Will the Jews ever defeat him?
Will the Jews ever defeat him?
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He’s too strong
And growing stronger
>It's worse to criticize jews than to drive drunk
People in hollywood believe this.
>ywn hate jews so much you turn into a muslim
Why even live?
Ferris bueller actor killed a couple people driving drunk yet Mel and Kramer get more criticism for saying “kike” and “nigger”
Mel "Muhammad was right about a few things" Gibson
That is one hell of a beard. How do you even begin to challenge that?
Of course not.
Jews can only defeat low iq muslims
I wish Mel posted with us so he call me a faggot for liking What Women Want because it's actually a good movie.
they already did. did you hear the desperation and hurt in his voice when he told his wife to get raped by a pack of niggers. sorry but only a defeated man says things like that, like that.
there's no shame in liking that movie, genuinely enjoyable
How do I become strong and manly like Mel? I'm 22, skinny fat and have a naturally tiny frame (although I am 6 foot tall), I'm not a nu-male (not American) but I look like a nu-male. Is it just about lifting? What foods do I eat? Every fucking food nowadays has soy or GMO or whatever. They say meat is manly but I see articles how cows are pumped full of hormones and antibiotics.
>I'm not a nu-male (not American) but I look like a nu-male.
you're a nu-male
If this is the definition:
Then I only share the physical characteristics of being skinny.
Mel has been..."dealt" with.
fucking love Mel Gibson
Work out? Work with your body? Read books that aren't written by contemporary media personalities? There's a lot of ways they all involve work.
Eat mostly vegetarian with sporadic meat, minimal grain.
What do you mean by minimal grain? Can I eat oatmeal, rolled oats? Rice? I know that the classic /fit/ meal is chicken breast with rice
Not with that beard they won't.
Seriously.. lift, eat tons of protein, work a manual labor job like construction or something, and get facial hair that works for you. It doesnt have to be a full wizard beard, just something that defines your jawline and says you can grow facial hair. If you have a good hairline get a hairdo from some actor and learn ot, if your hairline is fucked like mine buzz it off.
The kind of work you do will leave an imprint on your demeaner as well. If you are a kale chip eating pencil pusher you will show it.
Also wear rugged stuff that makes you look like you can get your hands dirty, but dont be too autistic about it. Jeans and tshirt will do. Workboots are also helpful if the situation calls for it.
Get a leather belt and wallet..not one of those cloth velcro pussy pouches.
Good luck. If you have to work a desk, lift hard and get a hobby like camping or something. You can tell a lot about a person by how they hold themselves.
Is cardio allowed? I love to run, I think endurance is very important. Will running make me lose gains?