>whoa obvious cg looks like shit like n64 lol
Literally can't fucking tell.
Not that I give a shit about dumb ass hero movies but sigh, people just like to be proud of themselves for seeing the proverbial zipper on the costume and overstating it.
>whoa obvious cg looks like shit like n64 lol
Literally can't fucking tell.
Not that I give a shit about dumb ass hero movies but sigh, people just like to be proud of themselves for seeing the proverbial zipper on the costume and overstating it.
Other urls found in this thread:
It looks off
All you retards haven't even seen the movie. It looks nothing like this, the angle of the phone that was used to take picture has distorted the image.
They took his beard off.
Just watched it, and couldn't tell.
>It looks nothing like this
you are right it looks worse
this looks much worse. OP's pic just looks like a weird expression courtesy of cavill's shitty acting
so why didn't they just make superman have a beard for the reshoots?
It wouldn't have been that jarring since he's superman, he can shave and regrow his facial hair in a matter of hours
What Super Nintendo Entertainment Systemâ„¢ game is this
>posts shitty pixelated cam footage as evidence
Why do people keep confusing bad quality footage as cgi? This scene wasn't even reshot in the first place.
like fucking 70 percent of these fucking movies are cgi nowadays
Fucking try-hards
That scene in the OP doesn't feature face CGI though, if you wanna shitpost, get the intro scene or the flash race one instead.
this was a whedon scene you DCuck
It isn't, it's a Snyder scene, we have test footage of that scene in early making of videos. That scene doesn't feature face CGI.
Whos the idiot at WB who allowed thr mustache story to run. They could have easily binded cavill to shut the fuck up about it and maybe 200 people on the planet would have noticed lol
>video camera footage of superman talking about hope
Marvelfags are getting desperate, huh?
just watched this a couple of hours ago. not really noticeable on the big screen
> le funny scene with quips
> not whedon
well I guess Zaddy is just a hack then
Reading isn't your strongest skill?
Let me break it down into simple terms. There wasn't any quips in the very first scene.
post some webms please, where awakened Supes wrecks the entire JL
It wasn't a quip, it only had a call back to BvS. Zack said the movie wouldn't be as dark as BvS from the start, it doesn't mean he added quips. Do you even know what quips are?
>yet another snyderfag jerking off to pictures of cavill's non existent upper lip, trying desperately to convince himself everything is okay
> cavills vampire mouth
> "do you bleed"
> "ugh something is definitely bleeding."
> not a whedon reshoot.
I don't even understand DC defenders. I would think you'd jump at the chance to put the blame on anyone but Zaddy
just watched it a couple of minutes ago, definitely the weakest film out of Snyder's trilogy. I'm a huge fan of Snyder btw but this just felt flat.
- Didn't feel a huge stake in all of the fighting. Didn't really made me care about that Russian family though
- Horrible pacing. BvS pacing was because it was gutted, this one felt pasted and fast forwarded just to move to the ending.
- Gal Gadot's horrible horrible acting. Who the fuck thought of giving her so much screentime? WW worked since Pine carried her, this one I felt like I want to bang my head on the chair everytime she spoke.
- Post Credit scenes. This one is definitely Whedon's. Snyder doesn't do post credit scenes.
- Batman's quip was bad
= Cavill's face looked fine. The editted face was'nt really noticeable
= I really wish Cyborg's story was given more screentime, he really needed the background story
= Once Superman manhandled Step, it didn't really felt there was any danger in the movie
+ Superman BTFOing JL was awesome
+ Aquaman sitting on the rope was funny
+ Flash's quippy character was funny
Overall it was pretty ok movie. Quite weak for a team up movie though
Maybe because you got proven wrong, dumbass?
>clearly didn't watch the film
>doesn't know how reshoots work
>doesn't know how to quote properly
>Reddit spacing
Not a DC defender as I hate all capeshit, but you need to go back.
> damage control
Jesus christ.
Who the fuck approved this CG?
Wow, does it really look like THAT in the movie?
It doesn't look that bad, It's a merchant tactic to distract people from the worst thing in the film - the terrible acting of KIKE Gal Gadot.
Gal Gadot's acting is so fucking horrible I wanted to claw my eyes out. and she has so much screentime ffs
>Not that I give a shit about dumb ass hero movies
>Makes another fucking thread about this dumb shit
Here faggot, watch this and I DARE YOU to tell me you can't see what's wrong.
>How was being dead?
Jesus Christ, Whedon...
Post more webms
>I haven't seen the movie but I'll defend this anyway
You need to see it in motion you stupid DCfuckboi. It looks hilariously stupid.
his top lip doesn't move
bravo whedon
>this attempt at self-referential humor
Jesus christ DC can't get anymore out of touch
>Flash is a faggy soyboy
>Aquaman is a fucking annoying bro
>Affleck seems like he's so fucking disgusted with the movie he doesn't even want to be there
>Also he looks fat as fuck in the bat suit
>Everybody looks like a graceless fucking hunk of immobility
>sound track was uninspired
>there was no reason for bruce to buy the entire bank - he could have easily just bought the Kent's foreclosed farm
This movie is fucking bad, and CG is the least of its problems.
This scene isnt CGI'd dumb unthinking fa/tv/irgins
>superman's new power is to randomly change the size of his mouth
you got to be fucking kidding me
i ignored all the shitposts so far but that's fucking terrible man now i'm mad
fantastic acting
literally looks like faceapp senpai
He is a quipping machine now, just like Batman.
I guess he is your Superman now, huh dccucks?
You trashed Man of Steel for this, so you deserve this outcome.
Jeeeesus. Is being Affleck suffering or what?
What's the point of a secret identity if that bitch is going to spoil it?
>repeatedly gets btfo
>lol you're just mad!
It ain't even summer yet.
>Not that I give a shit about dumb ass hero movies but sigh
DC shills are hilarious, go back to Sup Forumsmblr
Man of Steel was the best superhero movie, I never talked shit about it. I never asked for this.
This is fucking terrible. Embarrassing.
It goes from being okay, to being terrible, and then back and forth and back and forth.
Unironically the best scene in the movie
Yeah this looks fucked but that close up everyone posts looks perfectly fine in the movie.
>Wonder Woman = Jew
>Flash = Jew
>Superman = Fag
>literally copied from Xmen Apocalypse
Literally copied from half in the bag
So they just straight up copied off Xmen apocalypse?
Holy fuck that cyborg looks so bad
Why did he catch her by that strap and not her neck, not PG enough?
t. /r/DC_CINEMATIC poster
While this photo does look like shit, im going to reserve judgement until I see a webm of it. Photos can be taken at the worst time and it might not reflect the quality of the scene.
Yeah this part was fucking awesome. Especially since it's before seeing Flash's normal running movement.
I just saw it in theaters. My opinion:
The only scene that looks really bad is in the intro, taking place before Supes' death. This is the one where the entire bottom of his face looks fucked up. Some other scenes might look a little off, but I think you have no know about the moustache thing to even notice it.
Friendly reminder of the state of DC shills
I still don't understand why he couldn't shave the damn stach
It's so stupid
Yep. Marvelcucks need any reason to hate.
(CAPTCHA: that's a penis!)
Can someone give me context on why Superman is fighting against the JL? I have no intention of seeing this movie ever
It was for contractual reasons with Paramount, do you really think he, as a young actor, has the power to demand a studio like WB to spend millions, 3 months before release, to CGI his face because of vanity? Do you think he enjoyed looking like crap for some scenes in a high profile movie just to keep a moustache?
He was a bit crazy after being resurrected.
He died in BvS, they restored him in this movie and he's discombobulated. Cyborg's auto-defense systems form a cannon and attack him, which starts the battle.
He's disoriented after being ressurrected, his mind and powers are all messed up, and Cyborg shoots him because the mother box, an alien tech item that helped Superman wake up, takes control of him for a few seconds. Superman is evil for like 5 minutes only.
look everyone, our """"hero""""
Does anyone have the Tom and Jerry meme of Supes floating?
His entire face looks fucked up. Jesus DCucks get over it.
No CGI in his face in that scene, try again next time, my friend.
holy shit lmao
i agreed with OP until I saw this, jesus christ what the fuck
Nigga just got them wisdom teeth removed god damn.
Litereally two different scenes. Lighting changed, people behind Ben moved around, ben's hair is different. Man this was a shitshow.
This wasnt a moustache removed scene you dope.
Mother box was assuming direct control, his systems were fresking out, he had to interface with it to help ressurrect Superman.
sure thing
What point are you trying to make? We know the Superman v JL fight has no face cgi and that the new corn field scene does.
Aquaman raped Martha
who thought people give a shit abour cyborg? should have been martian manhunter or like literally anyone else. why a nigger? oh... gotta get those sjw ticket sales.
This is the worse so far.