Why did you never have friends growing up?

Why did you never have friends growing up?

But I did, and they grew up

I still have my friends though after all these years

-I went to private schools which were usually out of the way
-I wanted to stay at home and play video games more than interact with other people
-I'm scared of social situations

I wasn't a big fan of other kids. The closest I had to a close friend was a kid I attached myself to so I could play video games over his house when my parents forced me to go outside and play. I liked hanging out with my parents more than other kids. I was an odd little shit.

How is that cartoons, tho?

I did have friends growing up. I don`t have friends now though.

Had one friend as a kid, who I just visited to play their SNES, so, not really a friend, I was just a dick as a kid.

Then I became a hermit who spent every not-school hour at home. Also I'm a fucking autistic twat with the social skills of a rabid beaver.

Did you really have friends, or did you use them to play video games?

>Had one friend as a kid, who I just visited to play their SNES, so, not really a friend, I was just a dick as a kid.
Are you me?

I think just a lot of kids were a bit jealous of games their "friends" had. Which is odd, because I had an N64 with SM64, OoT, Smash Bros., the works. I only went to that kid's house to play Super Mario World.

Then again, Super Mario World was the shit and I'd suck 20 dicks for a sparkling new SNES with a working copy of it. Emulators and the GBA port just don't have that same feel for me.

I always lived to far away from school friends so hanging out was not an option
And my neighbors were old people without kids

But I still have my best friend from back when I was 5. It's kind of cool, like a real life version of the cartoon BFF thing. We even did the blood sharing bit.

Even now that I've become a damn near NEET we still keep in contact, and I'm going to be a best man soon.


extremely overprotective parents

now they wonder why I'm scared of everything. when I was younger my social anxiety was simply played off as shyness now that I'm older it's laziness.

can't even walk to the front of the driveway without wanting to puke, from nervousness, so I live my life through cartoon and comic characters

>We even did the blood sharing bit.

You include that way too nonchalantly user, as if it's some normal fucking thing. Care to elaborate?

Guess I have brain problems

Not that user, but you've really never heard of the blood brothers thing? I would think that transcends generational gaps.

Two kids cut their hands a little and put them together so that their blood will mingle (very scientific, I know) and therefor they share blood and become brothers. I never did it but I saw it depicted in plenty of shows and movies. Wait, maybe you ain't from the states. That's rather presumptuous of me.

i dont know

No no, I'm from the states. I've heard of blood oaths and whatnot, but never heard of it being done in modern times. Or in the past thousand years for that matter.

I guess it just sounds so bad to me because I'm a chronically hygienic person, and that sounds like a fantastic way to contract some kind of illness. But that's also probably just me being paranoid.

Kids hated me for some reason, but I had no clue why. I was always the quiet kid in class and never bothered anyone. But that didn't stop them from spreading awful rumors about me, and that made more kids hate me. I even had one girl yell in my face that she hated me when the teacher made her partner up with me during a group project. She threw the biggest fit until the teacher finally put her with another person. When i did have friends they co tributed to the awful rumors about me behind my back.

tl;dr Kids were and are still assholes, but it never bothered me.

Heh, actually I agree it is a great way to get sick. Especially with two children doing it. Children are damn filthy little things most of the time. I would think the ones willing to slash open their finger or palm are not an exception to that, either.

Did anyone else do that thing where you could hit the other friend as much as you wanted until he said "Not Today", then you had to wait until midnight to do it again and hope he forgot it?

>TFW you were just the quiet kid and some guys spread rumors that I was teling peoole I had said I had sex with this one girl
>she kicked me in the balls from behind during P.E
>couldn't hear what she saying as i was in too much pain, clutching myself on the ground for 10 minutes
One shit day of plenty

I'm glad went ahead and explained it, but we just kind of assumed it was normal enough. Probably because we both watched it enough in movies and cartoons and shit. I guess we were just lucky neither of us were sick at the time?

No harm, no foul! A little illness won't usually put an otherwise healthy kid down anyhow. Most of them are pretty robust, contrary to the nanny culture mentality we have today.

That said, if a kid asked me if it was a good idea, pretty sure I'd say no, haha. Better off using the spit technique, methinks. Loogie on the hand, slap it, shake it!

I had lots of friends in elementary school. The only period of time I really didn't have any friends was from 9th grade to 10th grade. Before and after I hung out with people a lot. When I hit college those that I met actually became much better friends than the people I went to HS with.

I hit puberty before I hit common sense and was caught look at porn on the school computers. Everybody knew about it and I became even more of a spazzy pariah than before.

Also I got mad one time and pulled a knife on another student. To be honest I don't know how I wasn't kicked out of school.

I had a lot of acquaintances that probably considered me their friend, but I didn't like other kids much. More like tolerated. My best friend was my father. He was the one I always looked forward to hanging out with and talking to.

Are you white and/or wealthy?

My family moved a lot, and this was before the time when every child had a portable internet-access device on them at all times.

Well, yeah, but there's a limit to the things wealth can do, you know, when everyone in the school's wealthy.

I did, I just never keep them.

I did have friends growing up. The fact that I could make any on my own is one of the few things that suggest I'm not autistic.