False Sup Forums related facts

Rumors that normies believe and you hate

>Walt Disney didn't hate jews, he employed the Sherman Brothers and several other Jewish people as long as they were talented

>He hated Unions though
>and Communist

Other urls found in this thread:


Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

>Doug TenNapel is a horrible person!!!

>Stan Lee deserves as much credit as Kirby, Ditko, Everett etc...

Really grinds my gears.

>Disney didn't hate the Jews

Yes goy all a misunderstanding

>Hated unions and communists

>implying stan lee didn't create the lion's share of everything

said the man the man in Washington, it belongs to the poor
said the man in the Vatican, it belongs to God
said the main in Moscow, it belongs to everyone

i REJECTED those answers, instead i chose something different, i chose the IMPOSSIBLE, i chose DISNEY WORLD!

He was no more anti-Semitic than everyone else at the time.

Bioshock is a fun game.

if he's not racist, how do you explain this with his own copyright on it?
check mate.

Walt Disney was a straight up G

Walt Disney has always been friends to the Basketball American community

Look at Song of the South

>he's not anti-semitic
>he's got a couple of jewish employees

Sounds legit

>>Walt Disney didn't hate jews

But he didn't.
I think I even read something saying that he wouldn't mind if Jewish people took over the company.

He hated socialists?
I don't even care if he hated jews, he's already cool.

Normies don't know who those people are.

Normie level: All Lee!
Reactionary level: All the artists!
The truth: Collaboration drove the silver age of Marvel to incredible heights.

>He hated Unions though
>and Communist
He was born in the 1900's and lived through both Red Scares which would spread paranoia around the very basics of socialism in American society.

Add that plus he grew up to be an entrepreneur and would later on create one of the largest corporations on the whole planet, you can understand the prejudice.

>Hated unions

Can't see why anyone would hate unions unless they are rich and trying to exploit workers, like Disney the evil bag of shit. If you make less than half a million a year and hate unions you are straight up fucking retarded.

This is where it starts.

Then somebody goes off on how unions exploit workers.

Everyone can understand the prejudice against commies.
They are one of the worst cancers of humanity.
No one will judge Walt for that.

While I can understand what you're getting at you also got to understand some context of the time period he lived. America was until the point he was basically born a laissez faire government, until the Progressive Movement help shape way the rights of workers and more government control in companies. It was something we take for granted but it was a new thing the government decided to try out since the gap between the rich and the poor was so huge and monopolies started taking over government influences

Then the Bolshevik Revolution happened. People heard about the war and violence and it rebrought back some fears people had about socialism. Like America's new more socialist esc. policies, communism was a brand new economic and social theory that the Ruskee's was testing about. Because of this many unions and socialist actually decided to convert to full on communism as they believed it the best form of government on paper.

What ultimately set of the paranoia against socialism and communism was string of terrorist attacks from anarchists and communists against politicians. After that unions, communists and any form of socialist viewpoint had the bad reputation of being completely anti-American and terroristic.

Walt Disney doing drive-bys with people dressed as Mickey and Donald when?

Lee deserves credit, though. Whether Sup Forums likes it or not, he did have some great ideas and did make pathways for talented guys like Ditko, Kirby, and Romita to utilize.

I think unions and antitrust laws serve a legitimate purpose. Some people think that completely unrestrained capitalism with no government regulation will simply work itself out to the benefit of everyone because there's no innate benefit in fucking someone over, but I think that's wishful thinking. Much as communism is, in practice.

There has to be some fucking regulation. I'd rather not get to the point where CEO Bossman is hiring Pinkertons to rough up workers because they're tired of getting paid in company coupons.

Hating the idea of a union is stupid. But there are some shitty unions out there.

Like teachers unions.

Too bad infinite tried to be contrevertial and 2DEEP4U

I liked Infinite. It was entertaining, and I followed the story easily enough.

I can see why it would trigger those with strong Sup Forums sentiment. The Vox Populi weren't all they were cracked up to be, which I thought was an interesting twist. And I also why they'd love Rapture and much of the sentiment in Bioshock.

I was just about to make a thread about this because some idiots are talking about it in some Star vs thread.

The man didn't hate jews,

Everyone's hated the Jews at some point

The first one only.

Where did "Walt Disney is anti-semitic" even come from? I don't remember ever reading anything that suggested it, just him firing suspected communists during the Red Scare. I don't remember anything in any of his works that suggested it either. What started this rumor? Did people misunderstand Der Fuhrer's Face?

Fuck, that image reminded me of the Dinseyland area in Kingdom of Loathing where you could fight a preserved "Wart Dinsey" brain in a bioshock-esque suit.

God I never knew a game about clicking boxes and looking at stick figures could make me feel nostalgia like this...

Pretty much this people tend to exploit the fuck out of any situation they're in especially unregulated capitilism regulation exist for a reason

this makes me crack up every time

Bioshock 2 had a lot going for it despite some major flaws. It probably has the best morality system of all the games and frankly better then many others, gameplay was objectively better as switching back and forth from Plasmids and your weapon felt clucnky and it had a lot of great characters. Communistic Lamb was a great contrast to Ryan's Laizze Faire Capitalism and Sinclair was an absolute bro.

I'd at the very least say it's a hell of a lot better then Infinite.

You are correct, which is why exploitation of workers is wrong and illegal. However once you protect the rights of workers through the federal government, unions cease to be important. In the modern 21st century, workers unions have exploded into bureaucracies with no interest but to pay their own union dues and support an unworking, unhelpful, useless upperclass of 'managers' and 'party leaders', as with all socialist bullshit pushed by the government.

This is, however, off topic to the thread. So stop talking about it

My problem was that it had a ton of ideas that were either half-assed or unfinished. Infinite with another year of development and less focus on arena shooting could have been 10/10

>Batman created by Bob Kane

LEE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING HE STOLE IT ALL is the contrarian moron answer.

Lee DOES deserve as much credit as those artists because the Silver Age Marvel creations were collaborations of which Lee was a vital part.

I get that you're reacting against Lee's fame and normies worshipping him, but he fully deserves equal credit.

Is Bob Kane the greatest hack of all time?

Here's a really interesting discussion on AskHistorians (yes I know REEEE reddit) on this topic that's pretty informative:


The real answer seems to be that Disney himself was not any more personally anti-Semitic than society in general at the time, but that he also enthusiastically embraced anti-Semites and anti-Semitic policies of others and did things like inviting infamous Nazi director Leni Riefenstahl to tour his studios when she came to the US which was controversial even at the time.

They also discuss two early formative instances in Disney's career that made him into a ruthless businessman and vehemently anti-union, both of which coincidentally involved Jews. Some of those Jews and other disgruntled employees would later make claims of anti-Semitism against Disney, and he did employ outspoken anti-Semites like Ben Sharpsteen (seriously, with a name like that...) whose views were later conflated with Disney's.

I've only played Infinite and I enjoyed it. Solid 6.5/10. Wouldn't bother with a replay, though.

i riked it but i can 100% understand all the criticisms aimed at it, i legitimately think the great evironments are a big part of the reason why i enjoyed it so much, the first time you see columbia is just breathtaking

He doesn't force his beliefs on others the way liberals do. He's an evangelical, though, so he must be bad!!!

He's not anti-Semitic in the way that MATTERS.
t. Jew

Yup. I miss old Hollywood.

Yes but he was a smart motherfucker. He fucked Finger well and good and locked up the Batman credit with DC.

Anyone looking to get into the mainstream comic business should take a business course or at least read up on business and basic contracts because the companies can and will try to fuck you out of everything they can. There's a long history going back to literally the very first superhero of people being screwed, and even earlier in the proto-comic pulps.

>The Vox Populi weren't all they were cracked up to be, which I thought was an interesting twist.
Then after leftist pressure, they retconned it in the DLC so that Fitzroy was being forced to threaten that kid by the Luteces.

We'll likely never really know what his thought process was, since we can't ask the old codger himself. Unless someone finds his secret wish diary or something.

Sounds to me though like he was just an opportunist. Not Pro or Anti-Jew; just Pro-Walt Disney.

>sometimes anti-semitism is OK

t. Hitler/Trump

well it shows he wasnt completely anti-semitic, atleast not irrationally so

compare that to the nazis, which forced people like einstein out of the country, worse yet, they tried to push the "aryan physics" movement, which rejected einstein theories despite the fact everyone knew they were most likely 100% correct

in short they hated jews so much they made themselves dumber as a result, atleast waltie new better than shooting himself in the foot

he atleast wasnt anti-semitic to the point it fucked up his business, thats more you can say about some other people back in the day

Yeah, that does seem to be the case. There's another good AskHistorians thread I can't find but explains how the anti-Semitic legend grew.

It's basically a mix of slander by ex-employees, facts like the Riefenstahl meeting, and rumors getting repeated and inflated over time. Plus Disney's self-cultivated image as "Mr. Homespun Americana" makes a juicy target for scandal even if it's not true, and many people/companies have jumped on that.

That doesn't redeem the Vox at all. It barely even redeems Daisy! She just wanted to make Comstock suffer no matter what and was willing to die for the promise of that happening. Which it did.

That scene made enough sense to me. I thought it was weird that she suddenly wanted to murder his kid like some kind of loledgy psychopath, when she could just smoke Fink and be done with it. The rest of the Vox proved themselves to be bloodthirsty rioters whatever Fitzroy's motivations were.

The Luteces couldn't force anyone to do anything.

Holy shit, how is "not discriminating against Jews in any meaningful capacity" NOT ENOUGH?

You know why. By today's standard, if you aren't actively champion for the rights of some maligned group, then you're one of the oppressors. "You are either with us, or you're against us."

Yeah, and that generational gap in science severely impeded Germany's development after the war, while other countries like the US profited off the scientists who left.

Well first off, just because he hires some jews doesn't mean he holds them to equal standards.

Second, he's still a bigot. Which is, and always be, immoral.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>Sup Forums is not tumblr
hate this

Bob was basically the ultimate Jew with Batman he fucked over Finger well enough no one associates Batman with Bill

It's funny how modern society walks on eggshells around jews and then doesn't give a fuck when Israel gets shat on constantly by the UN.

Bioshock 2's biggest weakness was the opening levels cause it was mostly the same stuff we'd already seen in the first one, minus the finesse. Everything from the flooded art gallery onwards is gorgeous though.
And Minerva's den is a goddamn masterpiece. That recording at the end hit me so hard.

I was answering his question. Did you quote the wrong post?

I hate that so much.

>Second, he's still a bigot.
Why do you say that?

How hurt was Disney with the Universal deal? It seemed like he really liked Oswald to the point where he made a note about it years later.

So what about the memo from Disney himself on how women aren't allowed to make cartoons, because they were inferior & better at doing what they're told?

>and Communist
Which is the real reason Hollywood hates him.

Bioshock 2 was fucking great gameplay wise I'd say it's the strongest out of the three playing as a fully upgraded big daddy by the end felt OPfeels exactly as it should like your a tank with legs story wise lamb idealism bring complete opposite spectrum as Ryan's was great and seeing her daughter actually change depending on your choices it was a hell of a lot better than infinitie "sci-fi" shit ending plus Eleanor was a much better character than big tits Elizabeth

Yea he worked to root out the red sympathizers.

Better dead than red rabble rabble

>Better dead than red
>he doesn't know that this phrase is an ironic twist on the now-forgotten pro-communist phrase/threat "better red than dead".

The reference is still valid. But thank you for that bit of historical context, nonetheless.

>pay union dues
get fired for bullshit anyway

He had many jewish employees. He also left the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals explicitly because the organization was anti-semitic.

He also only hated unions later in life or in the animation industry, as he had previously argued with his father in support of the workers at his father's factory unionizing.

From one of his spurned employees. Snopes has since removed the article, but they had one extensively covering the matter.

yeah and his hatred of unions and communists actually had a good reason behind it, since they caused a strike in the early 40's that crippled the studio for months(and it was less him hating the idea of unions, and more through personal experience that Unions could end up being led by assholes who ruin things for everyone, as was the case with the union that was involved with the strike)

otherwise in most respects Walt was probably one of the most ethical men in the entertainment industry's history

from morons trying to create negative aspects to Walt that weren't there, cause the flaws he did have weren't the kind that make for good tabloid headlines or standup comedy routines

unfortunately we can't although I'd say the Bob Thomas written biography is about as close as possible(only real deviance from the truth in it is hiding the fact that Sharon Disney was adopted and not Walt's biological daughter)

>did things like inviting infamous Nazi director Leni Riefenstahl to tour his studios when she came to the US which was controversial even at the time.
as it's mentioned in that very link, it was Riefenstahl who asked to come to the studio, not Walt asking her(and Walt would later disavow her visit since he didn't fully realize her connections to the German government at the time)

it heavily informed almost every aspect of how he operated from then on, leading him to be insistent on fully owning everything he made

not true at all, women were involved with animation at his studio from pretty much the beginning(his wife Lilian even started out working at the studio before she and Walt started dating), heck Walt loved women dearly, as shown with his relationship with his wife and his daughters(as well as his secretaries and nurse)

Y'all ever work at one of the parks? 'cause the last time I heard such an impassioned defense of Walt was when I was talking to someone that had spent a lot of time working at Disney World. Not that that's bad, he was a really cool dude. Quick to correct people on Disney history, though.

most people that actually work at the park want to be there and love Disney, it makes sense in that regard

the idea of a person "putting in hours" would clash with the image Disney likes to have for their parks so you hire really impassioned people who love working there to make the atmosphere more memorable

That is 100% true, not a rumor at all.

This. Lee definitely deserves credit, moreso on the business end of things. The artists are the real talent, but they wouldn't have been able to do their work without Lee.

>implying Walt didn't hate Jews

Hmmm, they guy who was personally screwed over by jews, almost to the point of bankruptcy in in early career in an era were is was more normal than not to hold prejudiced against jews, did not in fact hate jews. After all, he ~employed~ them, you can't hate people you employ.

Fuck off Disney shill, Walt isn't your fucking perfect father. He was a normal person with views from his time period.

so you didn't read any of the thread, huh?

I totally agree with you user
the man was a man with dreams. a wish to bring happiness to people everywhere, whether jew or not all he cared about was how disney would go down in history as the place where dreams come true.

Hey idiot, I don't care about your shitty thread, I only care about the lie you put forward in the OP pretending that Disney wasn't anti-Semitic.

You fucking losers with daddy issues project Walt into some kind of perfect being with modern progressive values.

op is not a faggot

you forgot to ree

"Steve Ditko left Spider-Man because he disagreed with Stan Lee over the Green Goblin's identity."

This one is false because by that point, Ditko was doing the plotting himself, and Stan once confirmed that he was letting Ditko plot the stories by himself, back in January 1966 interview in the New York Herald Tribune. And Ditko himself confirmed he always intended Osborn to be the Green Goblin.

>"Aquaman is gay and useless because his powers don't work on land"
>"Superman has too many powers to be interesting"
>"Batman wins every fight and always has infinite prep time"

>Hitler didn't hate jews, he employed the Werner Goldberg and several other Jewish people as long as they were talented

>yeah and his hatred of unions and communists actually had a good reason behind it, since they caused a strike in the early 40's that crippled the studio for months(and it was less him hating the idea of unions, and more through personal experience that Unions could end up being led by assholes who ruin things for everyone, as was the case with the union that was involved with the strike)

Pic related

Honest-to-God, I think it's because people think he looks like Hitler.

>Duuuh, a man from the '40s with a mustache? It's Hitler!

Infinite was absolute shit and I will never understand how so many people like it better than Bioshock 2, let alone the original.

>2 weapon limit
>Vigors are plasmids by another name
>Enemies lack personality of Splicers
>Colombia is extremely bland compared to rapture
>Psuedo-science bullshit used to explain glaring plotholes and no consistency in the whole "infinite worlds" concept
>Villains are shit
>Booker and Elizabeth are the only decent characters
>That whole clusterfuck of an ending that needs a complicated chart to understand
>Songbird being completely fucking wasted

It's such a shame too, you can see it change gradually over the dev cycle into the squandered shit we got. Infinite really had some great concepts behind it that either got completely dropped or changed to the point it's negligible.

Unions often just become organized price fixing criminals, either in collusion with corporations to keep wages low or artificially inflate them and fuck over all non union employees

I have a soft spot for 2 and think the gameplay is an overall improvement but I can't help be a bit disappointed when it was one of the first games I started following regularly up from release, especially with that bullshit delay. I think what they did to Big Sister was the worst, you can tell from the opening moments that they had some pretty great ideas for her but after that she just becomes another mook to stomp. There's also a a veritable cornucopia of cut ideas that would have been fucking great had they actually been used, especially some of the more "out there" stuff they wanted to do with Rapture and Splicers considering the timeskip. As is, there's still the great stuff you mentioned but there's still that nagging feeling that cool have been better.

However, this guy is right that Minerva's Den was pretty damn great. It's story and characters were simply impeccable.

Eh, Lee's concepts were good but his scripts were fucking shit
his true genius was shilling. He took the company to heights it never could have reached without him for sure. He also had a great Eye for talent. He's one of the all time great jews. When Ike Perlmutter took over he tried to get Lee to slash his salary. At the end of the meeting Lee had gotten himself a raise, and gotten his wife a pension. Never try to outjew Stan Lee.

>Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?
The problem is when he think he is entitled to the seat of the brow of other people.

If that's how you feel, then you could have been a vital part of Rapture. Err, I mean Epcot.

>Unions often just become organized price fixing criminals, either in collusion with corporations to keep wages low or artificially inflate them and fuck over all non union employees

If that's the case, then companies are just organized price fixing criminals too. Where are your statistics exactly?

The point of a union is to protect its workers. If a union fucks over non-union employees, guess what? That's your problem. Try joining a union if you don't like it, retard.

In a truly free market economy, unions will be as free as companies, because they are how the common worker controls the price and terms of labour. Without unions, the common worker is fucked, because you have virtually 0 bargaining power as an individual.