How do you go from this

How do you go from this...


to this?

to THIS?

was pablo just jealous of those natty gains?

You people are lame as fuck, come up with new material.

still makes me laugh

i guess i can see a sort of smidgen of resemblence

Elle is superior

chloe sympathizers need lynching

Holy shit I just remembered that there used to be tons of Chloe threads on Sup Forums 5-6 years ago. I recall at least two chloefags who used tripcodes. I wonder what happened to those guys and what they think of her now.

most of those shitskins dropped her and went back to being regular faggots instead of chloe posting faggots

women fucken walk on the street wearing this shit? the west has to go

she's walking from her car to the gym, user

Yes! I agree. They need a Niqab Mohammed!

Pale as a fucking corpse with that long ass neck, bitch looks like an albino giraffe.

it's almost if there is a special room at the gym where you can change your clothes...

t. Mohammed

It's hot in LA and she doesn't take a shower after her workout

an albino giraffe you can legally fuck*

Whyte Powah

>doesn't take a shower after her workout

Girls that look like this will cease to exist one day.

thanks, nigger

the impending race wars will prevent that from happening

has she just stopped caring

it's not her fault that paps are stalking her

but if elle gets blacked how will that help?

blax will be extinct after the race wars

they need to do this with youtube stars

spics and jews are much more dangerous imo.
we need to retake america

>on Sup Forums
jesus christ user

AmeriJews will all make aliyah to Israel, Spics will escape to Mexico when the wars start

man she's so pale if you came all over her skin it wouldn't even show

>letting them escape

True story, CGM was originally cast as the lead in Commando but due to scheduling conflicts had to resign, thus paving the way for the Arniekino we now know today.

we need them to pacify the arabs in the middle east

I'd rather glassify them


Why is this an Elle thread now? Fuck off. Post more giga-Chloes.

because Elle is superior

Her transformation has been quite honestly amazing. I love muscled Chloe.

fusing the sand into glass with nuclear fire

I did this for a while and my car swelled like sweat, needed to scrub it down every time

embarassing desu

Strong, child-bearing hips...
Good breading stock!

Elle's to pure to poke.

Elle just buys a new car every year

haha good one

Well how am I supposed to make white children with her?

>posting a disgusting shoop


Indeed! Disgusting!

It's a crime to post an older version of it.

She has a sister...
You could poke her and maybe get Elle to watch.

The pic

mommy Dakota when?

>some chad in highschool got them 3some them

I'll have Dakota alone if that's ok

perfect waifu material
will always be

once her black boyfriend gets to work

sisters don't have sex with each other

Oh you!


severely underrated

im going to go puke now

Fuck off, Krager.

>Spics will escape to Mexico when the wars start
Not if Trump builds that wall.

your loss/

just less competition when im digging for old panties in her trash

there are border crossings, user

Strong, child-carrying shoulders.

Also Sup Forums in the background.

It's just called glassing not glassifying you retard

It was in response to the guy wanting to "pacify" the middle east. Try and keep up.

How do women have the nerve to just walk around with their pussy out and claim shit like "the male gaze"?

proof that looks aren't required for hollywood

it's not tho


Quite honestly without any sort of irony or sarcasm I would love to see her buff out and make those muscles shine. I love her now but at that point she would be my queen.

I've got to be honest, I really don't find either of them that attractive. Their aesthetically pleasing, in a fashionable, "meet your friends" type of way, but not very sexually pleasing.




You literally don't even need to shop anymore.



>shitskin thinks pale is an insult

Is this achievable natty?

Imagine being a movie star and doing nothing all day and not even being able to not get fat like a pig.

>All these turbovirgins on Sup Forums thinking elle is better than anyone
>Recognized roastie coal burner
>Multiple times fucked niggers
>Doesn't even have a good body or a nice face

What the fuck is that, look at those ankles and legs.

Jesus christ disgusting.

>samefagging this hard

elle is a fucking whore! A WHORE!!!

we knew this from the Dodgers pics, user


Imagínate ser Pablo en esa foto y tener que estar como "maldición, Chloe Moretz, estás muy buena, toda sexy con tu cuerpo de refrigerador y horrible cara rechoncha. De verdad tendría sexo contigo" cuando todo lo que quiere hacer es tirarse a otra latina de 16 en el vestidor de Chloe. En serio imagínate tener que ser ese chico mexicano y no solo abrir esa puerta mientras Chloe Grace Moretz luce su asqueroso cuerpo frente a ti, la luz del sol revelando sus pezones perforados y pata de camello, y solo pararte ahí, una y otra vez, mientras ella se abre paso lentamente fuera de su auto. No solo tener que tolerar su monstruosa puta vagina sino su actitud arrogante mientras todos en el lugar le dicen que TODAVÍA LO TIENE y MALDICIÓN, ¿CHLOE GRACE MORETZ SE VE *ASÍ*? porque ellos no son los que tienen que pararse ahí y observar su rechoncha puta cara de michelin colocada flácida y sosa en su asqueroso cuerpo de refrigerador. Te has estado tirando nada más que una saludable dieta de latinas firmes y morenas y después presuntas víctimas de violación del cartel por TODA TU CARRERA saliendo de los barrios bajos en México. Nunca antes has visto algo tan jodidamente asqueroso, y ahora juras que puedes probar el sudor que está saliendo de su mal proporcionado culo mientras se lo abren esos mal ajustados pantalones deportivos, engreidamente confiada en que disfrutas la oportunidad de que te paguen por pararte ahí y deleitarte de su belleza "estatuesca (pues así es como se describe a sí misma)", la belleza por la que trabajó tan duro 7 días a la semana en los meses anteriores. Y entonces ella pide abrir otra puerta, y sabes que podrías matar a cada persona en este estacionamento antes que su seguridad pudiera derribarte, pero te sientas ahí y aguantas, porque eres un puto chico mexicano. No vas a perder tu futura carrera de chofer por esto. Solo aguanta. Asquea la cara y aguanta.

>Roastie lover trying this hard

Pathetic nu-male betacuck.

umad, kid?

shes ok.

she's pure, bro


a pure slut

>comparing a hunk of steelbread to a piece of stale and moldy wonderbread
Nice try, neckbeard.
