What can we learn from this movie?

what can we learn from this movie?

Literally the most outrageous concept for a movie ever

stop being a man child

25 years old here
never touched a female

The guy was legit happy before everything happened in that movie.

I bet after a couple of months, the roastie will dump him.

People will watch anything.

Sup Forums BTFO

also this

Last decent comedy ever made

It's better to have loved and lost than to be a virgin manchild user.

I was molested when I was 12. I wish I was a virgin again.


No you don't trust me. I'd rather have been molested my entire childhood than continue being a virgin.

Tfw scared of sex, kissing, touching etc
How do I solve this lads?

Me irl

You have hope until 40

The way I solved it (along with all of my social anxiety) was to slowly convince myself of my superiority and dehumanizing everyone else. So basically I became a narcissist and started not caring about what other people felt or thought.

Started having sex with random people because I was still worried about the gossiping that might happen in a social circle of people I knew. Then once I had enough practice I slowly lost those fears. The first one is the toughest, good luck.

>it's better to have loved and lost


better for who?

What's the point of doing it at 40 when we all know the beginning of being a permavirgin is 25?

25 year old former virgin with a micropenis, lost it 2 week ago when I was walking home drunk and ended up fucking a gypsy. Was in the shower the next morning for 2 hours. I would rather be a virgin till death if I could take that experience back.


You have hope until

Fucking a gypsy? How? Only gypsies I see where I live are beggars

Why? Was she nasty?

lmao can you imagine

This is a porno right?

It was dark and I was drunk and miserable, so at the time she looked alright. At least far better than your usual gypsy and not fat. Didn’t smell bad. But still a gypsy. A dirty fucking gypsy.
She was an Irish gypsy, not Romanian.
Anyways I want to kill myself even more now. Probably got AIDS now which will take all my gains away.

Pretty much a soft porno, C-tier budget college comedy. Didn't laugh once during the movie though

That's horseshit. Men doesn't have an expiration date until his dick stops working. Keep yourself neat and clean. Even if you're a sperg, one day that chad inside you will burst out and your only job is to let that out.

Don't let roasties and other losers tell you otherwise

How'd you manage to get her in bed with you? t. Sperg

I’m almost 34, I don’t understand what the big deal is. I don’t think anything is missing from my life.

I'm staying pure for my waifu

You know, being a virgin at fucking 40, usually means you lack in many other areas. Waiting possibly 40 years to bust a nut once, is not really something to aspire to.

that's a man baby

Male virgins are pathetic.

You've good taste, sir

Lucky you. The rest of us still have a sex drive, an itch we can't scratch. And then there's the lack of being able to connect with someone.

That when he started working on himself, and stopped thinking about pussy -- it happened. That's what you lonely anons need to do.

I still don't know what half of the sexual "positions" are in this movie.

Kek check your wallet user, there's no way that bitch only stole your virginity

I’ve never had a sex drive. I used to wish I had one so I could connect with people and understand their motivations and goals, but all my psychologists told me to accept who I am and stop thinking.

I'm not saying wait until 40. I'm just saying 25 isn't the end of the world.

Just shut your brain off and enjoy it lol

Was he happy? Was he really?
He couldn't relate to his male friends, people his age. He had fun on his own sure but was constantly dogged by his lack of romantic success, and ultimately unfulfilled.

This honestly
Like, I'm terrified that when I actually do get intimate with a woman I'll accidentally do something dumb or hurtful that would completely turn her off

She came into me, I said some shitty drunk jokes and she started getting handsy and kissing me and then we walked for about 2 mind to her (no joke) caravan where we fucked. I don’t remember if she saw my dick or not or what her reaction was. I lasted for about 6-8 minutes and then fingered her very poorly and left in an autistic rush(fell over by bins of another caravan and then ran home). I really hope she didn’t see my penis but she probably did, at least she didn’t feel it I guess.

This is correct. Turns out? Most people are not as empathetic as you think. All is fair in love and war, go out and get what you want.

I've had sex but I can't enjoy it because I get uneasy and anxious

You have a shit psychologist. There is clearly something very wrong with you to have no sexual drive. If it isn't a physical issue, then you have some deep psychological issues that are repressing your natural urges. If the psychologist you're seeing thinks you're healthy they're either an idiot, or they're trying to get "on your side" before starting the treatment.

He was actually quite lonely. Finding friends with similar hobbies would have been better for him. He would have had stories tell his co workers about what him and his friends got up to on the weekend and then they wouldn't think he was such a loser.

This is not one psychologist. Its 3 + a psychiatric nurse + 2 different general physicians + an endocrinologist.
There is nothing wrong with me. Although asexual is not a diagnosis, it is what I'm told I am. I don't like the word because I think like you do, that there is something wrong. But there is nothing anyone can do. So these days I don't really care anymore. There is no help to get anywhere anyhow.

Get a little drunk before sex... but not so drunk you for get the condom.

go back. Back. BACK.

The song at the end implied that having a working sex / love life made him much happier

Movies like this legit make me mad. Why can't people just do whatever the hell they want to do and be left alone?

>tfw so scared of sex I can't get hard around girls
Porn probably doesn't help either, I'm trying to quit but damn is it hard, specially when there isn't really anything in my life I value too highly. Doing a bunch of positive lifestyle shit over this Christmas period so hopefully I can fix up my broken mentality towards things and start building positive dynamics in my life

Imagine getting back to hers and not getting hard user. It's confidence shattering, at least you could perform.

Is anywhere he actually a virgin, over 25, and stopped trying? What other things do you live for? I'm asking seriously because I want to stop thinking that girls are supposed to make me happy.

>Is anywhere he actually a virgin, over 25, and stopped trying?

Yah tell that to the fucked up people dealing with ptsd due to being molested as kids you massive fucktard.

It was genius and literally the best new comedy at the time it was released.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

i'm 25 and a virgin but i am heavily friendzoned by a girl so i have that going for me

how to banter

Because settling down for an old roastie with kids is way better

>getting triggered over the word roastie.

You should go back your reddit safespace.

There's no evidence of that in the movie. He started to feel like shit AFTER his douchey coworkers made fun of him, before that he had a happy, fullfilling life.

>being this triggered

you are the one that needs to go back

reminder that fucking a hooker doesn't count towards losing your virginity.

All your base are belong to us.

I haven't seen this film, but as a Wraith, I can't imagine I'd find it humorous.

Me (well technically 23 but close enough). I have a social life and go places with friends every weekend, will soon get my dream career, and have a loving family. Only problem is I'm ugly and no girl has ever liked me past middle school, and I cringe too easily to approach any girl, so I'm left a virgin.


go for a hooker if they're legal in your country, preferably an asian who can't speak english/your lingo so you don't have to talk to them, that's how I lost mine

3 years for me.


Pretty simple. Don't have meaningless sex because society forces you to. Be yourself and find love. That's what makes sex worth it.


Sorry, user. I had my dick fondled by a gay guy while I was blacked out and it was the only experience like that I've had and it can make you feel so out of balance.

>27KV earlier this year
>cant take it anymore
>fuck whores regularly after experiencing sex for first time b/c it feels really good
>gets old after 6 months
>want girl to actually care about me now
knew this was going to happen, but not this fast goddamn

Please delete this, it's not funny

>Is anyone here actually really a virgin over 25

23, almost 24. I have a social life and friends I see every week, females included. I have a government job that pays well and info to the gym 5x a week. Not unfortunately hideous, and in fact I’ve had a pretty normal number of decent and even attractive females be interested in me. But every single time I think I’m about to finally score, I either fuck up tremendously or females realize how beta I am and lose interest. Or I’m so oblivious and trying not to look like a creepy harasser that I miss clear opportunities that only become apparent once it’s way too late. It’s the fucking worst. Sometimes I wish I was an ugly manlet monkey with a microdick because at least I’d have an excuse. But right now it literally feels like some super natural force is screwing me out of every opportunity I have.