So after watching Logan and Days of futures past, do you guys have a idea of how the x men story played out in the new timeline? Do you imagine x1 through x3 happening in a diffrent way? After logan, i imagine wolverine to be a troublemaker who would often quit the team and return later.
TL;DR: how diffrently do you imagine pre-dofp x films playing out in the new timeline?
So after watching Logan and Days of futures past...
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idk about that but damn that gurl has long fingers.
I always figured that after Days of Future Past Xavier was forced into that confrontation with Mystique, he realized that he didn't have the right to just mold and force people to do what he wanted. So then when he met little Jean, he didn't mind-rape her into not being able to use her powers and drive her insane to create the phoenix persona we see in X3.
So then Jean grew into the full scope of her powers and learned how to use them properly, didn't go nuts and kill Scott, and Logan didn't have to kill her, which is why she and Scott are alive in the Days of Future Past good future bit.
That's actually a really good theory user.
Too bad Logan's goofy ass had to go ape in the lab during Apocalypse
She probably has a huge dick then.
I think events within x2 and liberty island incident in x1 and the wolverine all happened but panned out in a diffrent way in the new timeline
That scene came out of nowhere and really had no business being in that movie.
>TL;DR: how diffrently do you imagine pre-dofp x films playing out in the new timeline?
Like the comics but edgier and less fantastic, like Logan said.
>TL;DR: how diffrently do you imagine pre-dofp x films playing out in the new timeline?
About a 1/4 of it actually happened, but not like this.
I personally subscribe to the belief it's supposed to take place after the doomed timeline DOFP was supposed to prevent.
mostly because thassaSAD way for the X-Men to go, maaan . . .
So was the implication that Cyclops published the X-Men comics?
Also, how will X-23's bones grow if they're covered with adamantium at such an early age?
>Also, how will X-23's bones grow if they're covered with adamantium at such an early age?
It's only her claws.
Where did you get the cyclops publishing the comics implication?
So where do X Men movies go from here?
Into the trash
Did Stan Lee made a cameo? i don't remember seeing him.
Well yeah its going to be hard to top, probably wont, but are they still using the Apocalypse team or what?
the next movie is gonna be Dark Phoenix in the 90s
Why the fuck would he? He didn't create a single character in logan besides chuck
the way i take it is not to look at these movies as continuity but with each one as a separate entity that share some cast members.
I think I may have misheard the line, but when he was ranting about the people publishing the comics just to make a profit off of tragic events, he uses 'unitard wearing' as an insult.
Is the general implication that the X-Men did try to create an Eden, and somehow Professor X killed them on the way? Also seems like Rogue probably died.
I thought Doctor Strange was his last one
Wait so in Logan, is this the shit end for the X-Men? Like... is it all just going to end with the x-babies being the last mutants chilling in canada?
God Im so sick of Jean and the phoenix. And if they expect me to give a shit about Mystique dying theyre sorely mistaken
I don't really see the problem with Sophie Turner
Oh I just meant the character in general, not the actress. Though to be honest, shes not that great of an actress to begin with. Passable in the movie I guess
she did a hell of a better job than Munn did with Psylocke
in all honesty, I felt like she was just written to be shit. She had basically no lines or character history, no one can act that role well
at least she was mostly silent after she left Caliban
still not sure why Psylocke just fucked off after Apocalypse got disintegrated
Whats funny is Munn said no to Deadpool. Regardless shes only an actress because she knew who's dick to suck
>after she left Caliban
ohhhh so that is who the albino was in Logan
>she knew whose dick to suck
I honestly don't think continuity matters at this point unless explicitly stated. The X-Men franchise is just riddled with retcons.
But that doesn't have to be a bad thing.
Right, why did the get Stephen Merchant to play him when they had Tómas Lemarquis play him a year ago?
I doubt ageing make-up is that expensive
The worst thing about Game of Thrones is that we'll be forced to endure ugly british slags in every sci-fi/fantasy adaptation for the next 20 years.
you take that back Sophie isn't ugly
Confirmed for this timeline's Lady Deathstrike.
No, what happened is that Professor X's powers went out of control due to old age, and his first seizure killed most of the X-men.
There's always the chance that Canewood gets forced out of business and mutants start being born again. The movie was supposed to be a "Last of the Cowboys" style Western. That's why they kept making references to Shane.
>fter logan, i imagine wolverine to be a troublemaker who would often quit the team and return later.
So... The same as the original timeline?
>>she knew whose dick to suck
The first three movies flow together pretty well.
It's only when they started doing prequels that it all crashed.
Man, just got back from this
One thing I didn't like was all the kids combining their powers to kill blondie. Like I'm not against the idea, but it seemed cheesy to me.
One thing I DID appreciate about the ending was ending it at Logan's grave instead of following the kids until they reach safety. I mean its unlikely they ran into more trouble, but I liked that they let it end with Laura leaving Logan's grave
And overall I really liked it
The ice girl should have been enough to kill him in a matter of seconds.
Yo what the fuck I just caught onto that....
>that dementia rant about Taco Bell
>mfw she changed the cross into an X
>not getting more fucked up by her calling him daddy and not wanting him to die
I hoped Logan's fist was going to bust out of his grave. I'm pretty fucked up that he's gone
I expected that to happen.
I wasn't ready for the cross, and then the hard cut to the credits.
Tiffany Doll
So how many kids were in your theater, Sup Forums? There were like 20 in mine. I laughed my ass off. Hope their parents know what they were getting into.
>have an emotional moment
>"oh just kidding he's not dead"
What did they get into?
Just good ol Wolverine, and a bald old man yelling "Fuck" now and then.
Saw a little girl crying as her mom held her leaving the theater I don't get why she though bring kids was a good fucking idea
None, which I am very happy about considering what happened when I saw Lego Batman.
>friend and I see two open seats in a good row when we buy our tickets
>get our drinks and go into the theater
>see that two rows have a sign on them saying they're reserved for a birthday party
>hold the fucking phone
>our seats are in one of those rows
>we sit down sandwiched between a bunch of kids
>during the previews the kid I'm sitting next to won't stop fucking talking in his screechy little kid voice
>I realize that if I try and watch the movie like this, that kid is getting thrown across the room
>move to the only good seats left
>near the end of the previews, other people show up saying that the seats were theirs
>have to leave and get the tickets exchanged for a later time
Who the fuck reserves MOST of a row for a birthday and not the whole thing?
Why'd you go to a theater with reserved seating?
I think there might have been one kid in our theater. I think I heard a kid crying when Xavier got stabbed and the family got murdered but if it was a kid he was quiet.
Because it's close to my house and being able to reserve seats ensures that you get a good spot.
Do you like having to trudge around in the dark looking for a good spot? One minor mishap out of dozens of visits isn't a dealbreaker.
>taking a kid to an R-rated movie because "lol superheroes!"
Man when fucking
starts playing maaaaaaaaaaan
I really thought theywith
and soft hint at a return but fuuuuuuuck man
You can stop max payne posting any time.
There was a kid and his dad sitting right in front of me. Right when Wolverine cut off the cholo's arm the kid gasped and looked at his dad. Then when the woman pulled her boobs out the kid gasped and covered his eyes. He was gasping every couple of minutes. By the end of the movie he was sobbing and his dad kept nudging him and saying it was okay.
This. I remember thinking "If this were BvS, Logan would punch out of his grave".
And I mean he's not really gone, it's more symbolic of Jackman not playing Wolverine anymore.
Movie sorta reminds me of Mad Max Payne but surprisingly with lesser booze.
man, what a shitty dad.
His wife probably flipped out on him when they got home. I had to hold back laughter every time I heard a gasp. Kid couldn't have been over 8 years old.
Dad REALLY wanted to watch Logan by the looks of it.
I have a nephew and niece who were 8-10 years old and they had no qualms with extreme violence and decapitations, but when it came to watching Ghost Rider, they got scared because of the skeleton CG.
Well, that or Nick Cage in general.
I was all
>please don't punch out of the grave
>please punch out of the grave
>please don't punch out of the grave
>please punch out of the grave
>oh shit yeah...
The first half of Toast Rider and the DirCut of Daredevil were my favorite guilty cape pleasures.
>you're getting held at gunpoint by a thug in an alley
>you know he's not going to let you walk away from this, even if you do give him your wallet
>you close your eyes and wait for it all to end
>suddenly you hear a large impact and a yell from the thug
>you open your eyes
>you see this
>are you staring at my national treasures
>Honey please, it's not the same Jackedman you've seen in his last movie
Spooky scary skeletons and Nic Cage are entirely rational fears
>it isn't Superman
>It is just Nic Cage dressed as Superman
>you try to leave
>he corners you
I just want to say I appreciated the level of graphic violence in this film. It's the Wolverine movie we've deserved to see for nearly 2 decades. Actually made Deadpool look pretty tame in comparison.
I can imagine the Deadpool 2 teaser from the Logan movie but with him out of the phonebooth instead of Wade
>that Boss Hog-looking guy who tried to get back at the black family but got his head chopped off instantly by X-24
DP is tame in terms of blood. They just abused the swearing to which Logan had way more natural swears even when coming out of Xavier.
>Charles trying to scold Logan for cursing in front of her
>"She can kill a guy with her feet, I think bad words are the least of her concerns"
So who was granting the X-Kids asylum on the radio?
Xavier in his secret comatose brother's body.
You mean his other secret comatose brother?
Is there a third one that also manages his estate and the X-Men franchise?
>kids crosses the border
>is now hunted by multiple X-24 clones (it is revealed that there is more imperfect Logans)
>kids die one by one
>Laura is left on the run
>Laura is saved by Victor Creed
>Creed now acts as Laura's dad similar to how he did with Wild Child in ultimate
>Uncle Vic on the run with runt
>Mr. Sinister sends out Daken (who take Ultimate Wolverine's place in the story)
>multiple X-24 clones
they literally stated in the film that as soon as they managed to clone Logan perfectly they shut the whole thing down
>raise kids so badly they turn suicidal
>clone one angry logan and then shut it all down
These guys suck at being an evil corporation
but that was Rice, Mr. Sinister is perfect at cloning
What do you expect, anyone competent gets hired by Oscorp
it's almost as if if they actually treated the kids like human beans and not as failed test subjects the kids wouldn't want to kill them
Here's what I don't get: if you have access to a whole fuckload of mutant genetic material, why not just clone yourself a goddamn Storm and customize the weather patterns for the United States for the next few generations? Or clone a Quicksilver and have a fucking unstoppable and virtually invisible assassin?
You'd think after the billions of times it's failed in everything, one corporation out there would stop and try and raise a kid right, so you'd get someone super loyal and actually somewhat well-adjusted.
because if we have our own Wolverine he can be angry and miserable
A Laura and Victor buddy movie sounds good, but it would be a real cop-out if Huge Actman came back just to play a bunch of clones.
Okay, so what are the absolute worst lessons Hollywood could learn from this movie?
It looks like, and deserves to be, a massive success. But we all know that all Hollywood is going to see are dollar bills, and that rarely goes well.
Pasta sauce?