What kind of films do Nu-males watch with their wives?
What kind of films do Nu-males watch with their wives?
whatever their wives bulls pick out, of course
Blade Runner 2049
anything by jews
Amelie and capeshit.
None of you are chads. Please stop.
so their wives can fantasize about evans, momoa fucking them
you just know that numales gf is fucking black guys on the side
he deserves it for being such a soyboy and not being redpilled about women
if only she was with a real man like me who would raise beautiful aryan children to further the white race
chick flicks
Seriously who is this brunette fluiddruid
underrated post
so everything?
>Seriously who is this brunette fluiddruid
probably just some meme girl.
>In this house we do geek
rick and morty, and any other film that reddit tries to praise, really. after all, their site has a huge cuck community
i can easily tell youre a salty leftist trying to mimic an alt-rightist. hey dumbass, not everyone who likes to pick on faggots like you is a Sup Forumsack or from r/The Donald
>i can easily tell youre a salty leftist trying to mimic an alt-rightist
Fucking Sherlock Holmes over here.
>not everyone who likes to pick on faggots like you is a Sup Forumsack or from r/The Donald
True, but only redpilled people unironically use the term nu-male. Same thing with soyboy and cuck.
I go there occasionally for some pretty good amateur porn, that or r/hotwife.
I'm not a fan of their weird obsession with negroes and cages. It's weird.
Being a bull would be cool for a bit, but I have a feeling that the women start to get clingy and desperate to leave the soyboy husbands
Yeah, no, sweaty. Not by the standard of reddit's nsfw subs by a long shot.
you Sup Forums dudes are literally obsessed with black guys
Most Sup Forumsacks are black/brown
Stop looking like a retard by saying "nu-males" and "red pilled". You end up looking like the asshole to anyone over 25. Don't be the piece of shit in your group.
k, yeah but even you have to admit that that guy was being a little bitch
also the new term "soyboy" is just stupid and a reddit thing and it should stay there where it belongs
That's a weak Sup Forums impression. Jesus Christ, this board and Sup Forums as a whole, including Sup Forums, has turned into a complete shithole after going mainstream. The election was the worst thing that happened to us.
I know you kids like to dip your feet in politics but you end up looking dumber and ruining your ideologies in process. So grow up more, and shut the fuck up until you don't sound like a gaping asshole.
Not /mlp/. We're still good.
/mlpol/ was fun :(
pic related is your retarded people, just fuck off back there
okay soyboys
The fuck does that even mean? You still have braces, don't you?
What was this? r/cuckold meetup?
hate to admit it but /mlpol/ did actually clear the whole board of leftist jew kike shills and redditors for a day. in fact now that i think about it i wouldnt mind if that happened again
why are americans so fattttttttttttttttttttttttttt
The Dark Soy Rises
jokes on you, I never had braces
>ywn save that homely qt in grey from white trash america
oh, im pretty sure its just a regular reddit meetup
That chick behind the sea behemoth in the red shirt is hot
You people come from the poor caste of America. You've become the programmable human flesh of Billionaires.
You're not even people anymore. You just devices that rich people program now. Your lives are as slave or worse.
Your parents couldn't afford it. I knew that when I typed it.
the landwhale in the gray shirt making that autistic face with the black kid? dude thats just sinking low to the bottom of the barrel
everyone in that pic is a healthy weight
brother and sister needed braces, I just needed a retainer
>nigger kike faggot
Looks like Idubbbz has a new catchphrase
Uhh...That's her normal face.
you think that hamplanet is a qt? are you american
But you're absolutely from a southern state, right?
I can’t even tell if shit like this is bait any more
i was making it look like the bitch he was talking about was a qt in his opinion. how stupid can you be?
canada sucks
Jesus Christ, so you're local human garbage. Oh well. No wonder we have shitty outliers.
You're the Kathleen Wynne of being a shitty Canadian.
so I'm doing a terrible job and should be forced out of being a shitty canadian?
no one cares what you do.
>people don't like being called soyboys this much
Numales aren't very successful with women. In general women like guys who are assertive and have a muscular build. Average looking and any guys don't succeed much. Also, why would anyone even get married these days? Almost everyone cheats.
numales that are able to get girls often have guys on the side and know that the faggots that they are dating are okay with it. LA is full of these examples unfortunately ive heard one too many of these stories at the nail salon that i work at
It's soul crushing to realize that almost all people cheat. I don't even understand why anyone would even date. I see married coworkers and I just think how almost all of them cheat.
sidereal rated post
>someone was able to get an erection, insert it into this creature, and keep it up long enough to climax