How good is this chart? How many have you seen?
As far as I can tell, the "entry-level" part is true, as I've seen half of them purely incidentally despite being a turbopleb. So I imagine this board has seen most if not all of this chart.
How good is this chart? How many have you seen?
As far as I can tell, the "entry-level" part is true, as I've seen half of them purely incidentally despite being a turbopleb. So I imagine this board has seen most if not all of this chart.
Other urls found in this thread:
Pic related is what I've seen, with the most recent being Spirit of the Beehive. I guess I should watch L'Eclisse next since I've seen most of Antonioni's later work.
this board is too busy discussing capeshit and celeb gossip to have seen more than 3 of the films on this chart
man its years since those got posted... how times change
Well, how many have you seen? Malick has been discussed on this board, as has Lynch, as has Bergman, so I imagine at least some people have seen 3 or more of those films.
But speaking of Lynch, I didn't realize "Wild at Heart" was arthouse - shows what I know.
>Well, how many have you seen?
all of them except Le samourai which I have no interest in after seeing army of shadows
seen 15 from this chart and most of the /film/ chart
Wild at Heart and La Haine aren't arthouse at all and aren't milestones in film history. no idea why theyre there.
it's missing tons of stuff that's considered essential by academics. there's no organising principal here
>all directors are featured only once
>Bunuel is featured twice
who's the pleb that made this chart?
>Despite the popularity of some directors over others, all directors are featured only once
>Un Chien Andalou
>Simon of the Desert
wat? How come I never noticed that...
Anyway, I haven't seen nine of those. It actually helped me get into films, discover waves movements and directors. Probably the only good thing I have ever got from Sup Forums.
Like 85% of these are the majors in the Criterion Collection so yeah, it's these are pretty much the first ones you'd encounter.
>This is what people on this board who pretend to hate le stupid capeshit force themselves to like in order to be "patricians"
Why the fuck would La Haine be there? A film isn't "arthouse" just because it's black and white goddamit
t. capeshitter
>This is what capeshit fans tell themselves in order to justify their brainlet status
watch Dasies next that way you can cross out a whole row!
It's a good start but you don't learn anything if you only watch one film per director. Too many retards stop at Stalker/8½/The Seventh Seal and act like pseudointellectual apes.
>which I have no interest in after seeing army of shadows
Haven't seen it, but is it because of its political tones, or something else? Le Samourai is fairly benign, and much can be appreciated of its minimalism and symbolism in place of traditional characters. It has influenced some directors their films, like The Driver.
apparently Walter Hill wasn't influenced by that film as much as some western from the 50s I can't remember the name of.
As far as road movies go, it's not exactly standard. If it were made a couple decades earlier, there would be no question it were arthouse.
>if you only watch one film per director
>Too many retards stop at Stalker/8½/The Seventh Seal
I seriously hope this isn't the case. Isn't it only logical to follow through with a director's work, just like in music, literature, etc?
> force themselves to like
>La Haine
>Wild at Heart
>Days of Heaven
>La Jetee
>Passion of Joan of Arc
Is basic filmography and a lot of people like those films, even the redditors, you fucking retard.
>La Jetee
This is shit, though.
Yes but you'll be surprised with how often that doesn't happen
said no one in the history of time. even you. for you don't exist, from this moment on.
never mind, I've actually seen it I just forgot about it. It was fine until the stupid ending. I appreciated the quiet pace but that's about it.
I don't think any of the films in the OP are 10/10 except for Possession, I prefer other films by their respective directors.
La Chinoise
>A guy saying some """"deep"""" shit over a bunch of shitty photograph
>Wow this is such art guys 10/10 classic masterpiece
gee, you really convinced me with that deep criticism.
it's melville's film I remember the least, but what symbolism are you talking about?
Planning to watch at least 12 others on that chart before the end of the year.
trying to shame great movies as labeling em as entry level
You are fucking retarded, at least they're making capeshit juuuust for you and brainlets alike.
>defending capeshit
Stalker and Daisies are not entry level
Just because they're popular doesnt make them entry level. They are way less conventional or narrative driven than anything else on that chart.
There are way less 'conventional or narrative driven' films on that same chart retard
If this isn't bait you should end your life asap.
maybe the Buñuel films but not really because they're 45 minutes and 15 minutes long respecitvely,
Nothing else full length has the stand-still pace of stalker or the pure chaotic strangeness of daisies on that chart. Both are closer to at least mid level imo.
what next
seven samurai, wild at heart or la haine.
All great.
8 1/2
I mean, if you watch all these (and, y'know, at least somewhat understand them) in addition to mainstream cinema, you're going to be able to look like the "person who watches arty cinema" in like, 98% of social situations.
The 2% of social situations - half will be people who did a semi-decent film course at university, and the other half will be genuine arthouse film fanatics who will instantly ask you whether you've seen some slovak film from the 1920s of which only three copies exist in the world.
Whether or not that's a good thing i'll leave up to you.
Oh, and 8 1/2 and spirit of the beehive are genuine garbage.
Maybe so, but the witness character parallels that of Le Samourai (in fact, it makes it predictable if you've seen Le Samourai), and the symbolic nature of the characters, them being nameless, is similar to what Melville defined in Le Samourai and other work (e.g. characters inexplicably defined by personal items like their fedoras, guns in coat pocket, and other symbolic traits in place of traditional narrative).
>It was fine until the stupid ending
Yeah, some people think so, but I like it because it parallels that of the trapped bird. I view it as Costello feeling trapped in a cage, with the police closing in one him and hitmen out to get him, and wanting out.
And speaking of Le Samourai, it seems that the Criterion bluray came out just this month and is a huge improvement on existing transfers (the French BD was actually botched and is in fact worst than the Criterion DVD transfer).
So now is the perfect time to watch/rewatch it.
>Oh, and 8 1/2 and spirit of the beehive are genuine garbage.
This is true. Most normies don't even now who Kubrick is. I'd say if I polled all 40 of my employees, only 3 would recognize that name.
You should have posted the last paragraph first, so nobody would waste their time with your pseudo-statistics, being so clear you are just another retard.
it's pretty awful, less than half of those films are good
you mean sentence you fucking idiot?
I'm sure you have all the time in the world to read, that is, until mommy calls you upstairs for din din in about an hour. Faggot.
I hate to respond to bait, but the worst films there are 7.5/10s at least.
>la haine
What is great about this? It seems like something Haneke would churn out if he were any less artistic.
fuck off moron, stop trying so hard, just because every runt acts like they are perfect when they first start getting into serious films doesn't mean you have to.
>Most normies don't even now who Kubrick is
Everyone who isn't Gen Z knows who Kubrick is. "Born to die" helmet is literally a meme, and people reference Full Metal Jacket all the time.
Yes, obviously I'm the moron and anybody who doesn't spout imbecilities like your kind is just pretending.
>Oh, and 8 1/2 and spirit of the beehive are genuine garbage.
Care to elaborate?
jesus christ stop posturing faggot
>people reference FMJ all the time
Yeah but they don't know what it's from. Everytime I hear a coworker say "you talkin to me?" I offer 20 bucks if they can tell me what movie it's from and it's ALWAYS Godfather or Goodfellas.
Why focus on old movies? If you want art-house films why not take some cool new movies like Roy Andersson's films.
(picture from Roy Andersson's "You, the living")
8 1/2 is only held in such reverence because it's about "the art of filmmaking" and as such critics and directors and anyone involved in moviemaking wanks over it to absurd levels bcos muh cinema is art etc etc etc validate me.
Then bcos these people act as tastemakers, artsy types and academics find themselves having to hold the film in reverence.
Beehive idk, I just hate it. I don't like spanish films and I really don't like kids in films, with only a couple of exceptions. There's also that feeling of the "profound magic of cinema" running through it again which really just pisses me off.
swap out 8 1/2 and Beehive and throw in Ali: Fear eats the soul and i'd be happy.
>Everytime I hear a coworker say "you talkin to me?" I offer 20 bucks if they can tell me what movie it's from and it's ALWAYS Godfather or Goodfellas.
No fucking way.
Everything by Lynch is considered arthouse
Are you fucking dumb? I like 12 Monkeys better because I personally think it's a fun and more developed twist on the theme. But La Jetee is great, it's a reason why it's mentioned.
confirmed for not having seen la jetee or last year at marienbad
Fucking try it with someone under 21. Bet five if you're a poorfag.
>8 1/2 is "genuine garbage" because it's held highly by people in the industry
>the spirit of the beehive is "genuine garbage" because "I don't know, I just hate it"
Brilliant, just brilliant. Your opinion is shit, and you've said nothing of the films themselves. What is Don user missing, children, do you know? His brain.
I don't speak with people that young. I did originally say "everyone who isn't Gen Z" - I'm not surprised that the average consumerist who grew up on Netflix doesn't know Taxi Driver.
I should have specified that most of my employees are under 21. I wouldn't dare have a bet like that with my assistant managers. It's fun because you know they don't know it BUT when they do it's pretty satisfying.
nothing worse than pseuds ITT who think they know anything about film because they watched valley of the bees or stalker
There's clearly a lot worse than those elusive ''pseuds''
Seven Samurai is boring outside of Mifune.
Possession was very confusing.
Wild at Heart is fantastic.
Haven't seen the rest.
la haine isnt kino
go back to rddit you underage faggot
your just a person with your own unique taste
>hasn't seen bergman, tarkovsky, or malick
How come? Days of Heaven is essential Malick, and his last film before the 2 decade break from film preceding TTRL. It's worthwhile even if you don't appreciate his later work.
I'm almost 19.
>Bergman, Tarkovsky, Malick
I've watched The Mirror, like Possession I felt that I was watching something good, just not something I was able to comprehend.
I've tried to watch Solaris a few times now but I never get pass the first 20 minutes, I don't know why, it's just never been the right time to watch it.
I don't know never got around to it
I want to watch Badlands and Days of Heaven, I might have them both downloaded, but I never got to them. Your webm makes me never want to get to Days of Heaven.
once you know that those flying locusts are being dropped from a helicopter and the film reversed you can see how clearly weird everyones movements are
>Your webm makes me never want to get to Days of Heaven
If this is the conclusion on a soundless sd webm (that even on this state is very enticing), you really never should.
8 1/2
400 blows
tokyo story
cleo from 5 to 7
days of heaven
seventh seal
last year at marienbad
passion of joan of arc
all masterpieces
and the rest aint bad neithr
I don't fuck with bugs.
>Your webm makes me never want to get to Days of Heaven
I guess you don't understand much about film. Those shots weren't graded, as should be obvious, but shot during golden hour (as is a lot of the film) to give their tone and lighting, and the locust swarms are practical effects. Just imagine the filming schedule and effort needed to get this done. The film is technique-wise on par with the likes of Barry Lyndon, and demonstrates an auteur at work. If you're unable to appreciated art, that's your problem.
Yes, but I wouldn't say it's jarring, just discernible. You kinda expect people standing in a locust swarm to be twitching around anyway. But it could be worst if you think about it, but then Malick probably wouldn't have included the shot.
the only thing Ive seen (Rome open city) is it even arthouse?
>I guess you don't understand much about film. Those shots weren't graded, as should be obvious, but shot during golden hour (as is a lot of the film) to give their tone and lighting, and the locust swarms are practical effects. Just imagine the filming schedule and effort needed to get this done. The film is technique-wise on par with the likes of Barry Lyndon, and demonstrates an auteur at work. If you're unable to appreciated art, that's your problem.
I just don't fuck with bugs my guy.
Not sure how that makes sense. It ain't 3D, you bugphobic bigot
Le Samourai is way better than Army of Shadows. In fact it's probably my favorite film on that list other than The Cranes are Flying and Days of Heaven
I tried watching Daisies and had to turn it off after 20 minutes. It was terrible.
And this is coming from someone who sat through Out 1 and Russian Ark
Wow, you're so quirky and unique. Like, spiders, am I right? Let me guess, you also avoid certain types of food and love to make it known to everybody?
I loved Daisies, one of my favorite surrealist films. You didn't even get to the best part.
i haven't seen Out 1 is it good ?
I guess you can't get called a classical pleb shitter, but quitting a film is not something one should do.
I would be all for officially replacing La Haine or Wild at Heart with Yi Yi. Yang is a much better film maker than those two.
If we are going to include Lynch at all in this list it probably needs to be Eraserhead
It took me all the way until The Sacrifice before I ever connected emotionally with a Tarkovsky movie. I know people consider his films very slow and contemplative but I found the opposite, they were too wordy and left moments before they could grow to their full impact. With Nostalghia and Offret he finally seemed to mature out of that.
Of course, his first two films didn't fall into that, I still think Andrei Rublev is his best. Its such a monumental and dense film that perhaps doesn't have the transcendent quality that he achieved in Mirror but it is consistently great the whole time
I remember finding Days of Heaven just pretty good, but that was a long time ago. I prefer his newer films but I'd love to revisit that one
Seconding this. Yang is a master
They're close ups.
I don't know why you're mad, but yeah, I'm arachnaphobic. I still close my eyes whenever I rewatch the first Spider-Man movie at the scene of Peter getting bit and I haven't watched the LOTR trilogy cause I know there's giant spiders in the second movie.
Is there a lot of close up shots of bugs in Days of Heaven?
It was really annoying me and I watched a very low quality version so I wasn't really getting much out of it.
Out 1 is in a league of its own imo. It's one of a few films that I think breaks down the medium and becomes something entirely. It doesn't feel like you are watching a film. It's hard to explain.
Someone once compared it to the Infinite Jest of films and I didn't know whether to reluctantly agree or be downright offended
this is next
Now there's a chart I can get behind
>Yi Yi
Is this even Arthouse? What about A Brighter Summer day?
This is (real) pretentious. For developing somebody really into appreciating cinema, throwing such heavy stuff is a disservice.
By itself, it's a fine chart, but not in any way as a beginner's guide.
Oh I just saw the two edits. They definitely don't fit and EoE is not good (as opposed to AotC which is underrated)
Chart invalidated.
the best part of daisies is objectively the train ride.
nice chart