What is his best movie Sup Forums?
What is his best movie Sup Forums?
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Bottle rocket
Royal Tennenbaums.
Darjeeling Limited is underrated af, though.
Hard to choose, but for me, Life Aquatic
Also an acceptable opinion
>Prime Gwyneth Paltrow
>That Luke Wilson suicide scene
>That OST
The Royal Tenenbaums is the GOAT Wes Anderson movie
The Life Aquatic is the comfiest
he hasn't done anything remotely good since Rushmore
I know that Sup Forums just use Rotten Tomatoes to troll capeshit, but how can a site recommend GhostBusters 2016 and Thor 2 and not Darjeeling Limited? That movie is extraordinary.
I'm always shifting through all his movies to find my favourite, but Grand Budapest Hotel seems to be his magus opus.
At least until his new movie comes out
rushmore or royal tenenbaums
The Life Aquatic with Moonrise Kingdom as a close second. Anyone who disagrees is tasteless.
Life Aquatic > tenebaums > Darjeeling > Moonrise > Rushmore > Bottle Rocket > Budapest
>The Life Aquatic > Moonrise Kingdom > Fantastic Mr. Fox > The Darjeeling Limited > Bottle Rocket >The Royal Tenenbaums > Rushmore > The Grand Budapest Hotel
the Royal Tenenbaums
the "I'm going to kill myself tomorrow" is one of the most iconic scenes for me
It hasn't come out yet.
Isle of Dogs
Rushmore and Tenenbaums. Something about these two feel more in touch with reality.
Patrician taste.
The best director alive today. Hasn't a fucking oscar but the faggot who did lalaland has two
Thw world is fucked
this. exactly this.
The " i wonder if he remembers me" at the end of Life Aquatic kills me everytime
Grand Budapest
>shitting on Grand Budapest simply because it's Wes' most famous work
As is Sup Forums's tradition....
No one is shitting on it though.
great taste
shit taste
I don't understand anyone who says life aquatic is his best, I find it kinda boring
Give it a second chance. In some point it will click on you.
what's your favorite?
The Royal Tenenbaums, Life Aquatic, Grand Budapest Hotel.
~ The Definitive Ranking of Wes Anderson's Films ~
#1 ~ Moonrise Kingdom
#2 ~ Rushmore
#3 ~ The Royal Tenenbaums
#4 ~ The Life Aquatic
#5 ~ Bottle Rocket
#6 ~ The Darjeeling Limited
#7 ~ The Grand Budapest Hotel
#8 ~ Fantastic Mr. Fox
darjeeling is his best movie
Rushmore and The Royal Tenenbaums should be a bit higher and Bottle Rocket should be last but solid list.
This. Bottle rocket is too rough compared to his other films.
It's great, but you can really tell that he was still working out his style and vision.
Rushmore is where he really started to get it right, and from there it has kind of built up.
Although Grand Budapest (even though I love it) became a little over saturated and could have been toned back a bit.
Moonrise, Darjeeling a close second
How would a Wes Anderson comic book movie be?
All his movies are 10/10
If I had to only pick one I'd go with Life Aquatic
>fantastic mr fox on bottom
mmmmm that fucking ending scene with the slow mo dancing and sparklers and "i wiiish that I knew what I know nooooowwwww"
so good
Agreed. Easily my favourite of his films, why does everyone shit on it? It's incredibly good and Owen Wilson in his prime
Life Aquatic> Royal> Fox> Moonrise> Budapest> Rushmore> Darjeeling> Bottle Rocket
Darjeeling is one of Wes' more precious films which has always been a problem for him but was at least somewhat tempered when he wrote with Owen Wilson. However Darjeeling was co-written with Schwartzman and Coppola who exacerbated Wes' cutesyness Also the orientalism in Darjeeling is a bit much what with Francois, Peter and Jack burying a dead Indian boy and all.
Yes, another one of Wes' flaws is his tendency towards sterility and artificiality. This unfortunate impulse is less noticeable in his films that have human actors but was glaringly obvious with the puppets.
>objective rankings of Wes Anderson films
Also I should clarify, the reason why Moonrise Kingdom is Anderson's best film is because it is about childhood in New England. Wes' aesthetic is extremely childlike as well as being quintessentially WASPy and both these idiosyncrasies lend themselves well to Moonrise Kingdom's subject matter. Whether you love or hate Wes' style at least it feels completely natural in Moonrise which is why it is his best film.
This is the only right answer.
When people say they don't like the quirky artiness of wes anderson I recommend bottle rocket, the acting and humor is perfect. Feels much more grounded in reality and subtle compared to his other stuff
>its a Sup Forums hates on the grand Budapest hotel because its popular episode
The best scene
>Owen Wilson in his prime
it always makes me sad when people point out the first movie an actor was in and say that was them in their prime
>i'm not always as confident as I look
That line always makes me smile
I bet you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson.
Life Aquatic, the underwater scenes alone make it my favourite
As long as Life Aquatic and Moonrise are at the top and Grand Budapest is last I am happy
All of his films are GOAT now fuck off
i just remembered that bottle rocket has luke wilson falling in love with that spanish-speaking maid and goddamn i love that movie. It's so hard to rate wes anderson's stuff cause it's all so good