Other urls found in this thread:


Time for Third Reich Mike's take

Toasting in a big bread

God you guys are quick

Thanks, Mike.

Mike has fetal alcohol syndrome and pissed the bed into his early 20's



Oh shit.

>L-look, guys, I posted it again!

>mfw I post reaction images from a point in the video that no one could've seen yet without fastforwarding

This is amazing


>rich is there because he only watches capeshit and is incapable of reviewing anything else

>just ice league

>The state of DCucks.gif



lmao so kino

I'll watch it later but it's funny I just know it, cracking up here


this is not a reaction image, this is a shit image.

yay! can't wait for these two undeservedly self-satisfied, soulless gen-x deadbeats to review this movie so I can laugh along and pretend to be superior and that we all could do SO much better under the same circumstances when really we wouldn't even attempt a genuine effort because we know deep down we're failures with no talent so we'd rather cover up that insecurity with "ironically bad" decisions to make the movie shitty on purpose!

How can DCucks EVER recover?

Oh. It's pasta now.


>they liked the Superman rebirth scene unironically
Confirmed for actual, honest-to-god, shit-taste hacks

>oh so it's like the JUST ICE league
>whattaya goin on about kid?

wait were death grips in this season of twin peaks? i still need to watch it

RLM detected.

>tfw when your YouTube videos are such garbage you have to same fag shill them on Sup Forums, a community filled with pedos and the mentally ill

What adblocker should I use when watching RLM videos?

I want to make sure they don’t get any revenue.

garbage calls other thing trash episode 129

Nah its just memes sadly


Without spoiling too much, they played a seminal role in an earlier ep..

I’m really sick of how RLM constantly shills that shitty YouTube videos on this board. Their shit is never funny and their reviews are total crap.

If you have to get your opinions from YouTube you’re probably a moron anyways

>another capeshit "review"


Use hooktube. Replace the 'you' in youtube URLs to 'hook'.

This way, they gain no advertising revenue WHATSOEVER.

Get fucking HYPE

RLM has over 600K subs and make over $20K on Patreon. Why would you think they would waste their time shilling here?

does it still register as a "view" on youtube

Or you can just use mpv with ytdl

Hey retard. I can't speak for all of Sup Forums but personally I don't "get opinions" from other people. I watch RLM because I find it entertaining. I like hearing their opinion, but it doesn't influence mine. Do you really think people do that? How sad.

>redditors idolise a man who never finished high school

>best bit of the movie is ripped from x-men apocalypse



- Jay

>over $20K on Patreon
Why are capeshit connoisseurs so braindead and anti-art?

>reusing jokes from BotW
RLM really went downhill.

Nope, they scrape the core video while blocking any ads from loading on their end, and then rehost the video on their own servers.

This also works.

>actually thinking "for himself"

What a faggot.

>All those copies of Vampire Assassin everywhere

wow where did they come up with that observation


>this man tells Sup Forums what to think

fuck yes i was hoping they'd make a just ice joke

Fucking tired of being incel, I've tried getting fit, I've tried dressing well, I've tried acting more confident but I still spill spaghetti every time I talk to a girl that I'm actually attracted to.

But today I met a trap (didn't know she was a trap at first, looked very convincing as a girl), and as soon as I found out, suddenly it was a lot easier to talk to her. I felt less nervous and all that. She even started flirting with me telling me she thought I looked cute, asked me if I wanted to hang out sometime. I told her maybe just as like friends because she seemed cool but that natural born girls were my thing.

The more I think about it, this trap was actually pretty cute and I think if she tucked her wiener I could probably just pretend she was a natural girl. What I don't want to do is do it, then hate myself because I can't get it out of my head that I just assfucked a boy with frankentits and HRT.

Is boipucci a meme, or for people that have actually tried it has it been pretty okay?

The go-to sentiment in the average consumerist moviegoer. People who try and pass off baseless statements such as "fun" and "bad" as valid criticism. The reason for capeshit and other consumerist trash.

Someone give me (You)s please.

>the copies fo vampire assasin

>What I don't want to do is do it, then hate myself because I can't get it out of my head that I just assfucked a boy

but that's hot

Assfucking a boy is literally the most alpha and masculine thing you can do

>mfw 25 minute long "topical" sketch opening

How are their Patreon funds distributed? $240k/year between all of those fags seems like not much.


It's no meme friend plus it's dressed like a girl so it's not really gay

it's supplemented by about a million youtube hits a month. dunno how much that is worth though, another couple of grand?

If you found this person attractive and easy to talk to, just go out with them and see how it goes. Be honest about your reservations but try to not to sound harsh. If there is interest there, you owe it to yourself to explore it. Doesn't mean anything has to go further than you want it to.

I closed the tab two minutes in. They're no different than the women claiming rape in Hollywood for attention.

Mike is so cute. I wanna rub my face in his belly.

>about a million

*slide whistle noise*

oh wow, i had no idea they were that popular.

plus youtube ad revenue:
I can tell your from my own channel that the larger revenue estimate is closer to the truth.



>Monthly Estimate: $1.9K - $31K

That's a pretty wide margin of difference.

I told you guys Mike would like it.

It's really not that bad in a very schlocky kind of way

Ironically, just like he liked x-men apocalypse.

Mike """""""liked""""""" it.

>Does the Flash quip?
>Rich doesn't know

It's fucking Barry. Yes, Barry fucking quips. He is the original quipmaster. All the guy does is make jokes.

Kevin Fiji

tfw longtime DC fan

He said it wasn't for schlock reasons. He said because it reminded him of a Saturday Morning Cartoon.

Rich doesn't read comic books.

I just got to that point too! Wow! We should be friends!

>thinking mike has good taste in anything
When he says he likes something just because it was funny bad, it just means he liked it.

It’s just a surprisingly simple and well done action adventure movie, pretty straightforward. There’s a lot of bloat but I was really impressed by how streamlined they were able to make it considering the circumstances.

it was literally the only good thing about the movie

Watch the review. "like x-men apocalypse" is a quote.

>dat damage control

Saturday : saved

No you idiot. He was talking about the Superman vs Flash scene and how it was done in X-Men Apocalypse. They even fucking showed the clip from that part in Apocalypse, you absolute damage control shill.

Pointing out exactly what's in the video is damage control?

If you genuinely thought they were a nice person go for it user


>tfw had a dream that I was at their workplace
>Rich's mom came in and told him to just kill himself
>others chimed in with "yeah dude it's about time already" and "why are you even here", all serious
>Rich was just sitting there with his default smiling face looking dead inside
I think I watched too much RLM

Boy, I can't wait for a bunch of Hollywood failures to tell me what to think about the latest children's super hero movie.

24:08, asshole.

These guys always seemed like the types who couldn't get a job in the entertainment industry so they had to become critics instead. And they're not even good critics.

I’m normally a Marvel guy but this year while GotG2 was amazing, Spiderman shat all over the character and made him a punk moron child, and Thor cucked itself by rolling over with it’s belly up, absolutely no respect for the characters or world for the sake of turboquipping. It only have 2 funny jokes. At least the sets and special effects were great.

But Justice League was genuinely a good movie, not great or anything but there were a lot of great little moments. My biggest problem was the CGI badguy looked like dogshit, i missed the first 15 minutes so i missed the cringey WW bank heist foiling scene that’s been posted here, thankfully