Force GF towatch Stalker with me

>force GF towatch Stalker with me
>"I don't get it, why didn't they make the wish?"

>why wish for anything when it's already, perfect?

Explain the Zone's supernatural events. You can't

Fuck outta here.

Why didnt they though? Fear of not knowing what they really want?

That and not knowing how their lives would change vs. The life they already know for certain. And a little doubt about it being real.


It was aliens.

YES. Because nobody fucking knows what they actually want because we are all way to afraid to admit it.

Like Stalker dude would have probably gone home to find his mutant daughter dead.

This is spelled out in the stalker's story of Porcupine.

well that would be like ants attempting to understand a human picnic

>understanding films other than romcoms or capeshit

Explain the girl having supernatural abilities then.
Did her father wish for it but he lost his faith after he didn't see any obvious results that he hoped to see? (her being able to walk, for instance)

In novel it was ayyys and the zone was literally just some junk they left behind aka Roadside Picnic

I got that, I just thought OP was going for something deeper. You could get a broader analysis saying it was just fear of the unknown like .
Or that the zone represents selfish desire and men must rise above that. Maybe that's why the writer and professor lived even without the stalker.

the real answer is that children of stalker are fucked up

stalker kids get fucked up due to their fathers spending too much time in the zone.

thanks anons, must've missed that line somewhere

well actually i got that from the book. but what i remember from the movie it kinda looks like she got the ability from her dad's subconscious wish or something, saving her future by giving her powers and shit.

because its not mentioned in the movie

Symbolical, philosophical, ideological, motivational

>t. /lit/
Seriously tho, I should read it. Perhaps it will make stuff as clear as clarke's 2001 did altho thats not really the point, is it?

That's literally said in the film. We should try to abswer what does it mean for the story and allegory. Tark wasnt one to make cheap, useless last scenes

When they first got to the zone and stalker took off to make love to the ground the professor explains to the writer that stalker's children are a gift from the zone

it's an ok book, pretty straight forward scifi with some philosophizing.

What would happen if the doggo went in the room?

Tarkovski doesn't do symbolism

it's shit, if you have to read muh first 'philosophical' sci-fi read Valis

Tarkovski should've wished to make this flick less boring

valis, now THAT was a couple of shit books.

You're all dumb plebs for asking "WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!?!" in Tarkovsky films, there is no singular universal answer to any frame, his only goal is for you to experience and feel something, whatever that you feel.

>ummm I'm so deep I watch Stalker all the time
Are you deep enough to watch 3 hours of this though

>reading scifi for philosophy

it's pretty fun desu

The real question is why did the scientist change his mind about the bomb?

Yes because ive seen it.

Its very long and boring. There is no real story to grasp on to.

>to grasp on to.

It's to grasp or to grab on to. Now fuck off, retard.

What did the sepia filter mean?

Because subconsciously our deepest desire is to never know our true selves.

>tfw i beat my gf at arm-wrestling and get to fuck her from behind whilst she has a photo of Margarita Terekhova cello-taped to the back of her head

Yeah it is

Hard to be a God was great. As far as Dark films go, Offret is the best pleb filter, Zeraklo is in a league of its own, and Andrei Rublev is his best. Nostalghia is like a more mature Zerkalo, but without the glorious highs, overall much more subdued


You must be really outgoing and muscular if you have a gf. Shy and average guys don't get girlfriends.

what is this post supposed to mean???


There is no words to how jelly I am

its zerkadlo you fucking amerimutt

>having shit taste in women

It means that shy and average looking guys don't get girlfriends. I'm jealous of OP because he's probably really attractive and outgoing.

it means he's a niceguy. ignore him.

Never claimed to be a nice guy. It's just an observation. Not bitter about it.

only niceguys says shit like that. just shut up aspie.


Stalker is shit. If you like it, I spit in your eye.

Why do you think that it is shit?

Its actually zrkadlo retard but the film is often called Zerkalo

lopushansky was no where near as spiritual. His films are more about the corrupt heart of man and the inevitable decay of society under oppressive systems. Tarkovsky was an optimist and a poet.

what was up with the doggo?

doggo was hungo

>understanding capeshit

A cooked steak would have fallen from a table or something

I learnt a girl during La La Land who couldn't stop about how "she loves art and cinema and hates mainstream". Funnily enough she couldn't even finish fucking Taxi Driver with me and spent whole time with her mobile phone. I'm seriously thinking going gay is the only wise choice for relationship you can make.

>tfw I can read through the entire book TWICE in the time needed to watch this shit



fear that their wishes can backfire on them

Women can't understand this movie. My girlfriend didn't even come close to getting it.

what the fuck is wrong with the criterion collection?

You're not a nice guy.
You're a real jerk.

> you can't associate Tarkovsky with these other things

I don't udnerstand why people hate Criterion of all things. They restore and bring over movies no major studio seem to ever touch. And those with extended supplements to boot. Yes some movies are well known classics, but how else would you get budget for lesser known movies. Prices are pretty high though, I agree on that. But I normally buy during BN sale anyway.

They ran out of color film stock.
Very hard to come by in Soviet nations. Especially considering they had to reshoot the whole movie after some film lab twat fucked up the negatives.
You can also see this in Soljaris where some scenes are in black and white for absolutely no reason.

Because your wish gets corrupted

I highly doubt anybody has watched Brows Held High outside of TGWTG spergs.