is it kino?
Is it kino?
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Adam's fucking shit, stav is ok and nick is the only reason it's worth listening to
stav is a retarded suck up who's only on the show because he cackles at nick's jokes
adam usually sucks but at least he's not an actual retard
Is this kino?
>ywn have sex with Nick
whatever man this shits boring who cares
Wrong, stav occasionally actually makes a joke/participates, you could replace Adam with any annoying retard and it'd be the exact same, his only purpose is a punching bag for the group.
mullen is too good looking to be a successful comic. he probably swims in brooklyn hipster open mic pussy and it makes me jealous as hell. otherwise he’s funny and i hate it.
Yeah I bet he does well but he's a manlet so there's that
adam is cute though
Yes, but they should replace either The Fat Rat or Erin with Tim Dillion
he's like 5'6" dude theres no way
I just started listening to legion of skanks and cum town. Literally Sup Forums the podcasts
>Legion of Skanks
Big Jay is hilarious but they all look and act like early 00s retards that unironically listen to Limp Bizkit and Creed
>it's an edgy unfunny faggot internet "comedy" group
amazed that any cunt over the age of 20 enjoys these
is that anthony fantano?
Most people on this board are fucking 14 year old latinos just look at all the marvel threads
hell yeah bitch
yep, bravo mods, only thing Sup Forums has been good for for the past 3-5 years is shitposting.
Why is this still up zerosugar? Are redditors paying you?
>stop liking things that I don't like
>stop enjoying dumb edgy humour, even though I'm on Sup Forums doing the same thing.
you're just a bug bitch yo
whatever man this shit's boring who cares
have you seen the replies to the shanter tweets? Most of these guys are probably underage which is why they get so upset like
my man
my man aint listenin
fuck off underage cunt
>it's a Nick is on coke after a sleepless week of Hollywood pedophile research episode
>the goatest shit right here
Probably their best episode.
Buy an ad, soyboy
which episode was it? i just started listening
Its the most recent premium episode.
I can't tell when Nick is being ironic about doing coke or he is actually doing coke.
you can find a mediafire of the premium episodes somewhere. the last few regular episodes all talk about it too.
The charlie sheen rant was AMAZING
link to all the premium streams
dont pay these idiots any more money
No Nick and Adam especially do shitloads of coke, often on mic.
Nick is kino
>tfw it's Nick himself who posts premium eps to file sharing services
Fuck you I'm going to pay them more money
adam is the one swimming in puss
>tfw the boys mention your Dan Nainan bane video
does this mean lauren southern is related now or does it upset liberal redditors like OP so no?
you can post basic "white" girls on Sup Forums any time u want. joe rogan is allowed here and i don't think Sup Forums allows podcasts.
you're a pedo shanevader, hope you get shanked in prison
shes just as related as your reddit friends and unlike them shes kino
Shane getting outed as a pedo and then getting a shoutout on an episode released that same day is podkino
it was funny but they're still a pos
Bring back gerby gomo
she needed a Jewish ghost writer for a 200-word book
>Sup Forums is promoting "edgy" leftist pods now
this place has changed
I've been on Sup Forums for six years, before you Sup Forumsniggers ruined the place fuck off
Sup Forumsedditors*
note how this all sort of spam started after the invasion
lmao these cucks are so buttmad that no one even slightly right of center is even remotely funny
I'll take Abatap spamming over these race-baiting faggots any day.
MDE is far funnier than these faggots though.
Fuck off Sam you're the one who bailed being on the pod your healthcare deprived cuck
Sam likes cumtown though, he's friends with Nick and was gonna go on if not for scheduling shit
Even though he is handsome Nick is unironically an autistic manlet. Adam actually fucks
Did he do that? fucking based
Oh, shame because cumtown is filthy frank-tier.
sam go on cum town
Nick has been in a stable relationship for the entire length of the show, Adam keeps getting cucked by Brooklyn hipster jewesses
and nick is miserable and adam seems to be pretty happy
With who, give me a name
That was before sam tweeted about he was glad Heather Heyer died and all the Sup Forums shit on his twitter
I really hope he does because he would own those cucks and half their fan base would eat themselves for having him on
Sup Forums has been invaded by reddit leftists from Sup Forums and Sup Forums that don't realize Sup Forums is and always has been our sister board even before they became a board
who /ralph/ here
is this you?
have you ever listened to an episode?
Sam has been tweeting Sup Forums shit forever and was banned for it a year ago, Charlottesville was a few months ago.
and I know all about their parents leftist pasts and their friendships with the literal socialists SJWs at CTH
>those liked videos
why am i even asking it is you
are you under 18?
Big if true
i don't even have a comment on that video, lmao
what is this reaching
He tweets from another account now
>parents leftist pasts
What the fuck are you talking about? Who gives a shit. Just listen to the fucking podcast and go from there.
you'll be a good example to show hiro why we need /film/ and for it to actually stay up. thanks mid 2010s Sup Forums Sup Forumsedditor
>team coco
lmao fucking loser
Yes, I'm saying they've always known he's alt-right.
>Bill maher the nigger guy
wow what comedy, so impressive
Pod is funny if you are a leftist who thinks a couple of surface level race jokes are edgy as fuck
MDE and the Daily Shoah pod are WAY better
> he likes a comedy podacast
> he couldn't possibly just not be a cynical fuck like the rest of Sup Forums
fuck you guys me and all my classmates love the cumboys
I'm going back to r/cumtown
I miss Seth.
real comedy is repeating pol comments to brooklyn hipsters
>Daily Shoah
fuck off brainlet chud
>Daily Shoah
featuring top tier talents like Baked Alaska and felons, the real comedians
Clown Prince of the Alt Right
Political orientation really doesn't have shit to do with anything on CumTown. Outside of the few times they bitched about cops its pretty apolitical. The problem here is you don't want apolitical, you want shit that agrees with your dumbass beliefs.
The President of DSA
pizza gate israel
cum town is hilarious I just discovered it recently great shit
this is explains why the thread is being babysat
zerosugar is a libcuck
Literally the twitter of podcasts you mean.
>The problem here is you don't want apolitical, you want shit that agrees with your dumbass beliefs.
People that are actually redpilled on race and gender make better jokes because they don't have to walk on eggshells around topics
Give me the most raunchy edgy thing the cumbois ever said and I can post a something from the Daily Shoah this month that will top it
Lol nick going full pizzagate was a dream come true
>Outside of the few times they bitched about cops
lmao, are they all 16 years old?
The place changed in 2012 when reddit moved in and all the pedophiles and tripfags moved out.
Up to you whether that's a good change or a bad change.