Is this series worth watching?

Is this series worth watching?

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yes. its one of the best, if not THE best, animated shows ever made. art style, writing, storylines are all good.

>yes. its one of the best, if not THE best, animated shows ever made. art style, writing, storylines are all good.

Only if you like kino.

Superman is pretty great too

No it's dogshit and anyone that likes it is a massive retard.

I just want to see if people will read this spoiler because if you actually believe the shit above you're retarded.

Nigger this is the definitive Batman. It doesn't get better than this.

>he hasn't seen Justice League

DC Animated capeshit is the only capeshit.worth watching.

Uh...fuck yes?
Batman Beyond too.

absolutely. the music and art style are really unique, I love the intro cards to each episode

what are your favorite episodes? there are so many

>the one where the dude underground has the child thieves
>when alfred goes off to the spa place
>man bat episodes
>the one with all the villains talking about their batman stories

the true capekino, synder wishes he could produce such quality

the list of episodes i didn't like is shorter than the ones i do like.

i found anything with rhas algoul a bit boring.

This plus Mask of the Phantasm are the best adaptations of batman, ever.

Adam West Gray Ghost, GOAT Christmas Joker episode, Joker's favor, the one with the priest and the crimelord being childhood friends, the one where Batman keeps an eye on Leslie Tompkins because she helped him as a kid, and there's probably more I can't recall but Mask of Phantasm is the best movie.

Dark Knight is the end all be all of live action capeshit worth a damn despite me liking Baneposting and mods being retarded deleting threads then another fire rises to replace the last thread.

JL is trash you fucking shill

the man who killed batman
the gray ghost
that two face and mr. freeze episodes
the mask of the phantasm

I know everybody likes to suck Bruce Tim's dick, but Paul Dini needs some fellation too. Dini has a talent for getting right to the heart of a character.
Timm's stuff with Dini is always better than his stuff without Dini.

3rd season is kinda shakey after they retooled the animation and made it the Adventures of Batman & Robin, but they were trying to match the look of Superman: TAS so they could eventually spin off into JL/JLU.

Which made Harley fuck Nightwing and brap in batmobile?

>Harley fucks Nightwing instead of Bats when she clearly has a thing for Bats and Bruce in that one episode where she and Ivy escape

It is the Batman adaptation with the greatest Gotham City. It will never be bettered nor matched.

The only thing that comes close is the Batman and Robin game on the PSX.

I watched a few eps a while back and I was surprised how well it held up.

The newer animation season does have some gems, though. "Mean Seasons" is one of those episodes that nobody talks about but that I fucking love.

animated DC is true kinography

Very few things get to me like Heart of Ice or Baby Doll

Bruce Timm, Paul Dini didn't work on Batman and Harley. He was also the one who insisted on the Bruce/Barb subplot in The Killing Joke movie.

Knight had some problems like the overuse of batmobile and that "twist" but the Joker hallucinations were the best. Asylum trilogy will be hard to top if they make more Batman games.

Mike Mignola did the TAS design of Freeze as a favor to Timm.

>that episode where kids are telling Bat stories and Michael Ironside voiced Bat in TDKR segment

I was disappointed when it was Peter Weller for the actual adaptation but still pretty good regardless. Any hopes for Gotham by Gaslight?

It's a much-used phrase but that game WAS ahead of its time

Knight had many great ideas but it was let down by just being too busy and the setting felt weirdly claustrophobic, sadly I thought Knight was easily the worst of the trilogy

the best cartoon made

do i watch this or animated x-men?

if you mean 90s xmen (i dont even know if they made another once since)


>that 90s dvd only resolution
no thanks it looks like pixelated garbage now

Watch this. Animated Xmen is fine for its time but Batman is really fucking good still.

Some clunky episodes - mostly towards the start where they were trying to find their feet but when it gets good it gets really fucking good. So much shit was reimagined and introduced in the show that's now become standard for Batman

How did he get henchmen?

Watch this, Superman, Batman Beyond, JL and JLU

It's great.

X-Men isn't going to hold up as well IMO, I think the 90s Spider-Man might.

I never understood this. I'm a huge fan of all the DC animated series but Mask is just so obvious that it's boring.

Best Batman.
Best Joker.
Best everything.

>just learned harlequin was created by the show


they're both great

Jl and JLU are GOAT

>tfw no psycho gf to call you puddin'

very much. best Batman, best Joker, best Catwoman, best Robin, best Barbara, best Jim Gordon, best everything. New Adventures of Batman, which is kind of its sequel, is okay. you should also watch the Masked of the Phantasm movie.

also check out the Superman the animated series, THEN Justice League since the JL animated series picks up after the events of Superman's finale.

the X-Men TAS was good too and the first season of Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes was fun as fuck, though it doesn't have the depth of the Timmverse toons.

Static Shock is also comfy.

What a coincidence I just got all of BTAS.
Batman Beyond is good too.
Superman TAS is good too, especially the episodes where Batman comes.

I've never seen JLU but this clip makes me want to watch it too:

>Static Shock

oh hey, someone else actually saw this show. He shows up in Justice League Unlimited. It's pretty cool

This and Superman was my childhood.

Did a lot of the tragic villain stuff well. I can't remember how many times I ended up feeling bad for them and thinking they truly deserved to be helped. Not one of the capeshit movies has made me feel that.

That series is a fucking masterpiece.

>Criminals? Get twisted.
>He super hero gifted.
>Bell rings? Back to school.
>Nobody know what I do- -OKAY

What is the recommended viewing order of animated Batman after TAS?

I can still hear that song in my head.

I forgot how amazing some of those episodes were
They nailed heroes perfectly

Superman TAS and Justice League/JLU are better in quality overall, Batman TAS has a lot of great episodes but a lot of bad ones as well, whereas the other shows are more consistent.

Well, like people have said, Superman TAS, Justice League, and Justice League Unlimited are all in the same universe and build off each other (in that order). Batman Beyond is also in the same timeline (for lack of a better word) and is the most direct sequel to TAS.

90s spiderman is hyper ADD paced - impossible to watch.

yeah, the time travel episode. that was pretty good.


Batman TAS is the GOAT
Superman TAS is fucking great as well
Batman Beyond is the darkest of all the shows and it pays off
JL and JLU are fantastic
Static shock is nice
90's XMen series great
Wolverine and the Xmen is also good
Xmen evolution is alright
Spiderman TAS was great once they got the budget
Avengers: EMH is fantastic
Spectacular Spiderman was fantastic as well

Why does Batman cuck everyone?

>fucks Barbara
>Waller and Phantasm inseminate Terry's mom and Terry's dad raised his wife's son's
>Ra's steals Talia's body because he's a freak that probably wanted to fuck her or whatever his sick plan was and Bruce kisses him/her
>that episode where he trains with that Asian guy and his daughter then the other student gets pissed because Bruce cucked him
>cucks Superman in the crossover within days of meeting Lois
>probably fucks Zatanna

Who hasn't Bruce/Batman fucked?

>tfw this will be released in a modern resolution because they lost or destroyed all the film

Watch them in order Batman -> Superman -> Justice League.

This is a good watch. Put it on while you're working on something. Great music. Only 22 minutes. You'll be done with it before you know it. Then you'll move on to the rest of DCAU. It holds up. I consider it to be the best cartoon ever.

I assume you meant "never be released"? Actually there's a Blu-ray release coming next year.

Why did Ra's steal her body and kiss Batman? Was he gay or something? What if it went further?

He just wanted to be immortal. I rewatched that episode and forgot the twist. I love when that happens.

Then Batman Beyond

Go away you faggots.

t.retarded libtard marvel soiboi shill

Yeah but that's going to be a remaster. I don't expect it to look good.

what was bruce timm trying to accomplish? since the animated series he wanted to be edgy with the characters so much.

Is there any adaptation of Mr. Freeze that compares to the BAS version?

You make sure and post that in every capeshit thread and then come back to this thread. Even Sup Forums doesn't like capeshit spam like the shills here do.

they created the good version of Mr.Freeze the whole backstory with his wife didn't exist before BTAS

Asylum games

Only if you like Batman.

No. There are a few great episodes, maybe like 9 or 10 of them. The rest are pretty bad and have shit animation.

Don't waste your time watching the whole series, only watch the dozen or so episodes that were praised.

The Arkham games seem to play off his BTAS version, considering he's a villain but not in the same vein as the others like Cobblepot and Dent.

At least, he's reasonable up until his boss fight.

clayface 2 parter with ron perlman has the best animation
also i really enjoyed clock king, mad hatter, killer croc and scarface episodes

Have you been living in a cave?

superman the animated series > batman

that boss fight took me forever and then you still get fucked over immediately harley you bitch!

The part where Ra's switches to his original voice while still prancing around and flipping hair like a girl never failed to make me laugh

>Good origin story
>Great depiction of his depression
>Best Joker
>Best soundtrack
>Greatest scene of him donning the cowl for the first time
Absolutely kino.

he never got to fuck Wonder Woman.

>that boss fight took me forever
Same. I'm retarded af and couldn't find the last explosive gel location.

>>probably fucks Zatanna
There's no way, Zanna is pure.

>rewatch BTAS
>it's not as good as I remember

It seems like the animated movies/series are better than the live action ones.
Am I right about this? Which ones are worth watching?

From beginning to end? Due to the nature of the show, they have a quantity vs. quality production strategy. However, the best eps are amazing. Find a list of the best eps and watch them.

no, cartoons are never worth watching

if you mean the animated series by the same team, it was pretty damn good too.

way better than that shitty hodge podge mkvie out now.

is Batman a quipper in this?

nope, he's full detective mode

he has some memorable lines but is a rather silent protagonist.

Ivy gave me early boners

Well how long do you suppose he'd been in Talia's body by that point? Years? Decades? You can only spend so long in the body of a smoking hot woman before you start to take advantage of it. Even the most masculine of men would succumb.

you want quippy? i feel like this show doesn't get enough attention. i think alan hale plays batmite

>rewatch BTAS
>reach I've Got Batman in my Basement
>actually enjoy it

Hahaha life is good