What’s his endgame?

What’s his endgame?

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Suck the feet of a black woman

manufacture some kind of third persona so that it can return to the Black Lodge in his place while still keeping Good Quentin trapped

beat me to it desu

he wants to say nigger as much as possible and get away with it

Suckin the toes of kids

seems like a bellringer kind of guy

To take a black cock up the arse but not be gay

To complete his transition to being a goblin.

Legitimately this


it's a black male thing
blacks like quentin are allowed to say it

You either die a goy, or you live long enough to see yourself become one of (((them))).

To normalize foot fetishism.

To have a legacy as one of the worst hack directors ever.

hes unironically the best since kubrick

3 kinos from the 90s and nothing but mediocrity since

To be fair that's at lest 60% of Sup Forums

Getting Salma to dance big time !!!

Death. Same as everyone else else.


inglorious bastards and django?

IB is okay but django is a fucking embarrassment, DiCaprio was good though

u just dont like it because its about a strong black man and youre one of those /pol trump idiots



Kys brainlet

i didn't like it because it felt like a satire of what quentin is known for, it was a self-indulgent, immature, abomination with the self-awareness of a fucking fruit fly

Dan "get in my van" Schneider collab when?

Suck the feet of a black male*

He looks like Bill