Post more oper8tor kino
Post more oper8tor kino
The Hunted
Rambo (1-4)
OP said operator kino, not operator flick.
The Way of the Gun
oper8or flick
is this gonna be some political shit?
thats the only kino in this thread
Operator Flick
old school
Underrated as fuck
Great film(
Yeah don't watch it, it's just a yet another Michael Bay videogame like flick.
Look at this ridiculous webm, the guy on the far left just turns and squats like he has to shit all of a sudden while not being phased by the bullets
>we're expected to believe that soyboy supreme Chris Pratt is a DevGru operator
bourne trilogy
john wick 1 and 2
Raid scene is literally the most operator scene ever put on film
Did someone say operator-kino?
It's surprisingly apolitical given the topic
this is honestly the least stupid and therefore best michael bay movie
I think this counts.
Seen it 3 or 4 times already
is the second movie good also?
>Best Michael Bay movie
not the same poster, but yes, it's good
Absolutely. There is a Leftist character thats supposed to be a brazillian politician shown a positive light though, but as far as left wing people go he's not to bad
The director put him there because he felt like he ended up glorifying fascism/police state by accident in the first
Based Nascimento is still based in it
>film about CIA paratroopers in Afghanistan
Neat, does it show them running their human trafficking and heroin operations?
good taste my friend
The Punisher Ser.....err.....FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
Post the "RPG Mortar" webm
all in all, wasn't a bad flick
jesus, do they have a Movie Maker Wizard they assemble these same movies from?
I've seen this trailer/movie a dozen times but with different movie titles
> daughter: "daddy, daddy, you're my hero"
> wife :"love you, husband"
> reluctant soldier goes off to fight
> "hey bros! This is a dude flick!"
> Call of Duty POV shots
> bros get killed
> dude cry
> reunited with daughter / wife and it feels so good
the show is basically a video game
don't think you get this meme
kek just off the top of my head you just described the plots of Lone Survivor, Act of Valor and 13 Hours.
This, it was apolitical to a fault. It went straight down the middle without pissing anyone off and it failed.
Liberals hated it because it's masculine explosions and it even brought up Benghazi during an election buildup.
Conservatives hated it because it showed the whole situation as a big clusterfuck without nailing a certain politician to the wall.
Sup Forums hated it because it's Michael Bay and buzzwords.
13 hours is kino, just like Pain and Gain and The Rock.
He's a reddit celebrity who acts in capeshit. It fits. If you disagree, you probably have too many phytoestrogens in your system to think clearly.
Can someone explain to me what kino is?
pls no bully
If I save this image, will I end up on a watchlist?
kino >>>> cinéma > films > movies >>> flicks
Basically means top tier. Means something in German or some mudslide language. Do me a personal favor though, class this place up and don't use it.
unironically a great movie
>no one has mentioned this yet
Any operator kino with female mooks?
American Sniper
more like
>seagal leave no sammich behind.webm
the bag probably even had hotpockets or whatever fat americans eat these days
>female mooks
let's stay in the realm of semi-reality here, snowflake
For good reason
I have a fetish for faceless females getting gunned down in droves as the try to kill the hero.
dogs of war
day of the jackal
Jesus fucking Christ. You can see his hand is nowhere near the trigger when those last few rounds go off.
Season 1 was good, but I dropped it halfway through season 2.
shit operating compared to others itt
>white male with his family
>sees 9/11 on tv
did this turn into a trope thread?
Sexy Brad & BK junior
Regular infantry aren't elite operators operating operationally and so films involving them can't be operator-kino.
>can't be operator-kino
>look mom im fitting in
>has shit opinions
>can't justify them
>gets mad at others instead of fixing said shit opinions
I’m Michael Weston and this is how you operate south of the border
I have family who were there. This gave them flashbacks.
>This gave them flashbacks.
I live in New Orleans and I get PTSD from the downed Blackhawk scene
Chris Pratt is a gun-owning conservative
13 hours
Act of Valor
Lone Survivor
TV shows:
Generation Kill
Seal Team
No it's actually a good honest movie.
>Iranian Special Forces
Jesus CHRIST, these fucking war movies are just all, rooty-tooty shooty-shooty macho tough guy bullshit!
>Danish wearing burkas
>soy boy
>Chris Pratt's publicist has told people he is a gun-owning conservative
>chris pratt's publicist wants to alienate him from his fellow actors and liberal fanbase
Bill Zane's stupid fucking face
semi-operator ....UNCOMMON VALOR
more 80s action flick than operator shit
Don't talk shit you clearly know nothing about. At least bother to Google it before trying to correct others, you fucking retard.
>Pratt talks about his thirty- or forty-gun arsenal.
>Van Dam
gets me every time
>right babe?
stay frosty
Fuck off, you faggot. Chris Pratt is literally /ourguy/
>is literally /ourguy/
That guy was so badass
I tried a couple times to watch Act of Valour, but I always turn it off around the 30min mark from boredom.
post the other webm please
Jesus Christ that is some dogshit CGI. Just look at how the guy on the left freezes in place as some shitskin CG worker deletes parts of his body.
This was operated as it gets
>that final showdown
Was it ever confirmed if they butt buddies?
>post the other webm please
>tfw I still consider this one of the best fps made
>Shitty old N64
If Rare had money and the same talent with today's hardware...
>getting raped by dark sims
>trolling friends with the alien gun that goes through walls
good times
>that baby scene
>those ridiculous old-western style fight scenes
The jackal
Or day of the jackal,.. whatever
no, the other webm