So they just threw this entire foreshadowing into the fucking trash to make a movie with generic plotlines, cliche villains & more quips?
So they just threw this entire foreshadowing into the fucking trash to make a movie with generic plotlines...
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>more quips?
But you love quips, Marvel Moron.
Realistically this wouldn’t have come about until like a third Justice Leagie film
Snyder foreshadowed way too far ahead
Not really. I was positive this was the angle they were going for in the JL movie when I first saw this scene. They could've had Superman come back as evil (or confused) for the entire movie, while the team is getting their shit pushed in. They lose, Earth is fucked, etc. Superman comes back in JL2, joins the team & cleans house.
Bruce literally says in one of the trailers (cut from the movie):
"I had a dream once, that it was the end of the world..."
maybe they just never had a story to tell user
so, was he too soon?
what a clusterfuck this whole universe has been, blew their load and shit the bed too early and now none of this will be addressed now.
probably this too, they just threw a bunch of shit from the comics into the script that would confuse the casuals but impress the nerds and hope theyd have time later to flesh it out
It's just explaining Bruce's motivation. The movie is dogshit.
Who was that guy anyway? I know who Superman is and I know who Batman is (watched all their movies) but BvS just didn't make any sense at all.
This part was so fascinating because it’s nothing that’s ever been done before in capeshit.
but aou had a scene like that already? that scene where the avengers were mindfucked into seeing alternate universes. thor's vision was actually of the future, as we learn in thor 3
>wasn't seen in Ragnorak
What did they mean by this?
>Superman comes back in JL2, joins the team & cleans house.
But who would care at that point? It is already laughable for them to say superman was inspirational and important when all they showed him as was an overwhelmed mama's boy. One 'good deed' montage dosen't counteract the fact that all the destruction in all of his movies was in some way brought on by him being on earth.
That's so retarded not even Snyder would do it.
Man, I genuinly dont get the Man of Steel and BvS hate. I loved those films more than WW and JL. Seems like Im writing the most bait post there is, but Zachs dark and mature (?) direction with the first two were so good, atleast to me. I might be too retarded tho to see what everyone else dislikes.
>flash goes back in time right after bruce dies in the future
>too fast for supes so hes the last one of the good guys alive
kino desu
comic books really are pulling film down as an artform
I think the same, user. I know they' re hated, but I like 'em
because snyder is a hack who doesn't know how to tell a story coherently. MoS is great for the most part but still under developed. BvS is a complete shit show, despite having some kino moments. But that's snyder's problem, he focus on making kino moments rather than a kino whole.
> I might be too retarded tho
but mostly this
guise just give it time, we will get the movie we deserve, and that Flash scene will make a lot of sense
just be patient
Are you blind? No wonder nothing made sense if you can't see.
But why is bvs a shitshow? The story is literally about Batman trying to understand who Superman really is, can he be trusted etc. Im not saying its flawless, but the directors cut, atleast I think, makes a lot of sense and a good story
But they never explain who that was, or why Batman dreamed of him.
>batman dreams about evil supes
>flash told bruce that lois is the key
>lois is what stops clark from fighting the JL
No bait. I agree with you about BvS. I also liked Watchmen. t. someone who has never read a comic book in his life.
They also never explained why Zod and crew speak English.
But the director's cut was just for dvd. People's mind has been made up. It was trash and a good chunk of people wrote off DC. And didnt come back after JL reviews were bad. So it doesnt matter what BVS corrected in the dvd. It was too late and now they're paying for it.
bravo whedon, a true artiste. based snyder chose the right guy for the job.
you dumb fuck, this is what would've happened if Martha Kent had died
One movie earlier is "too early." On a serious note, they made a plan for the universe. Then WB got cold feet about the BvS runtime. Then they got cold feet after the reception to the butchered version of BvS and butchered Suicide Squad. Then they got cold feet about their plan and butchered JL. It's honestly a miracle they didn't mess with Patty Jenkins and Wonder Woman.
If WB had actually committed, things would have turned out better. The universe was already profitable. They built up a devoted cult fan base with the BvS ultimate cut and drew normies in with WW. But Tsujihara is a coward, apparently
and then it turns into a doomsday fight and the death of superman.
and again, it's because snyder doesn't know how to tell a story. When superman stops batman from chasing the bad guys, why does he do it? Why doesn't he go after the bad guys? Because snyder wanted a scene where batman crashes into superman and asks him if he bleeds
>Flash goes back to tell Bruce that Lois is the key
>They plan to resurrect superman
>Batman has a "big gun" just in case something goes wrong
>Superman wakes up angry and wants to fuck everything up
>Batman brings out the big gun, which is Lois
>Follows Flash's advice and avoids the future from his vision
It's not hard to work out.
That flash scene already makes sense, see here
You lot are way to personally invested in this.
omg you are right
thank you based zack
>Why doesn't he go after the bad guys?
Just because it doesn't show him follow them doesn't mean he didn't. He flies off, and would obviously go to catch the bad guys after having a chat with Batman.
Whats wrong with that? Most people here have invested tons of hours into reading about these characters. If you did the same, youd also a feel a bit of injustice if u felt they werent given the treatment they deserved
Its basic logic really
yeah that's nice and all, but I can see why you would defend this shit show movie. You're a retard that forgets that literally the next scene is of the bad guys unloading what they just escaped with.
he spoke ever language man has. did you not watch MOS?
Are you telling me Batman wouldn't have thought of that if El Flasho didn't tell him?
You people are forcing the whole "DC sucks" thing and it's painfully obvious.
well its true. they have no idea how to make everything fit
He might have, but if the future is fucked up and you can go back and tell someone the key to fixing it then you would.
No, I love the DCEU films. My point was only that its nothing wrong with being personally invested in a film
>forcing the whole "DC sucks" thing
More like acknowledging it
I had never thought of it that way, but godamn that makes sense
the parademons were on earth, and superman had just woken up "evil". Without Lois then Superman could very well have joined with them and fucked everything up.
Ah, to be a teenager again.
are you fucking retarded? you know the general audiance is not suppose to have to know that this guy is flash? You shoulden't even have to have to know who batman or superman is, that's the work of the film to explain to you their motives and personality. I shouldn't have to know on beforehand that this is flash and he's using the speed force to travel back in time
which even goes to show how insansly shitty b v s really is.
why is there a red guy in a suit warning batman? Wait was that also just a dream? Why is Batman having dreams about the future , is it the red guy making him do it? What is he anyway a superhero or a like a prophecy character of some sorts? Oh well i'm intrigued at least, the movie will probably explain it in a scene later in the movie, or at the very least give some ambiguous answer
not only that, the little people know of the flash, and I'm talking the general public here, is that he runs fast and that's it. They have no clue he can warp through shit and travel through time
When Clark is investigating the Batman cases in Gotham, people tell him about Batman torturing criminals, and the the "mean streak" he has in him, how they're all scared of him now. Superman basically is pissed at Batman for going into Punisher mode and being crazy and confronts him about it.
However it was cut from the theatrical version though, so in theaters it made absolutely no fucking sense and was literally a random scene where Superman intimidates Batman without any rhyme or reason to it. The theatrical cut really is a complete mess of and edit
I've watched the extended cut and it didn't help out any further. The theatrical cut gave enough indication of why superman wanted batman to stop.
It still doesn't fix that scene. Snyder is a shit story teller
>Movies have to answer every single question immediately
You know there's going to be sequels so some answers will be left until then.
But I get it. You're a baby who needs everything spoon fed to you right now otherwise you get confused and shit yourself because of your own stupidity.
Knightmare was a piece of shit scene that should never have existed. Only was there to pad the runtime and sequel bait, like that horrible scene where Gal Gadot watches the security cam footage of the other JL members.
I genuinely like Man of Steel. It's not perfect, but I think it's a good movie, and I think Henry Cavill is perfect as Superman. With BvS, I get the urge to rewatch it every now and again (I really like the dark and broody Snydervision, sue me), but then I remember Lex Luthor. Never before has an actor so thoroughly ruined a movie for me. Some of the worst casting/acting I've ever seen, so much so that it ruins the movie.
JL was alright, but I really wish WB would stop being a bunch of bitches and stick to their original plan for standing out compared to Marvel, and keep the movies a bit more serious instead of changing their mind after some backlash. Even if people continued to hate it, at the very least they could get some respect for trying to be different and having the integrity to stick with a plan instead of jumping ship at some criticism.
yeah B v S is a real masterpiece of subtlety. I mean screw eisenstein kubrick coteau jodorowsky, Snyder's latest capeshit blockbuster is where it's at, too bad it was 2complicated for me, mans a genius, god damn.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Snyder's work. The imagery is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of art history most of the visual cues will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Snyder's compassionate outlook, which is deftly woven into his cinematography - Snyder's personal philosophy draws heavily from The Holy Bible and Albrecht Dürer's works, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of Snyder's work, to realize that they're not just beautiful, taking hues and elements from the Lindisfarne Gospels - Snyder's work says something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Zach Snyder truly ARE simpletons - of course these are the same people who wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the religious allegories in Snyder's Superman films, which itself are a cryptic reference to the Passion and the Lamentation of Christ, all while deftly interworking the Book of Ruth, the Book of Jeremiah, and Saint Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica.
I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated rubes scratching their heads in confusion as Snyder's genius unfolds itself on the silver-screen. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I have seen Suckerpunch and have a poster in my room. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only, and even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
>Even if people continued to hate it, at the very least they could get some respect for trying to be different and having the integrity to stick with a plan instead of jumping ship at some criticism.
Integrity don’t make money, faggot. If the grimdark plan had resulted in box office success they would have stuck with it. The least grimdark one, Wonder Woman, is the only one that actually made money.
Doesn't look like Ezra's Barry Allen though.
Wally West maybe ?
>get some respect for trying to be different
failure should not be respected, regardless of intent
Who said anything about subtlety?
They asked questions intended to be answered in future films.
Hell, the thing you're complaining about is answered in BvS
>Hurrr how do I know who that is time traveling and shit!
Hmm I don't know, the lightning around him, and the lightning later seen around Flash in the CCTV footage isn't a big give away, right?
> never explained why Zod speak English
Are you dumb? They did explain it.
When? i don't remember
The scene when Zod speaks to whole world through TVs. He speaks the language that human's brain would understand. It's not just English
Oh yeah!
Thanks!! :*
stopped reading there
>stops reading when he encounters a word that's too hard for him to pronounce
poor guy
>When it's dark and rainy and people growl death threats at each other, that is intellectual and mature.
You have to be 18 to post here.
>So they just threw this entire foreshadowing into the fucking trash to make a movie with generic plotlines, cliche villains & more quips?
That shit hasn't happened yet.
That'll be for a future JL movie.
But not the next one.
That one will be Legion of Doom
It's okay user, with today's technological advancement, even retards may lead a full and happy life .