Dottie has changed..
Endtown 2017-03-03
Dottie. Dottie never changes.
Well, shit is about to get MORE real.
Portia is cute. CUTE
Dottie is gonna be on the wrong side when this blows up, I doubt that there aren't more people like Heather all around town (Walt included now) and it's gonna be all of them against the wolves.
Why the hell does she believe wolves are innocent anyway?
remove wolves
Gotta say, i'm starting to lose my suspension of disbelief. Endtown is still an ass hair from being nuked to oblivion and they have fucking bureaucracy.
I think at this rate i'm expecting the rats should step in and start executing people who harm the community. The situation can put the entire survival of the colony in jeopardy
>View of Dottie's bedroom with wall to wall beefcake wolf posters
>The rats should start shooting people
That's why this all able to happen. People don't want the rats because the rats are idiots who did everything the previous government told them to.
She's playing Devil's advocate to be a fair and unbiased reporter but that is actually making her biased. It's a trap many people fall for.
yeah because everyone drank the "we are safe" kool aid
nothing kills safety like internal strife. the rats were played, but they are the only ones in power to ensure this situation does not explode in people's faces. The election was one thing, the riot was a pretty reasonable shock moment which makes a small ounce of sense considering the size of the colony and endtown being specifically designed to present the illusion of normalcy
But will inter community conflict and even murders? At this point the only thing stopping the colony from getting nuked is the rat's absolute control of who gets in and out. If people are having fights like that as a weekly thing Endtown might as well give themselves to the topsiders.
That is the point.
I'm pretty sure everything you mentioned has been said already by the more reasonable characters in the comic. Are you being redundant on purpose?
I guess it just dawned upon me how ridiculous the situation has become.
And we can't forget the editor in chief of the Endtown Gazette is a fox. Canine before swine, brah.
He looks suspiciously like Farx.
What is this furry nonsense?
Take it to Sup Forums
Stealing DK's furry artist character
It's perfect.
I like how blunt and to-the-point Dottie can be.
>This ship is a fantasy land where people can pretend their family was never mutated.
>Now I'm so convinced I want to live my life all over again
Yes, she is a massive hypocrite now.
Still less full of shit than Wally, though.
Isn't the whole concept of jail kind of pointless in the long run of end town? Like it feels like it should exist but in the end being in a cell is just less walking vs walking around the same small town for the rest of your existence. Its not like the foods any worse either.
Worse come to worse you either kill them, let them go, or I guess make them do topside work which is a shit idea anyways.
The point of jail is to isolate antisocial people. When you're trying to keep a bunch of them alive and well, that is important.
Ok I just caught up and I can safely say I'm not jiving this wolf plot so far. I don't like how the walt just starts macking on a random pig out of the blue. I don't like how its apparently only two species caught up in this strife. I don't see where this is going at all. Feels a bit like unity but with wolves instead of lizards and everything else replaced with pigs.
Caught up from where? Also, other than discrimination based on "species" and implied cannibalism, this is nothing like Unity.
>I don't like how the walt just starts macking on a random pig out of the blue
Guess beans really are afrodisiac..
Since about when the first two wolfs where arrested? I think we didn't know it was a solely wolf thing back than.
I dunno, I'm just not seeing how this going to turn out and interesting. Either wolfs are doing it and, kill them I guess? OR its going to be a twist and where all going to learn a lesson about not judging people or some shit.
I just don't like how it has to be PIG vs WOLF other than the obvious pairing. I think the scope is too limited and should be more about preditor vs pret vs the fact where all still humans.
>I think we didn't know it was a solely wolf thing back than
Why should we? The story was just starting. In what kind of story you know everything beforehand?
>I think the scope is too limited and should be more about preditor vs pret vs the fact where all still humans
It can very well be that still. You're jumping to conclusions.