Half in the Bag: Justice League
We already had a thread about this YOU FFFFUCK
I loved the slide whistles throughout the review.
Not that much of substance was said during it though, I guess the movie was just too mediocre.
The biggest feeling I had was that one Jay briefly mentioned, namely the 'things just happen'. It felt like scenes randomly happening without anything connecting them. The movie could have really used a protagonist or at least some sort of unifying plot, instead it just goes from random scene to random scene, a lot of them just not being relevant at all. Commissioner Gordon was in one scene and then nothing. What was the point? What was the point of Mera?
How do I sexually assault Jay Bauman?
You're lucky we're not on Sup Forums right now:
it's dead already
*slide whistles intensify*
You rub your dick on him, while waiting in line at the gap.
only 50 posts left
who cares
this is the new thread
fuck the gods
tl;dr they liked it ironically
rlm are such phonies
Is it worth listening to? I don't like when they act douchey over a mediocre movie.
Rich clearly didn't ironically like it but hated it.
There is hardly anybody shopping in Gap, even in the midwest.
Rich hates everything. If you watch his video game show you'll realize that he's pretty much a miserable prick.
Back when I still watched these guys I was annoyed with how obnoxiously cynical he was. I like a little healthy cynicism, like Sup Forums generally has, but rich goes way too far.
Rich just thinks that hating everything makes him seem like an intelligent reviewer who's got refined taste, not the whiny manchild it really shows him as.
Is $4k ice flower joke is a commentary on a movie's budget?
More like reddit letter media sucks Joss Whedons dick for a half hour
good theory there
He's probably older than 95% of the Sup Forums. He's seen too many movies to accept mediocrity.
They point out which scenes are which, and that the levity is more fitting to the aesthetic. I wouldn't say that they suck his dick. Something being better than Snyder's nihilistic, edgy, grim-dark soup of blue/grey filters does not make that good.
>Waaaahh why aren't my comic book movies all bleak, dreary, and depressing
Notice how every single review that praises Justice League does so because it was 'fun'? You can thank Joss for not getting this movie completely obliterated by critics.
Mike liked some of it because he loves Schlock
Yeah dude fuck me for thinking not every single movie has to be a Disneyesque super hero action comedy. All movies should be the same right reddit!
>I, for one, love this film
Rich look more and more like an old man every episode?
If he lost weight he could play Kevin Spacey in the inevitable biopic.
Jay liked bits unironically but also didn’t enjoy the movie.
All men look more like old men as time passes.
And Rich is almost 40. That’s like 29 for women.
Colin is 45 and he still passes for early 30s.
why are they so lenient towards bad movies that aren't even worth talking about?
>Notice how every single review that praises Justice League does so because it was 'fun'? You can thank Joss for not getting this movie completely obliterated by critics.
you mean the same (((''reviewers''))) that are made up of legions of manchildren, nu males and morons with no experience or education of film whatsoever
oh yeah, we should listen to those guys on le epic tomatometer
This is the second most expensive movie of all time. It's kinda relevant to the industry.
too bad these fuck faces will love star wars
Yeah, I remember all that praise they lavished on Rogue One.
bump watching it now, you guys. See you later
When Jay was listing sex perverts what was the name of the person who got bleeped out?
It was just a joke about how there’s a new celebrity being outed so often that they can’t even keep up.
Max Landis
>Star Wars as hookers
>the Force is female
holy fucking shit the absolute madman
It was his own name. Jay was confessing.
Steven Spielberg
Donald Trump
He didn't want to offend your delicate sensibilities.
great more capeshit
those allegations aren't new though.
How many little boys did Max molest?
>spend the entire video shitting on BvS and essentially praising this while trying to make it seem like they're shitting on it
Colin is gay so his eternal youth must come from daily cum baths.
So do you just decide what you’re going to complain about before watching their videos and then do so regardless of how incorrect you are?
not every movie has to be a Disneyesque super hero action comedy, they just have to not suck
you are asperger's confirmed btw just based on your taste and the way you talk
>Mike says it’s so terrible that it’s entertaining
>Rich says it’s worthless and a waste of time
>Jay says it’s a horrible mish mash of two movies that don’t work together and doesn’t recommend it
Manlets age well. Look at Jay.
My friend is 6 years older than me, but I'm 6'1'' and he is like 5'8 or something, makes him look 10 years younger.
>"That scene was obviously Joss Whedon"
>It was a Snyder scene they were talking about
>"It was so obvious the cgi over the moustache in that Superman versus Justice League fight! I spotted it right away"
>It wasn't a scene where Cavill's face was touched by CGI
Jesus, I'm now wondering if their other Half in the Bag videos have as many mistakes when they're shit-talking about the movie they just watched. I get that they don't like the majority of DC movies for a number of reasons, but c'mon.
how the fuck is that how you interpreted the review
A chopper full.
Jay specifically says the scene where Superman fights the JL was not CGI lip Cavill.
There’s at least one user in this thread that is misrepresenting the review. I’m not sure what their goal is considering anyone can watch the video and see they’re just making stuff up m
>people who shitpost on Sup Forums are smarter and have better taste than professional film reviewers.
I don't like rotten tomatoes either, but get a hold of yourself user.
they've only seen the movie once and probably don't think too much about it until they have to make the review.
>that numale face on the right
>I'll have a soft boiled clitoris
>waah I hate BvS because it's dark and edgy
>waah I hate Justice League because it's not dark and edgy
He specifically says the opposite, go watch it again. He uses the pic from the fight multiple times to exemplify the face CGI, but that scene had no face CGI.
the non dark and edgy parts were the ones they liked though
Ironically, as Mike said.
yeah, because they were all a mess with mismatching tone
>That attention span
Well I guess I know why fags like Synder movies, there's something nice to look at, and when the your brain starts to notice the plot is retarded there's a fight scene.
you're the only one waahing here
Its funny how Rich specifically wore a capeshit shirt for the review and he had to wear overalls for the skit that covered it up.
Their complaint about JL wasn’t that it wasn’t dark and edgy, retard.
Who is shielding Max Landis? Why is he getting off scot free when so many men who have committed lesser crimes have gone down?
everyone who threatens to expose him dies in a freak helicopter accident
I saw Max Landis at a bar in LA
There was a comedian doing an act that involved asking the crowd to make wishes, and Landis made some cringy ass wish about "climate justice and racial equality" or something. Really instantly sucked the funny out of the room.
The ice joke wasn't worth the cost, hassle and cleanup required
Yeah because freezing water is pretty expensive
"I can't be an abuser! Look how much of an SJW I am!"
Yeah, Max, everybody totally believes you...
yeah, because that's the pic floating around the Internet, but it's the wrong pic.
They cost around $80, was the joke worth &80 to you?
They're using the pic that's become a meme, you fucking autist.
That's bullshit, but I believe it.
>DC movies are bad because they aren't like Marvel movies
> Justice League is bad because it is like a Marvel movie
Why is Sup Forums literally the only board with working mods?
So they're going to fucking trash The Last Jedi, right? They've been building up to it for a while now. If it's anything less than stellar they're gonna torch it.
No they'll just "ironically" shill it
cuck together~
do you think Rich actually carved that flower at the end?
This is an anime website. Every other board is just a containment board.
are you kidding. these manchildren loved TFA, which was utter shit.
they will suck tlj's dick.
They clearly just have it in a cheap plastic bin. Fill the bin with water, put in freezer. That did not cost then $80, moron.
It's hard to tell. They shit on TFA all the way to release, but then kinda liked it, so anything can happen with TLJ.
They also panned Rogue One, been backtracking on their prase of TFA and have been predicting the Han Solo film will be a disaster. Its really up in the air what their thoughts on TLJ will be.
That became a meme because people think it has face CGI, Jay specifically says the face CGI "looks like that meme image throughout the movie" in one of his tweets.
- cost of bin
- cost of water
- cost of electricity to run the freezer
- cost of repairing the water damage to vcr and wooden table