You see, Norm. Atheists are stupid because a God has to exist in order for you to believe in Him...

>You see, Norm. Atheists are stupid because a God has to exist in order for you to believe in Him. Therefore they believe God exists.

what did Tim mean by this?

Does this mean Peter Pan is real too?

this guy is a coke dealer who did time in prison, like 80% of wealthy male christians with that facial hair and over the age of 40

His actual quote to atheists was
>Well, there's gotta be a God for you to not believe in

tim "candyman" allen confirmed a fucking dumbass

>the state of r/atheism

To not see how you have to first affirm a belief system before you can deny it makes you pretty fucking stupid, to be honest. It's clear what he's saying even if you don't agree. Enjoy being a brainlet. Ignorance is bliss.

>A rich loner with half-baked ideas
you're blowing my mind OP
the real mindfuck is that anybody is stupid enough to take Sam Harris seriously, seeing as he never had a reputation to begin with

>"Yeah, Tim, that's great. You're right, you're absolutely right."
>"Now, one final question."

damn that was awkward

Guess he needed to 'home improve' that interview if you know what i mean

He wasn't talking about atheists, he was just talking about his stupid edgy daughter and how easy she was to BTFO

that story was clearly exaggerated

he claims his daughter was thrown by that comment but it was obvious she was just confused about why her father was making such autistic statements


I don't see a difference, I often win debates the same way

You thinking you won does not mean you won.

t. cuck

No, but the fact that you can think about Peter Pan is proof that God is real.

What if god isn't real and Peter Pan is?

then god is peter pan.

t. retard

That joke needed a home improvement

Tim is obviously just restating the Ontological argument in layman’s terms since, being so erudite and intelligent, he assumes his audience is familiar enough with this philosophical concept to not warrant a detailed explanation on his part. Tim has obviously committed many hours of deep study into the work of Alvin Platinga - and is in fact preparing a thesis on a new interpretation of St. Anselm’s writings as we speak.

when did /r/atheism spill over to Sup Forums

he should go back to making loud grunts


I wonder how he finds the time to write those ballsack jokes.

Based Big Cocaine layin it down on Moloch marks

>doesn't believe in a deity
>awfully talks about one more than anyone else

i was more annoyed by the candyman's smugness

>my daughter is an atheist
>one time i said this to her
>she was blown away at my argumentative prowess
>everyone clapped

It means he doesn't understand basic logic.

Only redditors have never been clapped at in real life before

Reminder that atheists are islamophobic anti-semites

Tides go in, tides go out, you can't explain that.

he flipped on his friends to avoid prison actually

still served a few years though

he was trying to say God as an idea exists even if you don't believe in the mystical part of it and it still influences your life as a westerner to the point that you couldn't come up with a rational reason to hate the church without huge hypothetical bs if it or he didn't

tim must have been cracking jokes all day long to avoid that sweet sweet butt rape.
Probably came out unscathed due to being a funny guy

Doesn't matter. Norm is obviously trolling him the entire interview