What is the most powerful weapon or tool in sci-fi Sup Forums?
Anime included
What is the most powerful weapon or tool in sci-fi Sup Forums?
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in doctor who there was a mcguffin called the key to time but I wouldn't put that forward because there are probably hundreds of things like that across fiction.
If we're including anime, super tengen toppa gurren lagann
It's literally bigger than the universe
You asked for it.
>anime included
Long as the pilot has condifence, they are infnatly powerful while sitting at the controls
>non anime
Ultimatel nulifier
Mindhacc anime
Define "Sci-Fi".
Otherwise by best guess of what you mean, I'd say the Star Forge. I know it's Sup Forums but still.
Mostly on the grounds that it can create absolutely anything that is physically possible to exist, like a Star Trek replicator on drugs, and supposedly can't run out of juice, so even if you have something you consider to be a more powerful weapon, the Star Forge can just mass produce it for you, and then you have multiple of the damn thing.
Can turn everything into grey goo.
One of these days ill finish this anime
DC and Marvel have thousands of McGuffins, new one's being added each time they do some event.
>A weapon
How dare you! He only wanted to learn!
Pay no attention to the part where he may or may not have created the Borg.
user it's like 26 episodes
You could probably finish it in a weekend if you really wanted to
>Anime included
where did the star forge get the raw materials though?
Reality Bomb in Doctor Who.
what's the movie that's set mor into the future?
Technically from the Sun it orbits, but considering it literally manufactured a fleet that could single handedly hold the entire galaxy hostage, without the sun losing even as much energy to slightly affect its orbiting planet's climate (and it did this and more when the Rakatan Empire was still in business), I'm pretty sure that normal laws of physics don't apply.
It just needs to be "plugged in" and it does whatever the hell you want it to with no cost.
>A death ray capable of obliterating a planet zips no more than 25 feet past you, yet doesn't melt you into flesh-goo.
Bravo, George.
>anime included
thats a mistake
Dr Who's Reality Bomb, amongst others
what are shields
and besides there were thousands of those lasers that once combined made the big one
Goku's fists
Get out of here, Nolan!
>All these newfags posting ttgl
Wow it's like I'm really in a high school anime club. Seriously kids grow up.
>What are shields
So the power to obliterate an entire planet can be stopped by a simple force shield?
Why wouldn't Alderaan equip itself with an anti-laser shield?
The starkiller base is even more laughable. Everyone on the plan should be burned alive when it fires.
Spider-Carnage in the animated series built a device the could destroy all universes. I believe it was the finale of the show, when Spider-Man stopped him.
>lasers stop in space then change direction
Good job, you posted it again. Man, I tried watching demonbane, it was insufferable.
The Arm-Drones in Lexx. They end up self-replicating so much they collapse a universe.
>The drones are last seen in Lexx 2.20 "End of the Universe" after they have consumed all of the matter in the entire Light Universe, except for the Lexx. They are ultimately destroyed when Mantrid furiously sends them all against the Lexx, creating such a heavy concentration of mass that a "Big Crunch" occurs, temporarily creating a Fractal Core through which the Lexx escapes to the Dark Universe.
The Lexx itself matches the Death Star. The craft is a giant GM insectoid, that can fire a ribbon of energy that destroys planets, the remains of which it then feeds on.
Very weird show.
>All these Gurren-Lagannfags
What's next? The LOGOSfags are gonna crawl out /m/?
Always demonbane
Animated series was the shit. Perfect ending.
i loved that show, until they replaced the girl
that's not the main laser dumbass
and aleraan had a shield, the death star laser is that powerful but no every little laser that makes it
got it?
I've always thought this was a parody, but I'm googling these words and they all seem to be actual things from anime. Is this not a joke?
they don't stop, they collide with each other
The gravitational beam emitter has very high potential.
>14 years old
this fucker can erase anything from existence, even universes.
only some stuff at the end isnt from naruto.
They'd just pass through each other and keep going, leaving a focal point way off target. The only way it would make sense is if all the lasers combined at the actual planet itself
how do you know?
Because that's how real lasers work you retard.
Human ingenuity or love or some other bullshit
Look at the very first one that fires. It stops.
Also I don't know why but the sound effects on the gun are really unique sounding.
>Anime included
Half circle formation
Able to beat literally anything
Prove me wrong, pro tip you cant
in our galaxy with our tech, not in star wars, next time you will say they should've edited out the sounds in space
well the lightsaber stops too
t. Retard
The lightsaber is plasma proportedly contained within a magnetic field that somehow doesn't attract metal objects around it.
By the time the impulses from the brain reach the legs with orders to move the universe would have already died out
the mantrid drones
could convert an entire planet into more mantrid drones in seconds
destroyed a universe
Culture ships are pretty high-tier.
>Star wars
The answer is speedf- I mean spiral power
Speed is reletive to size
STTGL is going millions of times faster then light
>faster than light
>this fucking meme
god, those were cancerous weeks on Sup Forums
TTGL is a (intentionally) stupid series. don't overthink it
MD Geist
>because there are some elements of fiction in this movie we should throw all logic out the window
I fucking hate people like you
but he's just a soulja
Star Wars lasers aren't lasers.
They're made out of some sort of gas (the stuff they were mining on Cloud City).
It's stupid, yeah, but people also have a tendency in real life to call things names that don't apply. You know, like 90% of "Science Fiction" media after Star Wars and Flash Gordon, which gives less of a crap about science than Edgar Rice Burroughs did.
>getting this upset because a weapon in a fictional space opera doesn't work like lasers work in 2017
Lonely soldier boy
But there is something I don't understand.
In the original series Simon's waifu died and he left everyone and became an old fart in poor condition. The fucking movie is supposed to happen when? because his waifu is alive and they have a kid.
Mabel Pines.
The blode bitch is another character, Nia died because it was made by anti-spirals.
Why do people pretend that laser tech would be at the same level as ours if we got a full galaxy conected with hyperlight speed for 10000 years?
Since OP said "tool" it has to be Demonbane or one of the other Multiverse-tier mecha
People asked for the strongest, not much can beat a universe sized mecha.
I'm sorry lads but as much as I like TTGL it's not sci-fi
Next you'll say that stripper outfits don't give you super-strength either.
They don't
legitimate stupid af show
>not being autistic
>anime included
>not much can beat a universe sized mecha
You must be really new.
The Apple of Eden. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
Gurran Lagann does the impossible BREAKS THE UNBREAKABLE
How is it not?
It hasn't been de-monstrated (or is it demon-strated? ) whether he's actually capable of making anything though.
star wars is fantasy my man, stuff just works.
Someone just post the tierlist already
Really all the other shit in star wars and this is what hangs you up
Hinging everything on real world physics is the sign of an asshole. As long as it works within the rules of the fiction, you shouldn't care.
"Science Fiction Story" by F.G.T Anonymous
There once was a device that so powerful it was more powerful than any other device in Science Fiction no exceptions. The end.
>spiral beings can possess THIS MUCH unchecked power
anti-spirals were right the whole time