Dayum gurl, u need sum new lacy bra
Dayum gurl, u need sum new lacy bra
punchable faces general?
is this from the sequel "Get Out: of Mexico"?
>beta virgin orbiter who gets left behind while she goes chasing after Chad Brolin
Fuck. Why do I relate to this character so much?
>no on Sup Forums knows what it's like to have a friend
What did he mean by this?
I'd allow myself to be kidnapped, tortured, beheaded and strung up in public by a Mexican cartel if I got to sniff the armpit sweat from one of her bras beforehand.
if they were such good friends and both heterosexual why didnt they have sex with each other? there's literally no answer that makes sense
sometimes you know for sure that your friendship would be fucked if you made a move, whether she accepts or not
t. knower
how can a friendship not survive a simple request go on a date?
I have good female friends that are a bit on the ugly side so I don't want to fuck them
they are coworkers
what exactly was the point of this movie?
mexico is forevermore a shithole, women suck at their jobs and the cia plays kingmaker?
the government agency has no rule against that
holy shit you're fucking stupid lmao
>T-talk to you f-fer a minnette?
Why did he let his beta glow so brightly?
never trust a black guy to set you up for a date?
You aren't scared of the dark, are ya?
he really has that "I'm black and this is racism" face down to a T
>how can a friendship not survive a simple request go on a date?
female logic would lead her to believe for the duration of the entire friendship you've been after her pussy and it's all a lie, so fuck you you fucking pig