This is Oscar Award Winning Katana! She is my waifu, that is all. I suggest you say something nice about her!

This is Oscar Award Winning Katana! She is my waifu, that is all. I suggest you say something nice about her!

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She better be naked in the sequel

I need more of her and Boomer.


She can mow my lawn if you know what I mean

Why is she in suicide squad?

>To have my back.
>I would advise not getting killed by her.
>Her sword traps the souls of its victims.

She is my waifu, i suggest saying something nice about her

There was some talk of her being a spy for Batman, but that was apparently deep-sixed, along with the general concept of coherence.

I didn't watch the movie, but she was in the Ostrander run a little.

We could have had Dutchess instead of this bitch, what the fuck WBDC?

This might be one of the best straight up superhero costumes in any adaptation. This needs to be Katana's official look from now on.

but that would have actually made sense to set up Apokolips shit

They tell you in the movie.

You do know Duchess is Lashina, right? If they used her they'd also have to introduce the New Gods, AND couldn't use her later with the Furies.

She has mai baku

I know I know, how dare they link all their movies together in a nice simple way? She would have also made more sense to be Flagg's bodyguard seeing as she's more military based instead of being some random samurai.
Remember how they said that Darkseid's armies had come to earth before? It would be easy to pull her away from the Squad in the second film and return to the Furies, we could have also gotten Waller and Granny Goodness fighting each other had WB used her instead of Katana.

she's got nice back

It also would have been good to piggyback (in either direction) off Furies interest from them being in that DC Superhero Girls movie.

But noooooo, add in that character that people only know about from an awful cgi cartoon and from a few episodes of Arrow, this isn't including the two dozen Katana fans who liked her before her minor push.

If her pussy trapped the souls of it's victims would you Sup Forums?

katana is a major character in that though

I really like her style and I'm very annoyed that any scene of her actually using/being magic completely fucking disappeared from the movie. And if they'd replaced it with a New52 Birds of Prey "Is she nuts with grief or is there actual magic at work here" ambiguity maybe it could've worked, but no. No ghosts oozing from the sword, no cool black eyes, nothing. Even in the extended version that shit's missing super hard. Also,
>Flagg gets taken by monster twice in the movie
>Both times he's rescued by OTHER members of the squad
>Movie doesn't even bother to show a scene of Katana being blocked by monsters or separated from Flagg or anything
I love what little we got, but she got fucking short changed really hard.


Suicide Squad 2 should just be about Boomer, Tatsu, and Croc having wacky adventures.

i read the novel, she did a lot more in that, and if its true the origonal cut was based on it, then its certainly out there

KEK. That was one of Sup Forumss fanfiction during the weeks before release when retards started posting their 'spoilers.' Just like that one retard who said he was a Fox employee and posted a whole essay plot spoiler for Xmen Apocalypse and said Jubilee dies.

I fapped to her having ticklish feet desu


She's a bug-eating ching-chong fingernail-ranching chinky burnt rice grinder lemonhead post-it plate-tossing patty plodding P-1 nuprin ninja zipperhead yolk folk table-faced slant-eyed soyback slope giga-gook.

But at least she's not America.


Better azn waifu

Her belly traps the souls of her victims.




s-sauce plz

Maybe somebody thought she was a cool character the better explanation for her being there was mostly cut out. Basically her job was to be Rick's bodyguard but they fucked up and made her really bad at her job since every time Rick is in trouble she doesn't help. Also she has no real reason to be there since her costuming implies she's a relatively young ex-criminal who's very skilled and hellbent on revenge against the guys that put her husbando in the sword but that doesn't really explain why she'd want to work for the US government. Had they atleast implied that Waller was promising her a shot at her vengeance it'd be better but they don't do that. She's just there.
>You'll never have a cute gf who nuzzles up against you on chilly days to keep warm

cant post the full thing for some reason, check out the artist Elijahpink for the whole thing

To be cute

Th-thanks fampai

(Katana's mouth is messed up though)

its all good nigga, he put up a WW piece not long ago too

>The buddy-cop movie will never be made
H-hold me bros

Couldn't hurt to shill her to the Japanese.

>japanese woman named Katana
>doesn't use a fucking Katana

did they really get tattoos?

Japs hate it when one of their own goes to Hollywood though.

they hate when they go over for stupid reasons

a japanese woman called Katana? that's unbelievably stupid

that's really fucking awful.

>implying japs don't loves shitty names like that for characters.

Literally named Girl A, Girl B, and Girl C.

Anyone see the porn parody?

No Katanna x Boomer scene so why bother?

Why can't the Holodeck/Matrix/whatever exist already? That way, there can be porn "parodies" using the original actors and costumes.

pls have sex

Make one yourself you tit

To be fair isn't she American?


Didn't care for her in SS, but did like her in Beware the Batman

Because it was the worst fucking movie of 2016