Is this the end of my friend simulator?
Is this the end of my friend simulator?
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>soy boy media going after alpha woods
fake news. i don't see that tweet.
>taking james woods seriously
If true, Woods has sued before over stuff like this. Some random twitter user joked that he snorted cocaine and he sued. The defendant tried to use California's anti-SLAPP law (designes to prevent rich people from squelching free speech) but on the face of it, the claim was false and the defendant likely believed the claim was false. So the judge wouldn't allow the anti-SLAPP defense and Woods won.
However, Mike and Jay have an excellent defense under anti-SLAPP law. They are a satirical show, and even if it wasn't a joke, there are public accusations against Woods that make it reasonable to believe that he is a sex pervert.
The way anti-SLAPP law is written means that lawyers would be happy to work on contingency for RLM as they'd get a shot at suing Woods for millions (and winning).
>accusations against Woods that make it reasonable to believe that he is a sex pervert
Feminist insanity has no legal basis.
If Family Guy didn't get sued for making a joke about him fucking his cousin, they probably won't get sued over this.
>ask for excessively zealous and unquestioning comitment to it's leader
>Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged and even punished
>The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel
What is "Trump and his propaganda network"?
He's gone too far this time, Sup Forums, how are we going to take him down?
He's friends with seth and he plays himself as a character every few years
yes... YES! reddit leddit memedia and the cancer they spread on Sup Forums must be destroyed. i hope their fucking families are eating out of trash cans for the rest of their life
he clarly isn't a sex pervert
he is actually a cannibal
>the left thinking that a tu quoque is anywhere near a good argument
Kek. Fuck off, soy boy.
>little bit of bants
wtf is wrong with americans
>if Fox didn't get sued for a joke our mom and pop internet reviewers will surely be safe
I would be surprised if they could even afford lawyers
Rule number 3 - SJWs always project.
Daily reminder that these are the people who use soyboy, cuck, nu-male and alpha/beta on Sup Forums everyday.
Don't use the default paint font next time
>What is "Trump and his propaganda network"?
Are you comparing Anita Sarkeesian with Donald Trump?
Both sides are terrible. I just want the asteroid to hit already. Death to fascists, death to communists, death to Videodrome. Long live the new flesh.
but Sup Forums told me he was /ourguy/
technically it works here
the mighty anglo, everyone!
Hope it's true, fucking hate those tasteless hacks.
How the fuck is he /ourguy/? He's bullying people with his massive amount of wealth for even an indirect reference.
It's a clear symptom of a deeply sick society.
Nobody smart fucks with Woods cause they know he punches back 10 times harder.
cuz he triggers le libtards xD PRAIS KEK
is this your new cool word?
This tweet isn't real.
imagine being such a soyboy you get bullied by some movie reviewers on the internet
James Woods is a faggot. As are all people who threaten litigation over jokes and insults.
He's a plain ole cuck. Ironic coming from someone that seems to argue against "snowflakes" all the time. Such soft skin.
He's made other similar tweets though. And he did sue the shit out of someone for a joke.
>Alright Mr. Woods, tell me, in your own words, what Mr. Bauman and Mr. Stoklasa did to warrant this suit.
>They made fun of me on the internet!
shagiloo my fellow kekistani!!1
>comparing FOX to 3 autistic youtubers
why is he so afraid of jokes?
what is he running from?
that's a big guy
Implying. Speakers imply, listeners infer.
>anti white subhuman calling others soy boys
>equating the fascists to the SJW
The fascists are literally a fantasy. They have no significant power anywhere, even trump is a israel supporting guy. Meanwhile, the SJW control the media and the universities. There is only one group of people that have been increasing racial tensions in the country, and it's not the fascists, they so far have only been reacting to the SJW
Sup Forums can't meme for shit
They called him a pervert at a time when actors are being hit with sexual assault allegations left and right. I think Woods is a has-been idiot who just tweets political bullshit for attention, but he doesn't deserve to have his life ruined if he's actually innocent.
But the problem with his "hope they have a good lawyer" need to prove malice or deliberate falsehood when it comes to libel/slander, under the English common law system that the US is a part of. Unless Woods can prove that RLM deliberately wanted to hurt him when they said that he's a sex pervert there's really nothing he can do.
>>anti white
Given your post and the one you responded to, there's just more and more legitimacy being added to the people who are genuinely anti-white.
HOLY FUCK get me out of america!!!!!!!!!
look how upset the leftypol shill is getting
god damn, jay was really right about Sup Forums
goblins can't meme
*when it comes to libel/slander FOR A PUBLIC FIGURE
Forgot to add that part
>the 56% face is real
>there's just more and more legitimacy being added to the people who are genuinely anti-white.
this is what boot licking leftist subhuman actually believe
>that was five years ago
You have no idea Jay.
>this is what the anti white shill looks like
and that the baby is a literal goblin
HAHAHAHAA u really triggerd that libcuck! hail trump and maga!
guess the right just can't meme without getting upset and crying about someone being mad lol
Yeah but he’s already been paid by that guy anyway.
Christ, Woods is a cunt. Of course Sup Forums will rush to his defense because muh ebin brave Republican voters.
His armor reminds me of Juni in Spy Kids 3.
that guy on the right might very well be a capeshit supervillain in the future.
He deleted it due to the backlash.
>there's really nothing he can do
Bullshit. He has the money and power to embroil them in a massive legal case. Even if they are ultimately justified, he could bankrupt them long before that becomes clear. Unsurprisingly, the rich guy in a higher social position wins shit like this.
There are deliberate tactics you can undertake to get this result, as well. You can turn legal proceedings into a war of attrition, if you know the other person isn't wealthy. By delaying every response, putting off every date, and generally being a shit, you're guaranteed to make the other person rack up lawyer fees. They either crumble under them or just manage to rise to the occasion.
I know it's a meme YouTube channel, but exactly that happened to H3H3 and they were getting raped in legal costs.
>Mfw the pure races get mad
Mixed is the future
>anti white
Reddit was a mistake
Me in the middle.
why are you leftypol shills so upset that I'm not an anti white cuck like you?
>reddit show
Daily reminder that these are the powerful white men that use soyboy, alpha, cuck, and numale on a daily basis.
Somebody please show me an archive if he deleted it.
kek woods is still triggered by that poker guy calling him out.
You don't really get it.
By spamming pictures of pathetic white men, you're just making it very easy for people to be anti-white.
Fake just like Wood's tweet
>the absolute state of Amerifat trash
yeah u tell em brother! KILL ALL LIBTARDS!! PRAISE KEKE AND MAGA!!!!!
holy shit lmao this really upset those soyboys
what a snowflake
thought I hope he does, I hate RLM
didnt know james woods was a creep, what has he done to warrant being a punchline of a rape joke?
>leave the defense of Mister Woods and Daddy Trump's honor to me!
>RLM fans are huge soyboys
why am I not surprised?
>when the soy kicks in
It's fake, you idiots. Woods would know better than to try to sue satirical comments anyway.
Leftists aren't white
>106 results
this SOYBOY must be unemployed!
>Leftists aren't white
americans aren't white.