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But the intended audience can't sit still for more than an hour

4 hours of manchildren yelling at the screen going "IS THAT A CHARACTER FROM THE SERIES, WOW."

So a little over an hour and a half?

It's just over 2 hours I think, no idea if that includes credits

>believing length determines kino status

2 hours 35 minutes

I wonder if people will go to the movies to watch 10 minute youtube videos in the future because their inferior african genes can't allow them to sit for more than that length of time.

Ugh, not what I want to hear

>2 straight hours rey getting blacked


its all porg scenes.

I hate how Star Wars comes out when kids aren't in school. Ruins my weekday theater visits when shit is usually dead.


hopefully they sneak in some scenes with the blue haired girl too then

I'm so excited for the Plagueisfags tears boys. I can't wait to see them get BTFO, again.

I waited 2 weeks for Rogue One.
I might do that again, I mean most of it is leaked anyway so I'm not worried about spoilers.

all star wars movies should've been 3 hours

I wasn't even hyped on R1, but all of the Sup Forums threads made me itchy to see it. I guess another 10AM screening it is, that's about the only time that's safe.

>bloated mouseshit with le epic post-credits scene
So hyped

Kill me.

>there will be a yearly serving of starshit until the end of time

I have a bad feeling about this.

2.5 hours senpai

I'm getting more tired of Star Wars than Marvel, and I've loved Star Wars since a kid and don't care about comic books. And that's with three Marvel films every year. A general disinterest in any of the new characters, maybe aside from Kylo, leaves me cold and bitter about the new episodes. I don't care what happens to Rey or Finn or Pillow or Angry Fat Asian. They're all ugly and poorly written and the universe of the Star Wars galaxy has narrowed so much compared to what we had before.

I really hope this doesn't happen to Lord of the Rings. I hope everyone in charge of that series firmly believes in the beauty of Middle-Earth and goodness of its peoples, and have actually read all of the important books.

>Dude, Rey is fine, but she chews on my giant space slug like a mynock on a power cable with those huge teeth. I'd rather get a blowjob the Sarlacc.
Audience erupts in laughter.

>"Hey guys that was such a great film I got to impress everyone else watching the movies with telling them who the characters are on screen before they were introduced"

>Must have been a "10 on IMDB" film if I could do that.

Finn: Rey watch out for that Sazeroka speeder!
Rey: You could have told my chomps earlier, I can't save the galaxy when my chompers are run over by a whistley-boy-gargloo

>implying anyone under 300 pounds and without a virginity will get a reference from the EU

There's a new TV spot. The movie looks like absolute trash. Absolutely generic Hollywood blockbuster nonsense. So bad, it hurts. Even JJ Abrams managed to get us hyped with TFA teasers. This movie looks like trash straight away.

An extra long fairytale for special needs children who struggle with the convoluted plot of classics like Snow White, just what the world needed.

>i was raised to fight
>but i didnt want to fight and ran away only to end up fighting again because of dat whitegrill pussi
yeah no kidding nigger

>Three fucking hours of people swinging blow sticks around
This fags thinks he's directing LOTR or something

They already confirmed Po and Finn are a thing.

Yeah, it was already fucking embarrassing in TFA, but apparently, first thing dindu asks is where is da white girl at? The same cunt that had no problem leaving him behind comatose to go on her selfish journey. Can you be a bigger cuck than that?


>movies keep getting longer and longer

Why? They just keep filling these films with boring shit anyways.


Based taste

>all the butthurt in this thread

>TFA was trash
>Rogue One was kinda alright but boring
>They expect us to get hyped for this piece of shit ESB rehash

>The ships are bigger, the walkers are bigger, the death star is bigger, the villain is bigger, the main lead is stronker and now the runtime is longer.
Woa, the movie must be good

lotr is 3x3h

Story behind that pic?