.

I never gave a figure, I merely pointed out their numbers wouldn't be reliable. Get over your fantasy and use your brain and stop being angry at me for shattering your dream.

>a theater is supposed to be still rambunctious after the lights go down

must suck living in Harlem

its shitno surprise since the director and writhers left

>I never gave a figure
>there's no women here
>women dislike capeshit by and large
I don't care if you didn't give a solid number, clearly you have your own low estimate that you think is vastly superior to everyone else's. Sup Forums's is a lot more credible than yours so fuck off

but it does look suspiciously like the alley that spidey throws his costume away in
also ben and jerry ice cream
I think yeah it was supposed to be uncle ben

I left the door open for being wrong by stating that over the ten years that I've been here, I've known women from real life shit that came here while I knew them in real life. So I left the door open for stating there may be some women here but not as high as what you stated nor was stated by anyone else.

Using averages or analytics is unreliable in an anonymous environment.

It wouldn't factor in the reason men come here in the first place is because their opinions could damage their real lives, so they have a reason to seek out places that disconnect from their real identities while largely speaking same politically correct forces largely leave women alone. Do other women attack other women? sure, but they're not losing their livelyhoods the way men do for just thinking outloud.

So by and large we have a reason to seek places out like this that others would not is basis behind my logic, agree or disagree all you want but I do know for a fact there is no reliable way they could have come to their numbers and is ultimately as much of a guess as mine or anyone else and in that you may be right. You don't get anything for your identity here whereas the social seeking options and validation that women get are either largely not present or used as an animus to attack them. (tits or gtfo) time stamp, etc.

Show me where my logic is wrong and I'll agree with you.

All you've done is be angry at me for pointing out what you stated and regurgitated from them is wrong without any supporting information and even your own logic isn't on your side, how can you be angry at me for pointing out your fantasy is wrong?

>30% female

If this is true why dont i have a gf?

Checkmate asian moot

>that feel when no gf to take to MCU movies

I'm not an Ameriacunt so I've literally never even been in a theater where people have cheered or clapped like they supposedly all do over there......but people here still laugh out loud at actual funny jokes. If no one in an American cinema made a peep then you have a problem.

Gotta specify female (female) though. That's how they get you.

>I left the door open for being wrong by stating that over the ten years that I've been here, I've known women from real life shit that came here while I knew them in real life
who the fuck are you? show me the post where you stated this. I wasn't arguing with you.

Are you retarded? The point is that you say that there is NO WAY TO KNOW, and then you claim that you know better than everyone else.

How can you say that there "are no females here", and then claim that Sup Forums can't know shit about their own demographic because it's impossible?

fuck off you don't know better than everyone else, your logic is garbage


Same as you, pals

>you'll never have a Sup Forums gf to go see Marvel movies with
>you'll never know what it's like to have her rest her head on your shoulder while you're both watching

now I know how r9k feels

Kill yourself faggot. That's from Logan


>>you'll never know what it's like to have her rest her head on your shoulder while you're both watching
Sounds like some sappy shit.
I approve.
But just torrenting and watching them at home without having to deal with movie theater shit sounds better.

>No Cable
He didnĀ“t saw the "Nathan Summers is Coming by DDP" in the phone booth

Leaked Deadpool trailers are a tradition now!

I still want a Sup Forums gf regardless to complain about comics and/or cartoons with

>met a cute Sup Forums girl who's my perfect match in every way
>she has a heart defect
>can't exercise or have sex

i don't even know what to feel

It's just for a trailer, so whatever.

>not even a good joke

I loved it

No you don't, trust me on that.

is she single?

I don't exercise and I've gone my whole life without sex anyway

I hear ya bro, similar case here. Stage 4 endometriosis, made it hard to do anything with her.

can she handle the cudles?

>"Ooooh, Cherry Garcia!"

Doesn't matter man, you can just fap if you want to sex anyway. Just think of snuggling and get hugged from behind.
Felt good, not that I remember how that feel.

I got hugged by a girl with big boobs once in school but I was so nervous I didn't put my arms around her

I also got that few times with a girl in school but her boobs aren't that big, I sperged out that time though and tell her to piss off. I still regret it to this day, that was the last time I ever felt a girl that is not my family to hug me
Blog for spoilering.

Can we all admit that Europeans contribute nothing good to Sup Forums?